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  1. Here's one Roadtrek users' forum; there are probably more... https://roadtrekkers.groups.io/g/RT
  2. I plugged in my zip code; the numbers displayed were for the entire county, not one specific zip code. Did I miss something?
  3. "That is not how I read Kirk W's post. I read it as it isn't a good idea to put yourself (a man) in a situation (no supporting witnesses) with an unknown woman. In today's climate all it would take would be an accusation (from the woman) and the man's life and reputation would be ruined." ----- Seriously? If this is indeed what Kirk intended to imply, what a sad commentary that a casual offer of RV chore assistance from a man to a woman might be viewed as "sexual harassment". I've experienced real sexual discrimination and harassment; a guy's offer of help with an RV task doesn't come anywhere close!
  4. I understand your reluctance; some women resent offers from men to help with various jobs, often because they feel that their abilities and competence to handle any operation "without a man" are being questioned. I've been traveling solo for many years, and rarely need assistance with anything, but I don't take offense at all when a man offers assistance or a suggestion unless the offer is presented in a presumptive, arrogant, know-it-all manner, and/or the man continues to insist on "helping" after his offer has been politely declined with a "Thanks, but I'm good." RVers are generally friendly people, and I believe that most of them genuinely want to be of use when they offer "guidance" to another RVer, male or female. All one can do is to offer, then move along if it's declined.
  5. "With this combination I would only have one motor and transmission to maintain and worry about." --- Yes, but do factor in the reality that the 5th wheel will require its own share of maintenance and repair expenses. A 5th wheel or TT may not have a 'motor', but it has plenty of other components that need regular servicing and/or repair, and, often, replacement, e.g., tires.
  6. Nina (and Paul) of the "Wheeling It" blog posted a very informative two-part article on this topic in the past couple of weeks: http://wheelingit.us/2017/02/09/the-costs-of-fulltime-rving-part-i-budgeting-planning-your-spend/ http://wheelingit.us/2017/02/16/the-costs-of-fulltime-rving-part-ii-specifics-links/
  7. "Yeou might want to check into having a titre don. next time rabies vacs are done. It's cheaper than a vaccinaction and proves that past vaccinations are still effective." --- I don't disagree with having blood titers done, but this test for multiple vaccination currency/immunity is not necessarily cheap, and it usually takes two-three days to receive the results. People interested in having this test done might want to find out what their vet charges for the test and for specific vaccinations, and the amount of time needed to wait for the results.
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