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runaway parents

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Everything posted by runaway parents

  1. Easy all you have to do go to YouTube click on search type in nope take it back to the guy that did the work I want by JC Smith projects
  2. It's title is called. Nope! Take it back to the guy who did the work!! People actually get away with this kind of garbage it would make you a little nervous knowing something like this is out on the road
  3. Yep but the last batch of snow we got was pretty wet
  4. Hope everybody has had a happy holiday season. Question I have because our 08 vnl 780 has got a fiberglass hood on it. How much snow piled up on it can it handle before the snow load damages the hood. We have cleared it off twice this year and expecting another 4 in of snow. Last time we shoveled the bed off it had 18 in on it. Anyway just wondering how much weight the hood can handle before any damage occurs.
  5. Hey thanks Chad. We will wait till the weather breaks. And the truck if not under a foot of snow . I could actually get working on it I'll let you know. Thanks again
  6. It's been awhile since I've even looked under the hood on that truck. It's been sitting for 3 months now and buried under a foot of snow. I don't recall how I got it hooked up, but it seems to work. But it would be nice if it's hooked into the Johnson bar. I think my pressure gauge is electronic there's no hoses going to the back of it. Just wires I think that was about a year ago since I had that opened up . I may be wrong might be something not worth messing with. Like the old saying goes if it works don't fix it.
  7. I have already opened the dash up several times. Cannot figure out which hose to tap into .So rather than screw up something I figured I'd wait till I get some help.
  8. So I was wondering if there was going to be somebody at the West Coast rally next year that could show me how to connect my Hayes Trailer controller to the Johnson bar on our truck . And please tell me what I need such as parts and pieces so I can get this took care of. thanks
  9. I heard quartzite Police Department and the DNR are cracking down on the 14-day cheaters. Can anybody confirm this. The rumor that I heard was they were cracking down on the ones that stay longer than the 14-day limit. And leaving their campsites looking like a junk pit. Please don't be one of these people they are just going to ruin it for everybody.
  10. Okay so that might have been a little harsh and not very politically correct . So I was doing a construction job at a potato processing plant . And notice they have live traps. Asked the rodent control person that was checking those traps. What did he do with the live rats that he finds? Well his response was of corse you take him back out into the Wilderness and release them.Then he just actually leaned over and told me real quietly, but they don't make it out to the wilderness .They usually go for a swim in a 5 gallon bucket of water.
  11. Maybe I should take my conibear traps
  12. Does mothballs hurt non-target animals such as his neighbor's dog or cats don't know much about them
  13. Oh wow don't want to spend waste money on things that don't work so far the 22 loaded with rat shot sounds like the best bet
  14. This sure does debunk the myth that flashing light runs off pack rats
  15. Yeah the only reason why I brought it up. I watch the video of this guy that was having problems with them. So he used lights to scare them off at night. Just wondering if this was a legit issue.
  16. Lighting under trailer and Tow vehicle is supposed to run them off true or false?
  17. Great timing with the info. Thanks a lot
  18. I checked out this website looks good thanks
  19. Well I guess when we go it might be too early . Honestly it really doesn't matter just glad to be able to go camping. I'm sure there will be plenty to do.
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