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Everything posted by Wanderin

  1. Or? 33.768889, -114.169167 depending on how your GPS pulls it up.
  2. FYI - We just took Tina and Jeff to the airport. His father is very ill and isn't expected to make it. They left their RV in Quartzsite with Roger and Lynn and their Jeep here with us. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
  3. I think once you get a little farther west, you'll warm up a bit. At least you will during the day. Supposed to be in low 70's today and just get warmer the rest of the week in the Phoenix area.
  4. The time is getting short and folks are getting ready to congregate at Q! Don't forget even though we have folks volunteering to sponsor some of our fun functions that everyone should chip in for something -- even the newbies. So far we have a few special events ..... Margarita Night, Italian Night and Campfire Morning Mimosas. The Italian food volunteers thought it would help if they could get a couple folks to cook a few extra batches of angel hair pasta and others who might bring salads or garlic bread. We also have folks bringing wood. We certainly appreciate that. Over the years we've found it difficult at times to get wood at Q. I'm sure we're all willing to chip in for the cost of it. Last year we had another fun event ---- the grab table. So, if you have items you don't want and others might, be prepared to clean out your rig and recycle those unwanted items. Okay ... so what am I forgetting? Ah yes ... who is going to be first picking our site and sending out GPS coordinates? And,go SEAHAWKS.
  5. There's a reason we write everything in chalk. Terry's mom has had several recent surgeries to remove cancers on her face and shoulder. Today was the hardest one on her though. It was supposed to be outpatient to remove the cancer on her nose. However, she's had a rough time today and has more scheduled on Monday. Needless to say, Terry just erased the chalk for his trip to Hawaii. He's going to be staying with her next week. Not so sure yet what I'm going to do. If she needs me, I'll stay.
  6. I would contact Sue regarding Margarita night. She's taking care of it. What we will need are side dishes and stuff for Italian Night on the 25th. I think we need rolls, salads, etc We talked to someone at the Elks about White Tank Mountain. He said it was like the Usury Park in Mesa. We love that place. Let me look at White Tank Mountain. We definitely do not want to be in the Phoenix area the weekend of Super Bowl. It will be a mess here. Not sure where we're going after Q but maybe Yuma or maybe to Parker. ????? Terry has a doctor's appointment in Portland on February 4th that I just found out about yesterday. That put a dent in my plans. . Go Seahawks!
  7. Maybe. Went shopping today. I have the champagne, little umbrellas and triple sec for the morning pajama parties for the ladies. Now all I need is some orange juice and coffee cake. I think we'll wait until we're ready to hit the road before I pick those items up. Hopefully, I'll have some champagne left by the time we head towards to Quartzsite. I think those bottles have a tendency to leak.
  8. I volunteer to sample some of those mimosas just to be sure I have the right ingredients before we get there. Hopefully, there will be some ingredients left over.
  9. Haha ... Mark Twain is one of my favorites too.
  10. Pillaging, raiding, ransacking ? ..... I'm associating with people I warned my kids to stay away from,
  11. You are right. Since it was a morning pajama party, he was either wearing his pajamas (NOT) or building that fire. We did "encourage" some of the boys to get up early and build that fire for us.
  12. I forgot about those mimosas. Those were really good. Heck, I'd rather do that than the Limoncello! Sangria can be good on Italian night. I'll load up some orange juice and some champagne for those early morning pajama get togethers around the fire. However, wasn't that a "ladies" event? I think we'll also make a visit to Costco and bring some of the breakfast rolls to dip in the mimosas! Well, not really to dip. Maybe we can add little umbrellas to our mimosas this year!
  13. We'll really miss you this year. However, we're seriously thinking of doing the Escapade. Maybe we'll make up our minds this week as we are leaning that way.
  14. Can I fold you up and put you in my carry-on? However, we're not leaving until the 12th. Too bad it wasn't earlier because we might have missed this cold spell. Terry had to go with his mom today for outpatient surgery which meant he left before the sun came up. We had to scrape ice off the windshield!! That was a YUCK too. I'm ready for sunshine and warmth!!
  15. We scraped ice off the windshield this morning. I had almost forgotten how to do that.
  16. So, we have it. According to Sue, margarita night is the 22nd unless it's too windy or rainy. Then, it'll be moved it to the 23rd. Italian night will be the 25th. Anything else can be discussed and added once we're in Q.
  17. I told Terry if there was snow on the Superstitions, we were driving out there tomorrow.
  18. Yippee!! Yay!! Yahoo!! Woot! Woot! It was downright nasty today! Terry wanted to go south. It took a bit to remember we were already in Arizona.
  19. Toni knitted me a pair of slippers a couple years ago. I wear them all the time and they even go in my suitcase when we travel. They'll be going to Hawaii with me next week!
  20. I'm a morning person too and not worth my salt at night unless I take a nap but thank goodness I can do that now. Sometimes I get up at 3:30! Terry's not so much but he's usually up before 8:00. I looked at the reservation page this morning to check out rates, etc. It looks like everything but dry camping is sold out now. We've never been to an Escapade either and this one is right where we're going to be so it's a MAYBE. Not sure that we'd do the early arrival thing though. Did you do that?
  21. Well, I responded to the other one. Is it a brain fart or just old age catching you?
  22. You're so funny, Paul. We have NO problem with generators. The good thing is that Q has lots of room so folks can either squeeze together or have lots of their own space.
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