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Posts posted by Sehc

  1. I do pretty much the same. Whatever of those spices and stuff I have available, always lots of garlic with parsley.  But I use tomato soup concentrate instead of ketchup. Vegetable broth instead of water. I let the burger a bit red and cook it in the sauce til done. It is more tender.

  2. Not pumping from a lake. Pumping from a 5 or 7 gallon bucket of potable water. There are many GPM options for many RV water pumps. The main problem with a bilge pump. It must be submerged in the bucket. My Reliance water cans have a narrow opening. I do use a Walmart bilge pump. Undisclosed use. I am on my second.  GPM is related to the price you pay.  https://www.amazon.com/ALL-NEW-SEAFLO-Diaphragm-Pump/dp/B07QLJ3WHP?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-d-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B07QLJ3WHP

  3. I know I can deposit a check using phone app. Every bank offers that.  I have need to deposit cash, good old USA dead presidents and a few Hamiltons. So I have high interest Ally Bank for everyday stuff, common to every online bank. With pain in  the ass Bank of America for when I am holding too much cash.

  4. Ally lets me open many savings accounts, many checking accounts. I use bill pay for all things. I get 6 free transfers from each savings account. I set checking#1 to pay as many bills that are covered by free overdraft transfer from savings#1. Then do the same with checking#2 and savings#2. And others as needed. Was worth a few hundred dollars interest last year. Hardly no effort on my part.  I'm a poooor man and that buys a couple bottles of wine.

  5. I use Ally Bank. Best interest of any. Strictly online. I keep an account at BoA. I can use their ATM to deposit cash. I can find a branch within most areas. With direct deposit of my pension check, there are no fees. Ally transfers money from BoA in one day with no fee. Wells Fargo steals from their customers.   I want to recommend Ally Bank.

  6. I have had a related problem. My propane bottle ran to empty. Furnace shut down with no gas. I swapped an exchange bottle but the furnace would not light. I tried a different exchange. Didn't work.

    My new knowledge:  Must open the full bottle 3/4 turn, start the furnace, then open the bottle to full open. The internal safety valve kept the bottle shut down due to high flow.

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