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"Restoring America’s Economic Mobility"


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This article by a conservative, published in a conservative journal is too interesting (IMO) not to reference here even if it is likely to lead to a bunch of screaming political comments, but I hope not. Talk about an article that makes you think and wonder if he is right.





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The important statement in the entire article is this one....


To explain Canada’s higher mobility levels, one has to turn to differences in education systems, immigration laws, regulatory burdens, the rule of law, and corruption—on all of which counts, Canada is a more conservative country.


I lived in Canada in my early twenties. The country was so conservative that it drove nuts and right back across the border at the first opportunity. Canada is a very conservative country. It was founded by a corporation and basically has a corporate culture. America was basically founded by individuals that flipped a message to the government and headed for the frontier!!


It was funny, but on in a Forest Research seminar a Canadian researcher presented the corporate versus individual split and why research in the US is ground breaking while research in Canada focuses on practical application. Again, a individual takes more risks than a corporation.


I would hate to see this country mimic Canada....however, we might want to revisit our history and see what worked and why it is not working today.


I also lived in California during the same time period. It represented the best of America and its dreams in the 1960's. Today it is a nightmare.


My sense is we need to elect smarter leaders in this country. It really doesn't matter if your left or right....just that you care about this country and have a functioning brain.

Vladimr Steblina

Retired Forester...exploring the public lands.


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Here is a more specific article that relates to the inequality and mobility differences in the US and Canada mentioned in the first article: http://billmoyers.com/story/tpp-free-trade-time-retake-english-language/


A quote from the first article:


"What about immigration? ...Canadian policies have a strong bias towards admitting immigrants who will confer a benefit on Canadian citizens.... In short, the U.S. immigration system imports inequality and immobility."



A quote from the second article:


"Unlike manufacturing workers, doctors are powerful enough to get protection. It is not generally possible for a doctor trained in another country to practice medicine in the United States unless they pass a US residency program — for which there is a strict quota on foreign trained students. As a result of this restriction, doctors in the United States earn on average twice as much as doctors in Canada, Germany and other wealthy countries. This protectionism costs the United States roughly $100 billion a year (around $700 per family) in higher health care costs."



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