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Need Speedometer Dip Switch settings for 2005 Holiday Rambler Navigator


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PLEASE, help!!! I'm not sure if I have this in the right place, but here is what I am praying someone can help me with. I had some dash work done at a campground by one of the "mobile" repair teams.  Basically, they replaced a couple of dash lights and repaired a worn wire going to my radio. However, when I drove out of the campground my speedometer went crazy is is reading about 50mph higher than I am actually going. I confirmed this with a GPS. This also effects my odo causing it to show i'm traveling many more miles than I am actually going. I contacted the repairman and they "claim" they didn't do anything near the speedometer or anything that might effect it...so they told me "not our problem." I'm guessing that maybe they accidentally hit one or more of the 12 dip switches on the back of the speedometer. I can't find any markings to id what brand or model speedometer I actually have. It's an 85mph speedo. I've been all over the web for hours and found several formulas, but require information I don't have along with the make and model of the speedometer. I'm praying someone has one of there rigs and is willing to tell me their settings, or someone has or can tell me where to find the settings.

God bless y'all,



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I have the formula for setting the switches on a Stewart-Warner 10 switch speedo head, but not for 12.the following is info you need,

Axle ratio

Tire revs per mile(ck tire manufacturer for that infi)

speedo pulses per mile-- PPM x AR X N(which should be 16 for SW heads

There is a table that uses PPM to set the switches.

if by chance you find you have a SW and use the info, I can take the PPM's and find your setting in the chart, just post and I will monitor.



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