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Household Battery Storage To Be Economically Attractive By 2020: ATA


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It's happening all over the world. From top tier G7 economies like Iceland, Denmark and Germany, to Brazil and Chile, and Australia and India, they are doing what some folks insist can't be done yet in solar as well as all alternative energy sources..




"Battery storage could be just five years away from being an economic no-brainer for some Australian solar households, according to a new report which predicts grid-connected battery storage will be economically attractive for many homes from around 2020.


The report, released on Monday by the Alternative Technology Association, says Sydney and Adelaide could be the first cities to arrive at this point – as early as 2018. (pdf file http://www.ata.org.au/wp-content/projects/ATA%20Household%20Battery%20Study.pdf )


But the report is also careful to stress that the value of adding solar with storage will vary from household to household, and state to state, depending on a number of key metrics, including the household’s size, its location, its consumption patterns and the kind of tariff it is on.


“At today’s prices, most Australian households won’t be able to achieve a 10-year return on their investment – which is the typical lifetime of a well-designed and operated battery system,” said ATA policy and research manager Damian Moyse. “But by 2020, this will change for an increasing number of homes.”


The whole article is here wth hotlinks: http://cleantechnica.com/2015/11/17/household-battery-storage-to-be-economically-attractive-by-2020-ata/?utm_source=Cleantechnica+News&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e8e32469aa-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_b9b83ee7eb-e8e32469aa-331970081


Electricity Democracy Comes Via Solar




"Solar-powered energy generation is really a game changer, but you probably know that already if you’re on SolarLove. Folks who come here to read about solar are those catalyzing change, implementing solutions, dreaming about a cleaner and more independent future – the Doers, not the Talkers, if you will. Solar doesn’t just allow people to produce power, but it is a truly disruptive technology that democratizes energy production. Democratization is the process of making something accessible to everyone and that is exactly what solar does for energy."


The whole article with a lot more interesting facts and number being run is here: http://cleantechnica.com/2015/11/17/power-democracy-comes-via-solar/?utm_source=Cleantechnica+News&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=e8e32469aa-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_b9b83ee7eb-e8e32469aa-331970081

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Retired AF 1971-1998

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