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RVComfort.ZC Problem


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Have RV Comfort ZC wall mounted thermostat (series 9000) dual zone. For Zone 2 have code 1 10.

A/C for zone 2 tries to turn on, fan runs, the compressor starts, cools for serval minutes then shuts down and displays code 1 10. Seems to keep trying to turn on forever - I finally turn power off to zone 2 ac to stop, Zone 1 works fine. Service Manager at New Horizons suggested resetting thermostat by turning 12v supply off for 5 min. and back on - no luck. Any suggestions what to check next?

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I have the same thermostat in my MH but don't recognize your code 1 10. the normal error codes for mine are either double 0 or an E1 - E9. That same thermostat has been manufactured in many different vintages, so yours may have different error codes than mine.

But from your description, it sounds like one of your start or run capacitors may be bad.


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