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Sandie & Jim

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Posts posted by Sandie & Jim

  1. We have a new granddaughter!!! Little April Noel arrived this afternoon weighing in at 8 lbs 13 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. She shares her birthday with 2 other family members and was born under a blue moon!!


    Only bad thing.......we have to wait until January before we get to meet her :(


    Congratulations. I am sooo jealous.

  2. So good to get an update from you guys. But sorry to hear about Delcie's breathing issues. Jim can't handle the higher altitudes either since his lung surgery. So far he doesn't need oxygen but that could easily change in the future. Even though it's so very very hard you will know when it is time to say goodbye to Heidi and wish her a wonderful journey over the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs to both of you.

  3. Lee - like you, we are soooo tired of doctor appointments. But Jim's surgery went well this morning and part of his problems got taken care of. But - he has a blockage in his right leg that couldn't be fixed with a stent and will require another surgery after he heals from this one. And on it goes. Our dilemma is the fact that we have to renew our SD driver's licenses this year. So we'll have to decide if Jim feels up to making the trip north after he heals from this surgery and then come back for the next surgery or what our alternatives might be. Life is definitely not dull.


    Sure glad we bought that second air conditioner. It has really paid for itself in keeping us cool. But I think I'm getting used to the heat. It was 75 the other morning when we got up and I thought it felt almost chilly.

  4. We are still sitting in Apache Junction waiting to hear from doctors. The weather gal said it is going to get hot this week. 110, 111, 112, 111. 109 doesn't qualify for hot. They are having special reports on how to be prepared for the monsoons. We went to the library and checked out a bunch of movies. Anything that needs to get done outside is early in the morning when it's only 85 out. Not exactly the summer I had planned.

  5. Eric - glad to know you are safely back up north. So will you be able to use your left arm again before you take the right one out of action?


    We had planned on leaving next Monday and our plans are now on hold. Jim's heart doctor found he has a blockage in his femoral artery in his right leg. Will probably need to have a by-pass done (he had one done on the left leg in 2012) and recovery will be 6 to 8 weeks. I'm hoping they will release him to drive sooner than that but who knows. We don't have anything definite set up yet but I'm not doing any trip planning for now.


    The good news is that his cancer scan turned out great. No problems and we don't go back until November.

  6. By the way, it's already getting HOT here in the Phoenix area. In the mid 90's today and that sun is getting intense. We've had one of the best winter weather experiences here in AZ and S. CA and are sure glad we came west this year.


    Definitely getting warm but at least the nights still cool off. Perfect weather for your climb up the mountain. I'll be looking forward to your post on the VLA.


    Safe travels everybody. We won't be leaving for another couple of months.

  7. Big THANKS to the Swains and Porters for the tasty quesedillas and margaritas last night, plus the pinata full of candy! Tom and I enjoyed helping with the serving, but it's important to note that the four of them provided and paid for all the quesedilla makings and the margaritas for this group of Classless folk. So, again, THANK YOU Sue & Paul and Julie & Mike! A tasty, fun gathering!


    It was an incredible night and very much appreciated. The pinata was really fun. Thanks to everybody and especially Paul and Sue and Mike and Julie.

  8. Well, we won't be there first because we have to come back down to Yuma. Jim needed a whole lot more dental work then we had planned for. So we'll head for Blythe tomorrow for the bluegrass festival and then come back down here before we head up to Q. So be sure to save us a spot.


    Toni fed us a fantastic dinner last night after spending many hours at the dentist in Mexico.

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