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Sandie & Jim

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Posts posted by Sandie & Jim

  1. Hey Dave - have you got your supply of breathing masks ready to wear? Hope you got some for Millie too. Watching the news it doesn't look good for that fire to be contained anytime soon. Glad you got your tank fixed and you're ready to go again.


    It's still raining up here in MT. That sure doesn't help those poor towns that have been flooded out. We are parked up high on the hillside so we don't have to worry about it but boy is the Yellowstone River really full.

  2. We had a couple of tornadoes touch down about 15 miles from us last night. Today is rain and windy. I sure do like reading good weather forecasts from all of you out there. But a lot of you aren't doing much better than we are. Sailbad - I sure hope you and Millie can breath. Poor Arizona is just going to burn up and seems to be trying to take New Mexico with her.


    Julie - we were at Cedar Springs Campground in Flaming Gorge a couple of weeks ago and it was really nice and quiet.


    Carol - I think north might be a good idea cause it sure seems to be hot and muggy down your way. Be careful of those storms though.


    Jeri - you guys aren't going to know what to do with yourselves when you're finally done with doctors. Sure hope all goes well.

  3. Mike and Deb - only six more days. That is so great. Just be sure you get out of there before that winter hits again.


    We are currently parked in the son's driveway and will be here for about a week and a half before we head up to Fork Peck on a fishing trip. The sun is shining it's in the 70's, no wind. Absolutely perfect. However, rain later this week. So I am enjoying today for all I'm worth.

  4. Steve - glad you got that tooth taken care of. I'm still not sure what's going on with mine. I have absolutely no pain anymore. It just went away. And Jim would love that car show. Too bad we're so far away. But he's sitting on the shores of the lake and has his fishing pole in the water so he's a happy camper. It really is gorgeous here especially with nobody else around. That could change later in the day since it is the week-end and the sun is shining.

  5. We couldn't let Jeri and Terry have all the waterfront property. We are sitting about ten feet from Lake De Smet near Buffalo, WY. It is so gorgeous here and there's only one other camper anywhere around. We were only going to stay one night but as beautiful as it is, we decided to stay two nights. Jim's been fishing - no catching yet but happily content. And I have internet. So I'm happy.

  6. Linda & Ed - we would gladly send you some of the wind that we've had here in Wyoming. We've had 60 mph gusts most of the day but the news report tonight is talking about flooding here also. They have 250% of snowpack and it's going to get warm almost overnight. Please stay safe and good luck with the campground.


    Now if we could figure out how to send some of this rain to NM and AZ.


    It has been a long time since we've heard from IYQ. Is there any other way we can get in touch with him?

  7. Carol - the flooding is all around Billings. But even if the Yellowstone was to flood at Billings, the kids live up in the heights and aren't anywhere near anything that would flood. However, we're still not sure when the roads are going to be open so we can get to Billings. Hopefully, it's going to dry up a little bit this week and we'll just hang around in the rain here in Wyoming and hope we don't get trapped here with the floods. I sure am looking forward to some warmer weather some day soon. Probably a good idea to just stay put for the week-end. The campground we're in here in Rawlins, only has two other rigs. The peace and quiet is sure nice.


    Did the prison tour today and found just a delightful bakery. Love these small town gems.


    Congrats to all the grandparents out there. Glad everybody is doing great.

  8. Yea - back to the land of the internet once again. We were in a National Forest campground at Flaming Gorge with no internet the last couple of night. Tonight we are in Rawlins, WY for the long week-end. The wind is howling - 46 mph gusts, steady at 35 to 40. Cold - 51 today, 34 tonight. The weather is supposed to be lousy all week-end. Rain/sleet, wind, etc. Wish you were with us. But I have the internet and electricity. I'm good to go.

  9. Steve and Paul - you guys get to shelter as soon as you hear a siren. And let us know as soon as you can when you are safe.


    We're in Dinosaur, CO tonight. After going over Douglas Pass today, Jim was beat and my nerves were shot. And then the wind came up. So we gave up on Flaming Gorge tonight and we'll head over there tomorrow morning. We're at the Visitor's Center parking lot. Works fine for tonight. Drove through rain and sleet today but at least it wasn't snow even though we saw some snow plows that were ready just in case.

  10. This might sound really picky (sorry) but could everyone remember to put the state abbreviation after the city so we inexperienced Canadians can have a feel for where you are. Thank you.


    Sorry Toni - I should have said Moab, UT. I always assume people know where I'm at, even I don't know. We're actually going to Flaming Gorge tomorrow (a slight change of plans) which is in both UT and WY. The weather just isn't really cooperating. Had a thunderstorm go through a little while ago. It's supposed to be raining tomorrow no matter which direction we go heading north. Jim refuses to let me turn around and go back to AZ.


    Steve, Jim may never speak to you again - or at least until you want him to go fishing with you. Good luck selling the Trailblazer. We couldn't find the ice cream machine here in this area so we had to buy Jim an ice cream cone. I couldn't take his whining any longer.

  11. The weather cooperated long enough yesterday for Jim and I to drive out to the Anticline Overlook which looks out over Canyonlands. It's about 60 miles from Moab which meant that we were about the only people out there. Not like at Arches. We got to just mosey along and stop at all the view points and wander the paths at our speed which is slow. It was really nice. Today is iffy about the weather. Maybe rain, maybe not. We head out tomorrow towards Price and up to Vernal. Not sure how far we're going yet. Suppose I should be thinking about Memorial Day week-end because we may end up who knows where without a reservation. Oh well.

  12. Jeri - that is great news about your daughter. No more having to fly back to the East Coast in the middle of winter. Yea!!!


    We had a great happy hour with Paul and Mary tonight and met some new friends, Sandy and John, Mike and Susan. This park is full of ATVs and four wheelers and all kinds of noisy "toys". Very interesting. Went to Arches National Park today and there must have been three million people there (slight exaggeration but not much). But the weather was beautiful and the Park is gorgeous.

  13. DANG MONTREAL !!!!!!!!! i think the NFL should go back to old school hockey,, the 1st 7 and thats it ?!!



    just need some info from every one as to what internet service they use on the road ,, AT&T, verizon,, sprint ?? does any one use millenicom services ?




    Mike - we have Verizon air card. Works great most of the time. A few places have such a weak signal I give up - or no signal at all like in Death Valley. But other than that, I am really happy with it.

  14. We're still in Panguitch (next to Bryce), where the sun is definitely not shining (well, to be fair, it's nighttime...) But it didn't shine today, either. Frozen rain (S***) a lot of the day, and up in Bryce, it was white. All of this week it's been on and off rain, but in spite of that it's great to be here. Mountains! Hills! Elevation! NO dust storms and constant high wind! Last week was great, though, and we hiked Bryce and Zion with my sons, who apparently took the good weather with them when they went back east. Incidentally, one of my sons explained the name of this town (Panguitch) as a contraction of "penguin sandwich". This raised more questions...


    Sure wish you guys would have kept your rain to yourselves. We had a few moments of sunshine and then your rain showed up very uninvited. Raining again this morning. Hope there's a museum or something we can do indoors today. Tomorrow is supposed to be almost sunny. Yea.

  15. We arrived in scenic Moab yesterday for two weeks of fun. We'll have to hold off on the exploring for a day or so as we've had rain off and on today and more on the docket for tonight. We've had some wind, too. But, nothing at all like Santa Fe!


    We're looking forward to meeting up with Jim and Sandie here. When can we expect to see you two?


    Safe travels to all!



    We will be there tomorrow afternoon. I am so looking forward to a reliable internet signal. We are at Sand Island BLM Campground on the San Juan River near Bluff, UT. It's beautiful here - but we've had rain and cold today also. My signal is good right now but in two minutes it might be gone. We are almost out of water and I am so looking forward to hookups and a long long hot shower. See you guys there. We're also staying at Portal RV Park on the north side.

  16. I really hate not having the internet and what I have now is a very weak signal. Haven't even tried with blog until today so missed all of the excitement. I'm so far behind on posting and reading I'll never catch up. We're in Cottonwood Campground at Canyon de Chelly. It is really incredibly beautiful here and our weather has been perfect. A breeze but no "wind". Sunshine but not hot. We'll be here until Tuesday and then we're going to move up to Bluff, UT. At least that's the plan for now. I don't think the signal is any better there.

  17. We left St George, Utah and are now in Panguitch, Ut near the entrance to Bryce Canyon National Park. Julie and Mike have been here for a week and Dave and Nancy arrived about 45 minutes after we got setup. Julie had advised us it was still cold here and she would make chili and cornbread for us to warm us up. Dave's two boys are visiting him and they went hiking so they had to eat leftovers. Boy did it hit the spot, Mike's cranberry juice didn't hurt either. We plan on spending a week in this area seeing the beautiful country and enjoying great company.



    Glad to hear that Dave and Nancy arrived safely. The wind was howling pretty good when they left. Have a great time everybody.


    Glyn - hope you don't get too lonely while everybody else is off playing. Still cold up your way?

  18. I'm still trying to remember why we came to New Mexico with all this wind. (Oh that's right, the kids live here.) Thank goodness the girls are such low riders because the way the wind was whipping their ears, they were about ready for take off. Lee - please take the wind with you when you leave. Supposedly, it's not supposed to blow so hard tomorrow but I'll believe that when I see it. Sure hope it calms down enough for us to leave on Thursday.

  19. Steve - Jim is trying to figure out how to get up there and catch those fish before you do. But I told him we're headed the opposite direction so just give it up. Hope the storms go around you. Be safe. And have some ice cream for us.


    We're in for more wind today. Yesterday the wind was coming from our rear so we didn't get moved around too much. Should be the same today. But it's only going to gust to 45 or 50 today instead of 55 to 60 like yesterday.

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