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Sandie & Jim

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Posts posted by Sandie & Jim

  1. Houston, we have left the drive way. Tonight we're in Butte, MT. Hoping to see my great niece while we're here and do some sightseeing. Must haves are a pasty covered with gravy and a pork chop sandwich. Butte is well known for both of them along with drinking and the big pit. Feels so wonderful to be back on the road again.

  2. We loved Bryce Canyon, Capital Reef and Red Canyon. Spent almost a month there with Mike and Julie, and Dave and Nancy. When you are driving to Bryce from Red Canyon, there is a road on the right a mile or so before the entrance that goes to Tropic Reservoir. Gravel road but beautiful ride and several boondock areas next to small lakes. We are in Monument, Co., come on over :D


    We'll be headed that way in about a week so thanks for the info. I'm hoping we can spend a couple of weeks in that area. We head out in the morning. I almost hate to say that for fear that something else will go wrong.

  3. We stayed in Cody 2 extra days, now going to leave Sunday morning and go to Thermpolis, WY for 1-2 days then head to Colorado unless they are snowed in. We drove from Cody to Red Lodge then to Chief Joseph hwy and got snowed on several times. Catch up to us and I will tell you all I know about diesels.



    If you had just let us know - we could have driven up to Red Lodge and had lunch or a snack with you guys. You will love Thermopolis. At least I do.

  4. Carol - how dare you have BBQ without us!!! Sounds like you guys are having a great time. Sure will be glad when we get back out on the road.


    I hope some of you get to meet up with Pa and D Carson. Definitely a good person. Spent such a short time together at Escapade and am so looking forward to seeing them again in AZ.

  5. IYQ - I sure hope they come up with something pretty soon for you. Jim's back and hip don't bother him too much when he's not trying to walk. But just walking a couple of blocks about does him in. Not fun.


    Steve - I don't want to hear about your perfect!!!! weather. We are back in our kid's driveway in Billings and it's HOT here. A couple more doctor appts next week and then hopefully we can go someplace. Had a great time at the Rally in Gillette. It was so fun to be around RVers again.

  6. Wow, sounds like MT is kind of popular this year. We'll be heading back for Billings next Wednesday. But not for too long.


    Toni asked that I post that she and Doug are still alive and kicking. Can't get on to post because their membership expired and she has to get money in their US account before she can renew. She'll be back shortly.

  7. Dave - my marker also changed colors and it let me put in the new location data - but then it wouldn't change the date and put my maker back to Billings. At least on the map I'm looking at. And I don't have a clue how to clear the cache???? But on your map and on Jeri's, it's showing me in Gillette which is correct. Okay this is really strange.


    Still in Gillette until after Labor Day.

  8. Well, I just tried to move my marker again and no such luck. It will let me input the location data and says marker updated. But it won't change the date and after I close out it goes back to Billings. So I'm stuck there. Driving golf carts this afternoon. Had a light show last night that was really incredible. (Lightning) Cloud to cloud, cloud to ground, overhead, - really a storm. But today is looking pretty good.


    And here I was going to trade my rig in because it didn't have a fire place. Yep Mom tried to teach me right but I was just one of those kids that had to find out about everything myself.


    I don't think I did much damage to my hip yesterday. I've been able to control the pain just buy taking frequent rest and one pain pill in the morning to get me going and get breakfast and such. I'm all hooked up again and tomorrow morning I'll pull out and head for Deming, NM. My plan is to try and get an appointment with the VA Clinic up in Silver City and If I can't get an appointment there try the orthopedic clinic in Deming. If I manage to get into the VA clinic at Silver City fairly soon. I'll move up there to get the treatments then move back to Deming to re shuffle my life and get it back on track. Play safe don't go out into the street. (and don't bail out of your rig head first.)


    Lee, I forgot . This Open Ranger also has a fireplace. I had forgotten about that until you mentioned it. Good luck getting an appointment. Hope the drive today doesn't hurt your back too much. Escapade starts today with an ice cream social. Jim definitely doesn't want to miss that. But I think Steve's machine is a better bet.

  10. Lee - didn't your mother teach you not to play in the mud? You be careful. Remember when I fell out of the fifth wheel, I broke my ankle and ruptured my Achilles tendon. These RV's can be out to get you.


    We're in Gillette at Escapade. Hot during the day (95 to 98) with thunderstorms in the evening. People are attending computer boot camp and RV boot camp and learning lots and lots of stuff. Jim and I are relaxing our brains and not learning anything yet. Having fun catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.


    A couple just down the row from us have a brand new Open Range fifth wheel that has a patio. Tina and I just had to go check it out and the couple gave us the grand tour. What a beautiful rig. They are snowbirds and have a place at North Ranch so have plenty of room to put out the patio.

  11. I tried to get into all the Orthopedic clinics this morning but no dice. The earliest any of them would give me an appointment was the end of September. So, I went to an Urgent Care Clinic and was seen right away. They X-rayed my spine and hip. The Doctor said my spine was in excelent contition especially for my age. She saw a little Arthuritis in my hip but really not very much. She told me to stay completely away form NSAID pain killers like Ibuprofen and Aleve because they are very hard on the kidneys and I've had one removed so with only one kidney left I'm especially at risk of kidney failure. She gave me a prescription for a Nerve Relaxer and a pain reliever that does not get processed by the kidney. She also referred me to a Physical Therapy clinic for the arthuritis, Hip and lower back. She specified for Home Care training and ask if I could stay near the area for a while to make sure every things works as planned. It takes a while for the Nerve meds to build up in my system so I'm in a bit of pain now but I have high hopes.


    Sounds like this doctor actually knows what she's talking about. That's great news. Even if it means you have to stay there longer than you planned. Hope the new meds kick in quickly. Now behave yourself while you're there and don't chase too many of those desert dames.

  12. Guess I won't be going to Wally World and buying Aleve. Sure hope you can make the drive okay tomorrow. Glad you got the stuff put away before the thunder boomers came to visit. Jim finally got the macerator installed today and also his battery box. We're making head way which is a good thing since we leave on Wednesday. I'm so excited. Hope I remember how to get ready to pull out.

  13. Lee, I really want to know how the Aleve works for you. Jim's back is not good either and he just can't walk very far at all. He's been taking Advil but maybe the Aleve would be better. So be sure to post how you're doing.


    We went to the rodeo last night with Carol and Doug. What a great time. Except it's the first rodeo I've ever been to where the animals won. Nobody could stay on the horses or the bulls and nobody could catch the steers or calves. It was just amazing to see everybody not scoring. The barrel racers did stay on their horses which is a good thing. We also stopped to see the Vietnam Wall moveable memorial that is here. Brought back lots of memories.

  14. Bad news tonight. Remember that pinched nerve or what ever I had last year while in NC. Well it's returned with vengence. I took all day to get the outside stuff put away and only have to hook up the truck and put a few blocks away before I head out for Grants, NM in the morning (108 miles) to try and find an Osteopath or Chiropractor. If I don't find one there I'll keep going and head for Gallup,NM. I'm sure it's large enough to have just about all the professionals. So tomorrow I'll Pop an Ibuprofen and take off. Wish me luck.


    Lee - I just googled chiropractors in Grants, NM and there are three of them there. Sure hope you can get to one of them and get your back taken care of. Be careful. And let us know how it goes.

  15. FISH ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where do you guys stay in AJ. we usually stay in florence area.


    ill bring the gas or paddles and net.


    we also plan on yuma for a bit in january, or ehrenburg near Q, just because river breeze is right on the river, and a really great place to stay


    hope to meet up

    mike and deb



    We're at the Santa Fe RV Park on Ironwood in AJ. Jim has a really bad case of fishing pox. Sure hope we can find a treatment for it pretty soon. Carol and Doug will be here tomorrow. Yes!!

  16. 8-11 & 12 Casper, WY. We want to visit Independence Rock. We followed the Oregon Trail a few years ago but couldn't see the rock because of the weather, so figured we would top off that adventure since we are in the area.


    Sandie and Jim, we are almost there!!! I am not sure yet if we will stop in Sheridan overnight or not, so we should be in Billings by Sat. or Sun. Send me a private message and I will give you my cell #.

    Looking forward to this!





    Carol - go on to Martin's Cove if you get a chance. It's just down the road from Independence Rock. And we are really looking forward to you guys coming in this week-end.




  17. Mike and Deb - some of us will definitely be getting together in Yuma in January. A lot of the folks are going to TX this winter so you could probably catch up with them if you come through that way. Jim doesn't fly fish but he sure does love to fish. We'll have our boat with us in Apache Junction, AZ if you come through there and want to go out with him. He'll be fishing as much as possible to make up for this summer of no fishing.

  18. Aug 5. We are in Cheyenne, WY, at Warren AFB. Have to boondock til Mon. because thus place is so popular. But there is a nice breeze and will be in the 50s at night. I'll take it!! Plus the beautiful pronghorn are all over the base. We will explore Cheyenne some more. I can't believe we are in the same spot and town we were in one year ago at this time. Just missed the Frontier Days but saw it last year.


    Now I get to play 'cowgirl' and wear my western, jewelry and shirts. Love the west and I am sure I will fiand a rodeo somewhere!!



    Hey Carol - are you sure it's a rodeo you want to find - or one of those cute cowboys?

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