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Sandie & Jim

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Everything posted by Sandie & Jim

  1. Had a great lunch visit with Jeff and Tina. So happy they could fit us into their busy busy family schedule. And Jeff - the rain was really appreciated by us. Less than a week and we will finally get to move our pin. But I'm not excited or anything.
  2. Great news about Diane. Jim has his cancer scan in a couple of weeks and we can totally relate to the stress that goes along with that. They don't have pollen in AZ do they?!! - Sorry Roger. Pollen is horrible in AZ. All those folks who have moved here from somewhere else want AZ to look like where they came from. So they have imported all these trees and plants that don't really belong in the desert. We had a little rain this week-end which helped keep the pollen count down for a few days. Happy Mother's Day.
  3. We never know what the next January will bring until January gets here. So if I tried to commit us we would have to be committed. lol But I have high hopes that this January will be better than last one.
  4. Lee - sure am sorry to hear the news. I'm sure glad you've got lots of friends there to keep an eye on you. If you need anything, let us know. Apache Junction isn't that far away.
  5. So excited about having lunch tomorrow with Jan, Bill, Kay, Dan, Jeri and Terry. We'll be talking about you all.
  6. Me too, Toni. I think I was in the hospital almost two weeks. Sure glad to hear Carol is doing so good. And I know how happy she'll be not to have that pain anymore.
  7. We'll still be here in AJ in May. Would love to meet up with you guys for a meal if you have time. When we finally get out of here the end of May we want to head up to Idaho before getting to Montana and fishing.
  8. Linda - have a great time with the new grandbaby. I am so jealous.
  9. I am so sorry to hear this. Be sure to give Delcie a big hug from me.
  10. Update on Denise. She is back in Canada and staying with a friend. Her cousin winterized her rig and is storing it for her. Hard to believe she has to winterize her rig and we are going to hit 91 here today.
  11. Really good to have hook ups when it starts getting so hot. So happy to hear you made it to the park okay. We know what it is to sit on the side of the road with tire and axle problems. Are you still in Casa Grande?
  12. I am so sorry to hear about Kora. You know how much I love that rock playing mutt. Our Scooter isn't doing good either (13) and has heart problems. Day to day and just love them as much as we can. More trips out west sound good to us. How about Montana? DC is a great place to visit. A couple of months might let you see some of the area. The Cherry blossoms are incredible around the Tidal Pool.
  13. Personally, I'm counting down the days (months) until we can finally get on the road again at the end of May. Have to wait around for Jim to have his cancer scan and check with his heart doctor. So I live vicariously through all of your travels. Be safe out there.
  14. This was not good news for me because I also had Lasik. I won't be a happy camper either. Sure hope things improve for Janice.
  15. Thanks for letting us know. I just heard about the storm and wondered how all of you were doing.
  16. I'm here for what it's worth. Hey Eric - how are you and Karla doing with all the weather you've had this year in Florida? You haven't checked in in awhile.
  17. I had an e-mail from Denise last week. She is still not doing very good but her friend Bob is flying into Phoenix on Wednesday and is going to drive her motorhome back to Newfoundland for her. Or at least back to eastern Canada. Then she will make some doctor appointments and hopefully start feeling better again. Lee, I haven't posted anything because we really haven't been doing anything. I am not a writer, nor am I a wit, so when we just are living here in AJ I don't have anything to say. But I look forward to reading what everybody else has to say.
  18. Linda and Ed - I am just sick about this for you guys. It's hard to believe that they aren't going to make you whole on this. Wishing you guys all the best. You'll always be a part of our family.
  19. Never forget that one. January 2010. The wind and the rain. Roads and washes were filled and we even had a couple of tornado warnings on the weather radio. I remember we all ventured outside for a couple of minutes during a lull to check on everybody. Freddy and Delcie had gone to Yuma and had a tough time getting back. Definitely one for the record books. 38 degrees this morning. But back into the 70's by this week-end. Thank goodness.
  20. It will be so fun for all of you. Definitely time to figure out some routes and some alternate routes just in case. Congrats.
  21. Jim got his stitches out on Tuesday and is feeling good so this is going to be a wonderful Christmas for us. Wishing everyone a beautiful and joyous Christmas. Like Freddy says - Life Is Good.
  22. And the Redskins and that doesn't happen very often any more.
  23. Well, I got Jim home from the hospital, AGAIN. Now I just have to figure out how to keep him home and out of there. He's going to have to relearn how to fish at the rate we're going.
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