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Sandie & Jim

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Everything posted by Sandie & Jim

  1. Holy Cow - after reading Linda's post I was so confused I didn't know where I fit. Hopefully still with the class of whatever it is. Just heard from one of our original class members, Xnman (Hardie and Diane). They're in Florida and it sure was good to hear from them. I told them they needed to post on here once in awhile and let us know what they are up to. Watching the game. At least it's more exciting now after the power outage.
  2. Sounds like you're going to fit in just fine and dandy with this group.
  3. Back in Apache Junction. No problems with the hitch. Love having the full hook ups again, but it may take a month to get all the dust and dirt out of the rig. All you guys up at North Ranch - have a great time. You have the standard to uphold for this class-less class.
  4. Look out for the Glyn guy. He can tell some tall tales if you let him. LOL And of course, Jin is top dog.
  5. Bill - we welcome you "oldies" also. You fit right in to the class-less.
  6. Sitting around the campfire last night here in Q, a discussion was had about the fact that our group is no longer the Classes of 2008 and 2009. We now have members from 2010, 2011, and 2012. A couple of the folks from the Class of 2012 commented that they had felt hesitant to post on the Class of 2008/2009 thread because they felt like they were intruding. Because of that we decided to start a new thread - The Class-less Class. Double meaning intended for some of the group - and you know who you are!! This year we have 20 rigs parked out here in the desert and a lot of knowledge and stories have been swapped around the campfires. We want to continue that camaraderie in the future with the Class of 2013 and beyond. Please let me know what you think of this idea. How about the name of the thread? Any input is greatly appreciated. Welcome to the new thread.
  7. No, we only stay out about three weeks. So we'll be back in AJ around the 5th of February. Jim has more medical appointments.
  8. Let me tell you, we are sure glad you guys decided to join us. It really has been fun getting to know you new folks.
  9. Time to head out for the campfire and talk about everybody who isn't here.
  10. Jim thinks the bolts just vibrated loose enough to let the plate twist a little. The hitch is about 8 years old and over time and some of our lovely roads we've driven on, this is the end result.
  11. Just sent you an e-mail with directions. Hurry up and get here and bring warm weather with you. Sandie
  12. Sure is great to be parked here. Like Toni said we had a small (three hours to fix) problem. We made it to the Q exit and all of a sudden the trailer jerked and made an awful grinding noise. There was a perfect place for us to pull over and Jim discovered that the bolts had sheared off the capture plate on our hitch. He and Doug (thank you so much) had to retap holes (I think that's what they did) and do a bunch of other stuff. They finally got it fixed and we hooked up and are now parked and enjoying everything. Had trouble getting the generator to work this morning. The jerking yesterday made a spring on the choke come undone or something like that. But we are running now so I can have my toast. We also didn't have internet last night which worried me but it's fine today. The sun is shining and it's beautiful. So glad we are here.
  13. Now if we only knew how to use gps coordinates.
  14. A bathroom? Wow, we are really going upscale. See you tomorrow.
  15. I've been keeping an eye on the weather and we have decided we're waiting until Friday. If we had been ready, we could have gone today but they're talking 50 mph gusts in the Colorado River basin and along I-10 and I-8 with blowing dust advisories. But Friday looks fine except for cold. So we'll be there Friday.
  16. Depending on the wind we may not move to Q until Friday. And it is going to be cold but oh well. We'll just use a lot of propane.
  17. We're going to miss you guys. So we'll have a toast in your honor.
  18. We'll be in bed long before the new year actually arrives so here is my wish: Happy New Year. Safe travels to everyone in 2013.
  19. Hey guys - Jim and I plan on going to Q around the 10th. I'm pretty sure Toni and Doug will already be there and maybe they'll have a spot already picked out for us??? As soon as somebody gets settled, they'll post where they are and make it as easy as possible to find us.
  20. Sure will be good to see you guys again in Q.
  21. We were lucky when we were there - we parked on the other side of the park which was uphill a little bit so the rain all washed down to Jeri, Terry and Joe. And it was cold when we were there.
  22. So sorry to hear that Lee. Jim lost his best friend a couple of months ago. We are at that age when we're going to start losing folks. So be sure to let those around you know how important they are to you.
  23. Merry Christmas to all our dear, dear friends.
  24. Lee - my 99 year old aunt was having some bad nose bleeds here in Mesa and the nose doctor told her as we get older our skin (even inside our nose) gets thinner and the dry desert air can cause a lot of problems. He gave her a nose pincher (I don't know what else to call it - a piece of plastic that squeezes the nose together) to stop the nose from bleeding. Told her to sit up straight and to spray her nose with a saline solution to keep it moist. Temporary help for you maybe but you need to get to a doctor asap. Please.
  25. I had a good friend who has donated for years and years with no problems. Then she donated like always, came back to work and passed out. Scared us all to death. She definitely takes the cookies and orange juice and hangs around the bloodmobile for awhile but hasn't had a problem since. Sure hope Tina is still doing great. Since I have pernicious anemia they don't want my blood. They don't think it's good enough for me so nobody else could use it either. But I really appreciate those who do take the time to donate.
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