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  1. Follow up We were able to finally get through on the phone. No problems same as always. I don't know why they we not answering the phone.
  2. There is no number to call and no way to contact them! You only have two options fill out the form and send it in or fillout the form on line. There in lies the problem. There is no way we are driving 1400 mile for jury duty I'm sure this is a result of Govenor Abbott. Isn't this why we are Escapees? We will be calling the Escapees office on Monday to see if they have any advice because this will be a huge problem for members. We have not had any issues in 10 years it was alway easy Just call the county clerk and tell them we were Escapees, something has changed!
  3. Polk county and no way to input we are not there. You can only answer their questions the only one that might work is Are a Resident? But that is a qualification question not an exemption
  4. My wife just got a jury summons, usually we can just call and tell them we are Escapees. You can no longer call and it appears you can only get excused for illness, work or hardship and is only granted by a District judge. Anyone else get one of these new notices?
  5. We are in Rociada and I can tell you the more people in the parks the more and larger the groups get with no one wearing a mask.It has been this way since this all started. Fortunately the Park closes for the year on Sunday and the full-time residents can feel safer. No one quarantines even when it was required. We live in the private residence area and groups of 10 to 15 would come up without masks and stand out front of our place so we had wear masks and limit our time on our porch.
  6. We are lot owners in a RV park. Some of us live here year round and have worked hard at not getting or spreading the virus. Some people come into the rental area and have a disregard for those of us that live here. No face masks no social distancing walking and gawking in the private residence areas. Most people are coming in from out of state. Please respect those that live here full time wear a mask, do social distancing. This is NOT vacation time. It is supposed to be essential travel only and camping for a few days does not qualify. Our county has only had 2 cases and both were travel related please stay at home! By the way there is a 14 day self quarantine for people coming from out of state.
  7. Pendaries in Rociada NM. We love this place. https://pendariesrvpark.com/contact-us/ It is around 7700' above sealevel so it doesn't get hot and the nights are cool. We actually bought a lot in the park a couple of years ago and are building a house in the across the street. Lots of Texans here escaping the heat. I don't know the rates.
  8. Always heard it was sunbirds / sun birding ! New one on me. We've been doing it for years.
  9. My understanding is you must live in the house. Once you leave the money is due. A HECM is different from all other types of mortgages. It does not become due for as long as the homeowner lives in the property as their primary residence, continues to pay required property taxes and insurance and maintains the home according to FHA requirements.
  10. The thing that bothers me is he left the camp grounds without checking that the lights were working. What else wasn't checked. If the lights weren't plugged doesn't that mean he had no trailer brakes?
  11. We started our adventure 8 years ago this month after losing our home to a wildfire. No real experience, dealer walkthrough was about 1/2 hour so our learning experience was steep. You learn as you go many systems are the same from brand to brand so other campers can help but by far the best source is to find a forum or FB group for your particular brand. Some even have informal get togethers.
  12. I think the biggest factor is the small diameter wheels that are used also bias ply tires I remember before radial tires 8,000 to 10,000 was the norm for wear.
  13. A few years ago i built a swivel wheel carrier. No one would sell the assemblies so I built my own.
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