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Everything posted by NDBirdman

  1. I'm curious, your saying a 40' class a handles better than a 38'? Does a 40' handle better than say a 34'? If I go that way, and the op, thinking about just the road handling, and the comfort while driving, a 40 is a better choice? Or did I misunderstand your statement? Going that way, I'm thinking a DPusher is a better choice?
  2. Welcome to the forum! Congrats on the full timing! We don't full time but like you, enjoy our 33 footer 5th wheel. I could see us living full time in it as we like the layout. The layout you choose will make all the difference in my opinion. I love the rear kitchen floor plan, leaves more room IMHO for the living room, feels like a bigger camper than it is. We are looking at a 39' Momentum toy hauler, the living room space is much smaller than what we have now so it will be a challenge I feel but we only plan on 4 to 6 months a year snow-birding in it. I don't think I would want to full time in our camper of choice. Personally, your truck choice was probably a good one, I love the stability of the dually in windy situations. Most campgrounds we have stayed at so far has had 40' RVs there but some looked cramped, had to drop camper and park elsewhere but in my limited experience, 40' should be fine. Older state parks on the other hand, I have been a tight fit with my 33' but you've probably experienced that yourself by now. We also are throwing around the idea of a 32-34 foot class A with toad for our next RV. This coming winter's snowbird trip will be our deciding factor in which way we go next year. Have you looked that direction?
  3. Welp, today is my wife's long awaited day! She cleans out her desk and turns in her keys today, then she's mine, all mine. She's a little nervous about retirement but it's here. Our first retirement camping trip is coming real soon. Next week I take the train to Seattle, pick up daughter/grand-daughter and drive them back to ND to go on a trip with us. We'll be back here for 1, maybe 2 days then head out with the camper. First stop, grandpa's annual pheasant hunting trip. Granddaughter will hit one year of age during this trip so a little to young to take in the field with me. Although, grandma might watch the little one and daughter may go out shooting holes in the sky with me! After 3 days of sky shooting, we are going to head to central Indiana to celebrate my mom's 80th birthday. Hopefully it goes well, she is recovering from hip replacement and a broken arm a few weeks after from a fall. She's getting much better now, able to walk a few feet at a time, taking less meds so she can stay awake longer then 10 minutes. We will make this a short party and short visit, last thing we want is to wear her out with the medical problems she is going through. After that, we are going to head a little south and head west until south of ND, most likely somewhere in Kansas. Then slowly trek north until we hit home. When we hit home, I will drive daughter/granddaughter back home to a probably anxious hubby missing his gals... LOL, then I get to take the train back home to ND. From there, probably stick around until after Christmas, if everything is going smoothly with all financials set the way we want them, we will head back south until it gets warm again then look for a place to stay for a little while. Of course, the first trip's length will be controlled by how well a year old handles the trip/camping. We will be running on Gemma time. 2nd trip, or escape from whatever minus temps and snow momma nature hands us, will begin. Goal is to get south, jump from campground to campground every 2 or 3 weeks. From there, the adventures begin! Retirement has been a long time coming!
  4. I prefer ppl ask. My dog thinks every human being on the planet owes him a head scratch but if I'm acting grumpy/scared, he will go on the offensive so I'd prefer to not have to treat a dog bite. I have never gone up to another pet and assumed it was ok to touch. Show me and mine the same respect.
  5. BX prices should and most do, match local prices. The BX is not in the business to be in competition with local outlets. The real savings is in taxes. Small items it's a wash, more of a convenience for basers. On medium to larger ticket items the tax break can make a big difference. Having to travel to a base to shop is not worth it but having a base between us and town, it is a great deal for us, and folks like us. Most FAM camps are not destinations per say, but they are great and mostly inexpensive camps to stop at when traveling. Saying that, there are some that I call destinations. Look at the ones on coastal areas, or mountainous areas, most are better than commercial camp-grounds. Yes, there are some I would rather stay at a commercial cg than on base. Over all, if on your route, well worth stopping at. Most of them..... http://militarycampgrounds.us/milcamps
  6. That's cool! This should help a lot of veterans living on small paychecks. I think the biggest savings is not paying sales tax on items. The mark-up on commissary items is minimal. I enjoy shopping on mil. installations.
  7. Yes, we went there on it's grand opening week. It's a 90 mile or so drive for us, a little too far for much shopping. Now if it was in Grand Forks, I'd be a member by now. 🙂 Until then, Sams it is.
  8. Good deal! I've thought about joining when we get on the road soon but we still like our Sams Club. No Costco in our area.
  9. Looking forward to seeing your scale ticket. When you take it, have truck/camper loaded just like your heading out, full fuel, wife/kids/dogs/gear in cab/bed and everything in the camper you will need. Even full tanks of water if you are going to go that way.
  10. Your funny! Will always have our ND home so it stays. :-} Other nicknames I use are FrozenInTime or the FrozenOne... LOL
  11. She is thinking about doing an online teaching gig. That, or as a supervisor online, she's checking on that. Her career field requires newbies be supervised by someone with her license for 3 years I believe, (every state is different) she is thinking about that. She needs to do some digging on the legality of that as each state requires that state's license. In ND it's an LICSW and fairly hard to get so she wants to do something along those lines to pass on her knowledge. We will see which direction she goes but she does want something in her career path (mental health and family counseling). She could even do a Red Cross gig, we will see. What you suggested might be a great gig for me to keep me busy some. My wife I don't think is really ready or wanting to retire but with some health issues, age, etc, she is getting where a full time job is hard. I'm hoping she can let herself slow down after retirement, this coming couple of months of snow-birding will I think be a big test to see what/where she will go/do. Where ever we go, campground or dispersed camping, we will have to have internet access at least good enough for online live video I think to keep her happy. Our journey me thinks is going to be..... a mental exercise for her..... LOL Thanks for the suggestions Kirk and everyone else!
  12. I hear ya! While til now most our camping has been as a tourist, out hunting/fishing, or visiting families out of state for a week or so at a time, I understand we are going to have to slow down. I am pretty much there, my wife on the other hand is go-go-go. Difference between us is I have been retired for 10 years, she retires in a couple weeks. She thinks she is going to have to find a part time job for something to do so I'm going to have to keep her occupied for a while, letting her slow down at her own pace like I did. This up-coming winter trip will be more of a vacation/sight-seeing thing, kinda as a reward for her hitting retirement. Next winter hopefully she will be... calmed down. I can sit on our porch for days at a time, sip some beer/hard-cider and be very content. I have to get her there... LOL Have tried for years to get her to retire but she had it in her head she HAD to hit 66 before she would, well, that's coming real quick!
  13. I have looked at their online site, looks interesting. We lived in Alamogordo, NM for 6 years, was very active tent camping and explored the southern half of the state quite extensively. That's why we would like to go back there and spend some time someday, we both miss the area. For a vastly wide open state, your right, there is a lot of do/explore there. We will go back there someday! We spent a lot of time camping the forest around Cloudcroft, have a lot of good memories with my family there. We camped out of a 4x4 truck, went places most ppl did not dare or did not know about. We saw parts of NM most ppl did not know existed, talk about good times! My brother was also stationed there for a while, we had some good times camping, having run-ins with bears... LOL another long story. We would go to El-Paso alot, made many a trip into Juarez going to the *market*, many a Christmas/Birthday gift came from there.
  14. I will check those places out, thanks for the suggestions. They might work, my hatred for TX goes a long ways back, a texan wanna be hunter almost cost me my life once. Since that day, the thought of a texan has turned my stomach green. Yea, I know, every state/area has idiots but my run-in was from TX. That was 40 yrs ago, I guess I should get over it someday... LOL The reason I prefer low populated areas is how I handle ppl. I get extremely anxious driving crowded roads or crowds of ppl to the point of panic attacks. The older I get, the worse I get. It is what it is and the reason I prefer to boondock. If not for my wife, I would find a place to live/camp with no one around for hundreds of miles.
  15. LOL, I don't think it is that bad. I may stay a winter there someday but the reason I really don't want to go there is the fact over the years I have spent a lot of time there. I have family there and even have offers of land to use with FHUs close to Ft Pierce for free. I don't articulate well so I understand the confusion(?) on my statement. I have even lived, many years back, in Jacksonville. I know some day we will camp there but not now. But we do in fact HATE the high humidity of FL but that is mostly summer time. There are several FAM camps there, I want to stay on the east FL coast at Manatee Cove and west panhandle FL at Racoon Creek, both look like a great place to spend time. While I can do nothing about the crowds there, I will have to bite my tongue and avoid the times of day crowds are at their peak.
  16. Going on those recommendations 2, is there a great hospital close to them that could handle heart emergencies? Or other serious conditions? Since it concerns my wife, I want to call and them be there in 3 seconds. Yea, I know but you get how I feel. You said" Yuma, Quartzsite, Borrego Springs, have millions of RVers staying there both boondocking and in RV parks", that actually sounds like a seriously over crowded area. I don't mind being around a few but that many.... I would be one very grumpy, unhappy, pissed off old phart. There is no way I could ever be around that many ppl. I've lived in AZ and NM, never saw the camper boom like is now going on. I used to love it there but if those 2 states have been over run with millions of campers, it is starting to sound like I don't want to go back there. That statement to me anywayz, makes it sound like AZ/NM has turned into a large trailer park. We used to go out on dirt bikes and horses and never see anyone. Maybe I'm just getting old.... I plan on spending some time in Seattle and yes, that population of ppl really drives me nuts to the point I start feeling ill. I wish the heck my daughter and family would move some where else. So far, The Plantation, SKP park in Alabama is really sounding like it's worth a shot. Please don't tell me there are millions of campers there too!
  17. Thanks, I'll check that one out! Glad you mentioned urgent care center. Where ever we go I need to be able to get to one fast if needed. While I do love being out away from other people, it's not often we can. My wife has heart problems so I need to be able to get to one within reason or an ambulance fairly fast. Thanks for reminding me, sometimes I get excited in planning but need a quick reminder my wife's health is more important.
  18. Between 5th wheel and travel trailer, tt will have a little more room but the 5th will tow better, especially if you get into rough roads, wind or run on highways with lots of truck-trailers for traffic. Like said, I'd watch the towing capacities, while most 3/4 tons can pull the load, it's light enough a heavier trailer is going to throw you around more. Going up into Colorado, I would want a lighter camper or bigger truck. I pull an 11k 5th wheel with a won ton dually, it's overkill but I enjoy not getting blown around (ND winds are horrendous!!). Plus, if your like me, I plan some day get a bigger or heavier RV, I'm ready with the truck size wise. As for the bumpy ride, to get rid of it, buy a diesel pusher class a with air ride seats/suspension. Otherwise, enjoy the bumps. IMHO If your looking at used RVs, check the tire manu. dates. Don't run old tires or china bombs, they can/will blow causing many thousands $$ of damage. (5th wheel or travel trailers) You did not say, long bed or short? Makes a difference on type of 5th wheel hitch. You don't want to make a tight turn and blow out a window/damage the cab. Feel free to ask any questions, someone will be along. My answers come from years of *vacation* camping, many here are full timers and will have some good answers for you. I'm almost in same boat as you but my wife has weeks left. Oh, Welcome to the forum!
  19. I agree, NM can be a little cold in the winter. I worked on the flight line at Holloman for many years, it can get freaking cold! (for NM, but now, after 25 yrs in ND, I might consider that hot... LOL) Also worked the flight line at Luke for many years. While not quite as cold, it could get windy/wet. The only thing I worry about now, being close to the border, is the drug traffic along with the crazies it brings. Is it really safe there? I really did not want to go any farther than NM and TX turns me off also. How is it in northern/central Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama area? What about maybe, Okihoma? Georgia, Souf Carolina? When I last went to Indiana, there was a couple, actually many couples wintering just south of Indianapolis. I don't want to be that cold though, I grew up close to indy and can tell you some bad stories (about the weather too... LOL) If I made it to Aridzona, what about Tuscon? I've only spent a few weeks there during the summer.
  20. Looking for some suggestions for this years snow-birding. Will be our first time running away from the frigid ND minus temps. We are going south from ND, no place fancy, no large cities, no cities would be best. We don't want to hit the snowbird hot spots, don't want to fight the crowds, kinda figure those places will all be filled so not worth fighting for a spot. NO FL, I'm just not a fan of it, more of a desert type fan but open to all areas (no FL...lol). We will not be able to leave our snb until Jan time-frame, probably be gone from Jan through Feb/Mar, this fall/winter is going to be filled with getting social security and retirement accounts paying out, ie finances figured out or we would take off before the first snow flake falls... LOL. Would like to stay where night time temps are 45-50, daytime under 70ish. Depending on how it goes, maybe head back towards NM, miss living there! We can bounce from one FAM camp to another, would probably enjoy that. Dispersed camping is also something we enjoy, but without the crowds, don't like crowds. Don't want to touch saltwater this trip so not that far down. An area we can play tourist, keep ourselves busy somewhat within half to one day drive (overnight in a motel occasionally is fine). This trip will kinda be vacation/tourist agenda as wife is retiring in a couple weeks and we want to relax yet do sight-seeing. Thinking about it, I don't think I would enjoy sitting in one place more than 2-3 weeks at a time. We both get bored easily. Not into resort type campgrounds, but one with a craft center and regular card/board game nights would be good. Pets must be accepted, we have an old Britney and will have at-least one cat. The following winter will will probably spend winter around Seattle but not in this camper. Our RV is in great shape but getting old (looks like it is fairly new), has been a fun RV for weekend getaways with 1-2 week trips here and there. On windy days you can feel a breeze inside so definitely no cold areas. If we like this trip, we are going to purchase a new RV, more than likely a Momentum 351M. (MUST have room for my brewing equipment... LOL) That is not set in stone, we are also toying with going Class A with toad. If all goes well, will probably be in it atleast 6 months a year, maybe longer. .
  21. I run Michelin Ribs and love them. Going on 2 seasons now, total appx 8k miles and have not had any problems, still look new and have not had to put any air in them. Camper seems to ride great on them. 16 inch tires on mine. They are a little spendy though but well worth it in my opinion. Any recommendations for dually tires? Need to do that soon, thinking AT as we get a lot of snow here. I'm toying with putting the same tires on my pick-up.
  22. We used to have a lab and totally agree with your statement. Sweetest dog a person could ever be owned by. Loving, obedient and would never hurt anyone. Miss him....
  23. That's awesome! I would love to meet them! We travel around sometimes with an old cockatiel but he is getting old and cantankerous... LOL
  24. We've been going round and round on solutions/help ideas. We even looked at elderly day care but mom said hell no, but it is pretty much cost prohibitive. No one there is very tech savy, including me. We have read, discussed about everything mentioned and lots more found on the net. I think we have (almost) come to the conclusion of a medical alert pendant and having a neighbor, who is a nurse, willing to keep an eye on her, works swing shift, drop in on her a couple times a day until she is up and going again. I have offered my house to her since for now I'm here pretty much 24/7 and can keep her company/keep an eye on her but she says nope, to darn cold up there, not going to happen. I think pendant and neighbor it is. Thanks for all the offers ya'll! When I go visit in a couple months, I may check into also putting up a couple cameras connected to the internet, the have the house wired with a wifi. Those can have a password so no one but us can view, right?
  25. Welcome to the forum! I don't know that area or motor-homes so not much to offer. All I can ask is there any large RV dealerships around there? Most have shops although not fast and expensive. What about big truck repair shops? I would think there should be someone around that could work on brakes in that large a city.
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