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Posts posted by folivier

  1. The longest we've gone is 10 days. This was at Dry Creek campground in Ninilchik, AK. We had solar and with the long days power was not a problem. Our water got low after 10 days so we left. This was a first come no reservation campground and we lucked out to get a waterside site. Gorgeous!

    This was in our 36' Foretravel.

  2. The county's plan is to limit traffic for now. Once a determination is made on what to do to repair or even replace the bridge (yes, that's a possibility) then they may blacktop that section so that the road will last. Gunnison will have severe impacts from this. Already the state has closed the DMV office.

    There is another bridge that has the same T1 steel that they haven't inspected yet. If they close that one also that takes CR26 out of the picture since CR26 is between the 2 bridges. Crazy times.

  3. This is the bridge at Dillon Pinnacles which crosses the Blue Mesa Reservoir, Hwy 50 just west of Hwy 149. Note that there are currently NO local detours around the bridge. There are 2 local dirt roads they're currently working on clearing snow and repairing but will only allow cars and trucks when open and will probably be for locals only. Inspections showed a crack in a structural beam, no idea yet how long it'll take them to repair it or if there are other cracks. Here are a couple links for more info:   https://www.codot.gov/news/media/overview?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0b3FK9P7Yz3U2BlKBRcTqIcqSeedhrDwP-Z5hj4_2VXe29NJjnMPLdbfA_aem_AYgQgPMVKABhenmS84yWH5lCc2-D-aOXYJ2xZhIlqM7eky9NxD9MW0uOmNT_aN6_jKHG0RGrOgDcq2GTFecpYslV



  4. Just a heads up, the bridge at Dillon Pinnacles on Hwy 50 that crosses the Blue Mesa Reservoir is now closed indefinitely. CDOT closed it yesterday due to problems with the bridge integrity after inspections yesterday. All that is known yet is there is no date for it to be open.

    So anyone who is planning to travel that way on Hwy. 50 you won't be able to. As of now the detours are I-70 and Hwy 160.

  5. I understand Derek. Since we bought our cabin in Colorado I'm not reading RV forums as much. Thinking of getting into gold panning with a friend so looking for a good forum for tips. Also doing a bit of easy snowmobiling but most of those forums are much younger guys doing stuff I can barely dream about.

  6. The update was from the last zoom meeting with CDOT a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately the website has not been updated often enough. 

    Believe me that myself and my neighbors would be overjoyed if they would be finished in Dec. 2023. But there is still much more work to be done. They are having to rush the paving job day and night for the next couple weeks to finish before it gets too cold.

  7. Since we sold our motorhome and bought our cabin I have 2 different toad's I'll sell. Both have BlueOx baseplates with ReadyBrake cable system. Already sold the ReadyBrake towbar. Both are at our cabin near Gunnison, CO. PM me with your email if interested and I'll send pictures.

    2006 Lexus GX470 with 2" lift, 170,000 miles, asking $8500 OBO

    2011 Tahoe LT with 2nd row captain chairs, 201,000 miles, asking $11,000 

  8. I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet but check out Bookbub. It's an email service that sends you daily emails about discounted ebooks and often free ebooks. Set up your profile as you like and fill up your kindle account. Some are relatively unknown self published authors and others are fairly well known authors.

    I've been reading ebooks since before kindle. Started on a Mako device, then progressed through the years to my S22 currently.

  9. I'm planning on trading in my 2011 Tahoe LT 4x4 this summer and wanted to see if anyone is interested first.  It has middle row captain seats, third row, brown with tan leather interior. Exterior and interior is in very good condition, no rust, driver seat has a bit of wear but no tears.  Just under 200,000 miles but that will go up some. This week it's in Baton Rouge but Friday we're driving to our cabin near Gunnison, CO.  It has a Demco baseplate along with ReadyBrake setup.  No longer have a motorhome and looking to downsize a bit.

    PM me here if you're interested.

  10. Not sure if this is factual or not someone else might be able to find out. We're too busy moving.  There was a story a couple days ago about a US military operator flying an experimental AI equipped drone that had to get permission from the operator before dry releasing on a target. Apparently after a few runs the AI decided to take out the communications tower. 

    Interesting. Can anyone verify?

  11. It can be frightening to extrapolate where AI is going and how powerful it can be. That's what sci-fi writers have written about. Where is the tipping point? Will we know when it is crossed? Will we be able to stop it?

    But what concerns me the most is how will future generations of students use AI? Will it lead to laziness? Will it lead away from critical thinking? It will be too easy to ask AI a question rather than doing the work yourself. Of course this will lead to more free time which some experts say will free the mind to pursue other activities. But we're seeing the results of some of this every day.

  12. Just pulled out my long range crystal ball. It said that in years to come once the majority of vehicles are EVs the cost of owning an EV will be similar to the cost of an ICE. Those road repair and improvements will have to come from somewhere. Higer taxes? Higher registration fees? Higher charging rates? But hopefully that will be the younger generations problem.

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