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Sandie & Jim

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Everything posted by Sandie & Jim

  1. I am so happy for you guys. That is such great news. Getting rid of that house is such a great relief and allows you so much freedom. Have a great time.
  2. I sure wish they would get this forum fixed. It's really frustrating. We left the driveway!!! We're in White Sulphur Springs, MT tonight. We'll be in Helena tomorrow. Anybody coming through Montana - you'll want to avoid Highway 12 through central MT. Road construction was horrendous.
  3. I'm not posting because we aren't doing anything. Dog sitting while the kids are on their honeymoon in Hawaii. Jim took the truck in for it's yearly check up. Had my colonoscopy yesterday and got that over with. Just nothing much happening. It's hot - can't believe we came north to get out of the heat and the other day Miles City, MT was hotter than Phoenix. And I sure hope everybody gets their rigs fixed and working. And stay cool.
  4. You take it easy in that heat. Jim really had a tough time after spending Sunday in the heat and it took him two days to recover. Stay in the air conditioning, take lots of naps, and drink lots and lots of water. Really nice of that guy to remember you and replace that tire for free. That is definitely good customer service.
  5. We survived the wedding (I think). It was 100 degrees and we all about collapsed but some of us hung in there until after 9:00. A lot of folks gave up and went somewhere else to find air conditioning. I knew I really needed to get Jim home and into bed because he was totally wore out. In fact he didn't get up this morning until 9:00 which is highly unusual. Now we start a round of doctor appointments this week - eyes, and our regular doctor up here. Oh goodie. Still hot. And let me tell you - I'll take the heat in AZ any day over the heat here. And the humidity here is only like 45%.
  6. Survived the wedding rehearsal and the dinner today. Now if we can survive the 100 degrees we're going to have for the wedding. Never would have thought it would be that hot in Montana in June. Rain and storms I was worried about, not heat. And Jim has a black suit and long sleeved shirt.
  7. Lee - so you sent your heat up here to Montana. I really wish you would have kept it down your way. It's supposed to be 97 on Sunday for the outdoor wedding and reception. And the guys are all in black suits. Michaela's Mom arrived today so here's hoping her nerves calm down a little bit now. She's doing pretty good but you can tell she's on edge. Be glad when it's over.
  8. We're sitting in the kid's driveway in Billings now. Oh goodie!! But it sure is fun to see Todd and Michaela and find out all about the wedding plans. We're headed for Panda Express for dinner. They just opened here this last week.
  9. We are in Helena until Saturday. Had a couple of absolutely gorgeous weather days but may get some rain tomorrow. Rain is fine - I just don't want hail and wind. Jim is doing amazingly well. Still gets tired and short of breath, but I make him take lots of rest breaks. He had hoped to get some fishing in while we are here but I don't think the weather is going to cooperate.
  10. You just made my day with the news that Parker is feeling better. That is so fantastic. We love Boston Legal. Used to watch it all the time. Definitely not politically correct. And congrats on being published. Look forward to reading it. We went to Craters of the Moon today and the Atomic Museum. Both were great but it actually SNOWED on us at Craters. I want to go back to AZ!!!
  11. We are at a county park in Shelley, ID and it is just a wonderful place. 12 RV sites and there's only 2 of us here. Not sure what will happen over the week-end but it is just beautiful here. But I'm wearing a jacket - and that does not make me a happy camper. Tomorrow we're having wind again but we are here until Monday.
  12. I am so sorry about Parker. Give him a big hug and kiss from me. We will certainly miss him. We have been rocking today. Couple of wind gusts that must have been 50 to 60 mph. I think it's finally starting to die down a little bit. Sure am glad we weren't out on the road today. On to Brigham City tomorrow if the weather cooperates.
  13. So glad nobody got hurt except the stupid deer. A buck ran into the side of my car in MT and I was so made at that animal it's a good thing it was dead or stunned. A guy stopped and helped me pull it off the road and pull out my fender so I could still drive. Hoping the damage is just what you can see and not more.
  14. Thanks Carol. I'll be glad when we can dump the boat in Helena. Just found out it's going to be windy in SLC Monday and Tuesday so I'm revising our plans and we're going to stay in Fillmore, UT for a couple of nights instead of just passing through. Went to the North Rim today and it was a gorgeous day. Jim did pretty good. Had a little trouble breathing at that elevation of almost 9000 feet but he had his inhaler and we took it nice and slow.
  15. Thanks Steve but that Dodge couldn't pull our rig and boat so you can keep it. Jim
  16. Another day and more excitement. We finally made it to Kanab. Everything was going great til we got 30 miles from Kanab. All of a sudden the truck's computer won't let us go more than 30 mph with a message that says power reduced. Absolutely no cell service out there and cannot get through to On-Star. Two lane road with no shoulder and not one place to pull over. So we limped into Kanab at 30 mph trying to keep as far to the side as possible so that everyone could pass us without getting too angry. The people at the RV park recommended a place so as soon as we got set up, Jim took the truck to the shop. It was a clogged fuel filter. Somewhere we picked up some dirty fuel. Thank goodness it was that simple to fix. We're here for four nights. Give Jim a chance to recover. And hopefully the weather will improve further north before we get there.
  17. I'm almost afraid to try and move our peg but I'll give it the old college try. We are in Flagstaff tonight, finally. Had some problems with the boat trailer brake plug but we finally got out of town. Going to get really hot down there the end of the week so I'm glad we're gone.
  18. I bet the high winds we've been having changed a lot of people's minds about getting out on the road. I was sure glad we hadn't planned on pulling out cause we wouldn't have gone anywhere. Hugs to you guys. Sorry Carol A and Steve - we are not huckleberry fans. It's okay but we'll leave it for you guys.
  19. Hopefully we'll get to see you guys there. We have a kid and family in Kalispell that we want to come up and visit. And we are out of here - next week. All Jim's doctors down here have kicked us out and told us not to come back until September. I am so excited about getting out of this heat and getting back on the road. We'll take our time getting back to Montana for the wedding. Can't wear Jim out too much you know.
  20. Not much going on here in AJ. It's too hot to do anything. 108 tomorrow - whoopee!! We did watch the solar eclipse tonight which was really neat. We see the surgeon on Tuesday and we're hoping he'll give us permission to leave town the following week. Jim figures he'll be good to go by then and we can take our time getting to Montana.
  21. Hey Lee - maybe your overnighter needed the practice of hooking and unhooking. Which would be a good thing for some people. Saw the oncologist yesterday and we don't have to see him again until September. Yippee! That means the surgeon got all of the cancer and we don't have to do any chemo. So happy. We are hoping to leave here June 7, depending on how good Jim is feeling by them. (He'd better feel really good because I want out of here.) Not sure I'll remember how to move my marker or even how to get ready to hook up it's been so long. Several fires already burning down here in AZ. 106 yesterday and in the hundreds for the foreseeable future. Could really be a long long summer for firefighters.
  22. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you gorgeous women out there. Jim is healing. Still has a lot of pain and has to sleep in the recliner because he can't lay down. But each day is a little bit better. Sure hope he feels up to grilling me a steak tonight. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  23. And that would be why Jim does not go fishing from Friday afternoon until Monday morning. Surgery was routine. Aren't those wonderful words? Jim is feeling great - because of all those wonderful pain meds he's on. He's in ICU until tomorrow and hopefully I'll get to bring him home on Tuesday. It's my understanding that they got everything so there will be no chemo/radiation. I'm exhausted and will be heading for bed early tonight.
  24. We found out this afternoon that Jim's surgery is scheduled for Friday morning. Will take at least three hours and he'll be in the hospital four days. Sure will be glad when this is all behind us. Our park is really pretty empty. There were a lot of folks who left today. But our neighbors across the street are here until about the 20th of May so they'll be around if I need anything.
  25. He said to tell you anytime. In fact we HAD to make a trip to the mall to get him some more candy. See what you've done!!! lol
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