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Phone Inductive Cradle applications

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Do the inductive cradles only work in an active (with amplifier) mode?


Going through the basements I found my old (5 years) amplifier/antenna which I haven't been where its needed for some time. Since we're in an area with adequate but not great coverage (4g LTE) I thought I'd see what I could see. Now I knew the amp wouldn't work as its non-LTE 850/1900. But the antenna has 700-2500 coverage and is mode independent so I hooked it up to the cradle, inserted phone and saw no difference in measured dbm signal strength. Were it a direct connection even without the amp I'd expect to see improvement but I don't know about the cradle - it may require a boost to work???


Is there a way to force my phone into a CDMA mode and would that change the band to 850/1900 from what I suspect is 700 (Verizon). Samsung Galaxy s4 only shows a LTE/CDMA.

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Do the inductive cradles only work in an active (with amplifier) mode?


Going through the basements I found my old (5 years) amplifier/antenna which I haven't been where its needed for some time. Since we're in an area with adequate but not great coverage (4g LTE) I thought I'd see what I could see. Now I knew the amp wouldn't work as its non-LTE 850/1900. But the antenna has 700-2500 coverage and is mode independent so I hooked it up to the cradle, inserted phone and saw no difference in measured dbm signal strength. Were it a direct connection even without the amp I'd expect to see improvement but I don't know about the cradle - it may require a boost to work???


Is there a way to force my phone into a CDMA mode and would that change the band to 850/1900 from what I suspect is 700 (Verizon). Samsung Galaxy s4 only shows a LTE/CDMA.

Induction cradles only work with amplifiers

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Proud Commercial Member #129 http://www.maximumsignal.net/

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