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Everything posted by steved44

  1. Roger, my wife says the jails are not bad. You get two meals a day. She went over there with an expired passport and I didn't know If I would get her back. I did, but they promised me they would keep her!!
  2. Had a nice dinner tonight with Tom & Dianne, Jeff & Tina out here in the desert off Olgiby road. We all cooked our own dinners, and then brought them to our bus to eat. We had a great time talking about everyone (you know who you are), and then had a small campfire to cap off the evening. Still pretty cold out there, but warming up the next 7 days or so. I finally got the lights wired for the towed today and managed to drop a small screw in the dirt just as I was finishing. I spent 30 minutes looking for it and had about given up. Tom showed up with his spy glass and started looking and finally found the dang thing! Every good job has it's just rewards Now I finally have the new bus really ready for the road. IYQ, we decided not to look for any heavenly bodies this evening either. The moon is getting so bright it's almost like daylight in the desert once it comes up, so trying to see the galaxies clash together is not going to be easy. We'll have to get Roger out here to add his eye to the mix and see if we can really see anything. Hmmmm We're going to go to Mexico Sunday and have a little brain surgery done and Roger wanted to get "Beave" parts, so it should be a productive trip! At least down there you can have a Margarita while you're having your surgery done. Steve
  3. Dang Roger "CUT IT OUT" no more maint issues! Lee call the pope and get the equipment. We can do it!! Dave spinning around will create a popepopular vortex and cast the evil maint spell away. I saw Jeri, fast move!! GO PACK!!
  4. Not too cold here, about 50 degrees and no wind so it was fine for satellite watching. They do have a cold warning out for tonight, I think in the 30's so I guess I'll turn the heater on, No snow though. Hmm, space head, oh well, I've been called worse! It builds character I've heard.....
  5. Yipee! I saw the space station tonight. It was on time and I was able to observe it from horizon to horizon. Pretty bright too! Now all the baaaaaad whisky I had to drink waiting for it was worth it. hic! At least it was calm and no clouds, so it was easy to see. Steve
  6. Lee, I'm going to try and see it tonight. its' going to be visible here at about 6:47pm. Now if it doesn't cloud up.
  7. Merry Christmas to all the 08 & 09 group, the classless class, and any other SKP's that are reading this for whatever reason. Hope everyone has a great Christmas and many happy miles and adventures in the new year. IYQ, use an electric blanket so you won't freeze while waiting for that one meteor to flash by. If it doesn't, I'll take a picture of one and run back and forth by your RV at Q and maybe that will be enough.......
  8. Yeah, cheezeheads know! Hey Roger, I missed the flare too. I had no excuse at all except forgetting what time 19:02 really was. LOL
  9. That flare is supposed to hit here at 19:02 tonight. I don't think I've ever seen one either. Thanks for pointing it out Lee. Now I just have to shoot out all the lights. mumble mumble.............
  10. We will go to Italy, get the fixings and make some Chateaugay spaghetti for Italian night. Ok, where did I put those big pontoons??
  11. Lee, yes by all means bring the big trailer. You know it and everything on it works. We'll help you with it once you get there, so it shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure and keep the cranberry juice tank full.
  12. Wow, what a collection of vagabonds! Can't wait to see everyone! Had a great two days visiting with Paul and Sue who dropped in on their way through. We had a few margaritas a nice dinner and talked about everyone. I don't think we left anyone out. Yesterday we went to Mexico for lunch and picked up a few trinkets on the way. They fixed my glasses too for $2 so it was not a bad deal. This time coming back through customs was pretty quick as the big influx of tourists are not here yet. Waved goodby to P & S this morning and will see them again in Q. What a family! Steve
  13. We actually woke up to RAIN in Yuma this morning. I think the annual rainfall here is about 3" so everyone was running around tiptoeing through the puddles. Quite a sight if you think about it too long. We had a great lunch in BessyBus grilling shrimp that Carol got in Mexico yesterday. That and the OKC Thunder win last night made for a good day overall. Turned out to be a nice day here and we even got a call on the motorhome. Who knows, but at least it was a real person calling and not one of the scammers we have had calling all along. We went to the movie Fury yesterday and it was a good one. Made you not want to be a tank operator in WW2. Our son was a Bradley driver with the 1'st Armored division in Iraq, so he gave us a little insight as to how life in a tank was. Not a movie for the faint of heart. Then we went to horrible bosses 2 and laughed so hard we were both sore after it was over. I didn't think I would like it, but what a blast. Language was pretty colorful, but it was definitely funny. Ron, it was 70 here today and 55 last night, so what you need to do is bring plenty of wood and the campfires will be great! The first year I met up with this group, I was in Grand Canyon in January, and called them and asked if they needed anything. They said "bring the two Ws"! I said what are they? They said wood and wine. Hmmmmm Hey I did it!!!!! Steve
  14. Lee, I sat out and watched them last night for a couple of hours and saw about 45 of them. For a while they were coming in about one a minute. Had a few larger ones but most of them were fairly small. It sure got cool out there though. I have a place that is pretty much out of the lights so it worked pretty good. At least after I figured out which way they were coming from. Might have to go out there for a little while tonight if the clouds go away. Steve
  15. Needs to be more snow for the Packers to play, they thought it was summer and it didn't count. Aaarrrrggghhhh They WILL come back!!
  16. We have to run out to a sports bar for the Packer Game, it's blacked out on TV unless I pony up $49 and I can drink beer and eat pizza with that!! GO PACK!!
  17. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz huh??zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. We actually have rain here now in Yuma?? What's that all about. They only have rain here in rainy season (Aug first), so we're not used to it here. Where are the umbrellas, rain coats, new wiper blades, button for the awning?? My windshield wipers are like cleaning the windshield with two sticks!! Don't get any rain in the cranberry juice for heaven's sake. How do you dry out wine......hmmmmm Fire up the flux capacitor, batten down the hatches. Naw, just take a Steve and forget about all that other stuff. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. Tina & Jeff, so sorry to hear about Sadie. To bad that they can't live a long as people. They are such an integral part of our lives. Hugs for you guys! Steve & Carol
  20. Took a little drive over to Ogilby road today to see what was going on over there. I don't know just where you guys are planning on camping, but they graded the road and many places have a pretty good berm of dirt blocking access to them. I drove a ways down to the American girl mine road and found a couple of places down there that had good access. There were a few RV's parked out there, but lots of room for many more. Now Roger, I've got satellite on the new rig too, so we can get the games unless they are blacked out for some reason. Just bring the cranberry juice and I think we can work things out. Now we are in waiting mode!! We did get the title for the new bus sent to us, so now we'll have to bleed a little more to get the thing registered. Oh well I could be squandering it on my kids, but at this point they're on their own Now all we have to do is put up with the boring weather here in Yuma. 75 every day and 59 at night, what a burden......I did get my new sani-con system for the new bus, so I'll have to get it installed if I can find the time. Ho hum I guess it's time to take a Steve zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  21. Hey, Roger, just trade the Beave in on Bessybus, she already has a satellite on the roof!!
  22. Yes, Plamosa road is fine with us. I did like the dump and water fill that LaPosa south has, but I'll go north if that's where everyone wants to go. It is nice up there. Last time we were up there a piper cub landed right next to us, so it's level enough thats' for sure. Linda, sorry you have to give up "your baby", but we'll pass the word around here as soon as you get it posted. We did have one looker today at ours, but didn't seem too promising. Mostly crank calls so far!! Steve
  23. Well, we managed to sell our basement freezer today. The first person that responded, bought it. He already had one so he knew all about them, but he wanted another one to put in the trunk of his car. Ok, that's good with us. Now I have the rest of the basement storage I need for the rest of our stuff. No bites on the bus, except for the usual scammers that want to wholesale it at my expense. At least we only had 4 of them. Two of them called from the same number. I told them they need to talk among themselves before they start calling. We finally got our ads placed on Craig's list for Yuma, Phoenix and Tucson, RV trader and the Tiffin classifieds. Now all we can do is hope for the best. Never know what will happen. The wash and wax guys have been on vacation, so it looks like Thursday before we can get that done. The inside is clean and today Carol got up on the roof and cleaned the fantastic fans. Amazing how much dirt those things attract in a few years. Now I can concentrate on figuring out my solar setup. Ha Ha Steve
  24. We finally got our old bus posted on the tiffin website and Craig's list. RV trader is still pending, so we will probably know about that tomorrow. I'm glad we don't have to do this very often as we are both worn out. The bus waxing crew is on vacation, so it will be Thursday before we get that done. Fired it up today, charged up the batteries, cycled the leveling system and repaired the macerator dump (cracked fitting), so it's ready except the wax job. Green bay won, so I guess this was a good day after all. Steve
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