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Android O is out and will be coming to many phones soon


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Android names their version after sweets and this one "O" stands for Oreo. It is already available for the Google brands. It will follow for the manufacturers listed below. Since mine is a Moto Z Play Droid, and they have already come out with the Moto Z Play Droid 2, I will see if Motorola still supports it.


"Android Oreo is here -- or, at least, it will be soon. Google's new mobile operating system got its official name yesterday, meaning it's just a matter of time before it rolls out to your phone.

How much time? That's the 64,000-cookie question. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Google-branded devices will be among the first in line. In fact, if you own a Google Nexus 5X ($309.99 at Amazon Marketplace), Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Pixel ($599.99 at Amazon.com), Pixel C ($645.95 at Amazon.com) or Pixel XL ($729.01 at Amazon.com), you don't have to wait any longer: You can get the Android 8.0 beta right now by signing up for the Android Beta Program.

Prefer to wait for the final, more stable, version of the OS? For now, the only timetable Google would commit to is "soon" -- whenever carrier testing is complete.

In the meantime, here's a list of the companies that will, by year's end, launch new devices running Oreo or upgrade existing models, CNET has confirmed:

  • Essential
  • General Mobile
  • HMD Global (makers of the new Nokia phones)
  • Huawei
  • HTC
  • Kyocera
  • Motorola
  • Samsung
  • Sharp
  • Sony"

A slideshow with all the new features is in the article here: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/when-will-my-phone-get-android-oreo/?ftag=CAD3c77551&bhid=20640562413884385817807471581031

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