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Everything posted by mskay

  1. Don't go too long...you need to give us something to think about or our brains will go stale!!!!
  2. No grouchy old man should put up with that! I'd be complaining big time! that's cruelty to animals and most parks won't put up with that at all!
  3. If you need anything at all for your rig...check there with Mid States RV....they were awesome to work with, we had the coach painted there and they worked on our generator last summer! They were very good to us!
  4. miss you guys! Travel safe and it won't be long til you'll be able to cool off... thank goodness! It's going to start heating up this week here. The wind is really kicked up here today... not even sitting outside! Let us know that you made it o.k.! Give Heidi a hug from me!!!
  5. Such great news...our prayers are being answered! Hope his recouperation is routine and goes very well too. Hang in there!
  6. If ya ever need a really good place to stay in the Perry area..... the Twin Oaks RV Park is Wonderful! right south off the 75 at Elko..... I loved it there and still keep in touch with the owners. Not far from Warner-Robbins and a great town! Having Steak today! You're always invited...just a little too far I'm afraid this time! We're hanging in the wind in Pahrump. Not doing much. Have gone to Vegas twice this week. Lots to see and do. We're thinking about heading east next weekend! Will see how the week progresses!
  7. I just had the nicest suprise!Delcie called me by mistake! They're doing fine and I feel really special to be in her phone!!!! :} She was trying to call Freddy and got the "Foofy" button! :} I was wondering about them since we haven't heard anything.
  8. Lyme Disease! And all other kinds of nasty infections! Be careful and check for them often. You sure don't need any complications from that stuff! Hope you like your quiet time!
  9. Safe trip up and enjoy! Will miss the contact. Hope we get up there this summer! Send me a note when ya can!
  10. So glad to hear that the news is better. Sorry you have to go through all this. Our prayers are still ongoing for you every day! Thanks for the updates. WE're pulling for ya!
  11. Goofy says "I'm with ya on that one Steve! I hate them too!" Glad you got it solved.
  12. I have experienced that many times with our football teams! It's a good thing that a brand new season will bring hope again later this year! Something to look forward to!
  13. Well, congrats! I didn't know you were selling! I wish we could be so lucky! The world is your Oyster now! What ever you do....good luck. There's always another place! :}
  14. Suprisingly enough here 10 miles from the town of Pahrump, my service hasn 't been terrible. I expected it to be a lot worse! I sometimes have trouble loading pics in but other than that, have always got on.... not dumped off nearly as bad as Bullhead City! I really liked Buckeye...4 G. How are you guys doing? Think of you often. Yes, the furnace is turned up and not just in Furnace Creek! We are suppose to get to Triple Digits today. Then a slight cool down for the week. Already out and walked early and will just stay in. No plans for today and the heat, this isn't a 55+ resort, so I imagine the pool will be full of kids yet today.
  15. It's just not fair to have to work so hard for the ease that all this technology is suppose to make for our lives! Between Bullhead City and here I've had the worst Verizon service that I've had in years! They have big signs that say 4G service...and they're not 4G anywhere here! My aircard times out too! Thought maybe I was just unlucky in where we are! Don't know as I'm utilizing all that my new phone has to offer. Don't use it very much and outside of a few times on the net when we're moving....I'm kinda sorry I just didn't get a regular phone. I know my bill is going to be a lot higher, and so far the service is not!!!! Have a great and relaxing weekend. This park is full of weekenders, so we'll play like hibernaters til Monday!
  16. Yep.... I think I would have started the download and went to bed! I'm with ya on the traffic! Even here in Pahrump it's bad, but Vegas.... oh my! Don't like that much. I just got a new Smart phone, and if ya find that real smart one...let me know. So far, mine just runs down twice as much! I like it but sure haven't figured it all out. I'm afraid to load apps as it will just run down faster. If you do that....buy an extra battery or two. It's worth it to just be able to change them out and go twice as long! That Wells Fargo stuff is KA KA!!!! Don't know what we're going to do yet... probably just do what you're doing. We have the Debit and the Savings Account so that's two out of the three!. Have a safe weekend.
  17. So glad you're out of harms way for a while. Wondered. I have tornado pictures from our neighborhood on my F.B. page if ya wanna see, and some gnarly HuGe hail in Kansas. Big as a softball. So nice that you had a good family get together. Hope we get to do that in May! Take care and rest up now, you're bound to have more weather to deal with there!
  18. So glad you're ok.... Was a tornado 4 miles north of my hometown. Glad we aren't there. Concerned for all our friends and family in the middle of the country! We are heading to Vegas and Pahrump in the morning!
  19. Safe travels! Haven't been on here in a while, so read back to catch up. We are at Bullhead City AZ...headed to Pahrump, NV on Monday. Wind is blowing a gale here and we are getting a little rain. Temps have been pretty cool but on the way up before Monday. Hope you stay away from the storms in Texas!
  20. whooa,whooa, whooa, whooa!! You go girl! How exciting! Haven't been on here a while, just catching up. So glad for you! Lots of exploring out there.
  21. Jim and Sandie, Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Hope it's just another hiccup and you can be back on the road. Take care and let us know how it goes!
  22. I can report that Yuma got 10 drops of rain last night, and this afternoon a mud shower! Almost enough to wet the pavement...but the vehicle looks like it rained mud..that's after DB wiped it down with the Cali duster this morning. The wind picked back up and is bending the trees....at least 30+.... but can't add the white 4 letter word at least! We're a rockin and rollin! Not a good day to be outside!
  23. Toni! Ditto from me....it's so hard no matter if you are at peace with it or not. Our Thoughts are with you.....
  24. You guys be careful and I hope the tooth comes out easy and the pain goes away! Take care! We're going back to Los Algodones this morning! I'm getting two more chickens and having them painted and my other little Saguaro cactus. Got my Confirmation for our lot next winter here, so we're planning on Yuma in October!Yes Freddy and Delcie...life is good!
  25. Probably not much warmer up there either!!! Ewwwwwww. Hope it is short lived! Happy juice making!!! lol
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