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Our new battery bank installed!


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Here is our new battery bank. It still needs a bit of "finish" work, but it's in and functional. 830 AH @ 24 volts, total capacity.

Two disconnects on the back wall, one for the 24 volt system, one for the 12 volt system and Vanner equalizer (mounted on the ceiling) to keep the banks equalized.




Butch & Fonda Williams, MCI MC9

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That looks nice but I'd add some blocking to keep them from sliding if you have a sudden stop or really big bump. Maybe just a couple lengths of 2" angle-iron?

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Thanks Stan, the driver's (near) side retainer, is part of the "finish work". They are up against the forward bulkhead, so there os no movement that way and the passenger (far) side, has a 1 foot or so high, wall, bolted to some 2 X 6 boards.



Butch & Fonda Williams, MCI MC9

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