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Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD)

Sandie & Jim

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For those of you who travel with dachshunds or any other breed that is susceptible to IVDD, I found a website filled with all the information you need. Please check out: http://www.dodgerslist.com/.


Both our girls are seniors and our oldest one often has back problems. She isn't paralyzed but I know that could also happen. So I've been trying to get lots of information "just in case" and hope I don't ever need to use it.



Sandie & Jim Dixon

Traveling with Scooter and Skittlez


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We had 2 doxies, one of whom had back problems. He had been confined to a cage for the first 7 years of his life. After the second episode in which he couldn't walk, but just dragged his hind legs, we started giving him a supplement. He never had another problem until he passed at 12 1/2 from congestive heart failure. It was from Drs Foster and Smith and I think it was what is now called the Joint Care 2 . I personally know one doxie that had not walked for a year. 3 months after starting the supplement he started walking and within 1 year was running again. His muscles had deteriorated and were weak so it took some time to get those built back up too. Of course the severity of the injury would play into that. We didn't let them jump up or down from furniture. Were careful about steps (only 3-4 steps) and never taught them to sit up on their hind legs using their backs for support to get a treat or something. They also need to be picked up correctly. It is heartbreaking when they are in pain and having a problem. Weight control helps too. We had a wonderful vet who would see us immediately if we walked in with Riley because of a back problem. He knew it was imperative to get meds in to stop swelling and help control nerve damage.

Pat DeJong

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