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Posts posted by richfaa

  1. Our washer/Dryer dumps directly to the dump valve so we need to keep hooked up. We purchase quality sewer hose and we do keep it off the ground and slanted for proper  flow. We leave the grey and galley  valve open and dump the black tanks every  4 days. We do fill the grey and galley tanks from time to time and clean them out. Dumping, Hoses , etc have never been a problem for us.

  2. Been there twice as we just happened to be in the area on a road trip since it is over 2K miles from our S&B. I am sure escapes will have a circle IF Q happens this year. We would take a pass this year due to the uncertainty of travel. We had a bad enough time  getting back from Florida this spring. "Q" is a experience and should be on your to do list.

  3. We also live in a HOA facility in Central Florida during the winter most of the seniors  wore masks and gloves. There was really not very many places to go and most like us did not stray far from the facility. I choose to wear a mask and gloves  most of the  time  as I  have no medical degree and will listen to the medical folks rather than Facebook experts or media talking heads.

  4. We are not Canadian but winter in Florida. Canadians make up a significant number  of the snowbirds in Florida. They left our park in droves in early March not knowing what might happen at the border . We own a lot in Florida so reservations are not a problem. It is as of yet to early to know what might happen between now and say early October. We are in a wait and see position but it sort of looks like we will be wintering in Northern Ohio this year.


  5. We are on hold  for all travel. This will be the year since 2006 that we have no travel plans. It is not bad at all we have plenty to do around the S&B. We are retired have income can pay the bills and keep food on the table .We are more fortunate than many. There is no documented medication that is known to be effective and there is no vaccine . We are learning as we go. We  are saving a lot of $$ as there are no diesel fuel bills and no campground fees. We winter were it is warm and that is up  in the air  we shall see. The Montana 5th wheel is in the shop getting much needed maintenance.

  6. Kirk W explained it well     "The ownership of real estate does not create a domicile, but can be a contributing factor. Legally, it is the place where you establish evidence of intending to reside there, by such things as where you bank, subscribe to newspapers, your doctor's location, register & insure vehicles, register to vote, maintain a permanent address, pay your taxes, and a long list of other contributing factors'" Our Domicile is Ohio. We vote in that State our vehicles are tagged in that state. We pay Ohio State taxes. We have a residence in Florida. We  taxes on that property. We have a mailing address at that property. We reside in Ohio more  than 6 months of the year and Florida less than 6 months of the year. Normally one will Domicile in one Place and can have  residence in many places . We have had residence in as many as 3 different  states but only one domicile .Do some research on the difference between Residence and Domicile 

  7. Getting cash money has never been a problem for us since we began our  extensive travel in 2006. We use the FJ/Pilot card for fuel purchases  probably 95 % of the time and we use  a debit  card or our USAA card for all other purchases . Cash can be got most anywhere at stores both large and small. We have about 100.00 in various denominations on hand. We have found little use for cash. We do not recall paying ATM fees as we rarely use the ATM to get cash $$$ unless there is a branch of our local bank wherever we are. We have not had a problem using the debit card and it is both a debit and credit card. Most banks have limits or alerts on  your bank accounts such as how much you can spend at one time. We have had on several occasions had to call the bank and alert them that we would be exceeding that amount otherwise they would  deny the transaction or call us to confirm that is was us doing the transaction. We like the debit card because the amount is deducted from your account almost instantly and you can only spend what your account will cover.

    In short … we do not have a problem

  8. They are actually ESP … Extended service plans that will clearly define what is or is not covered. We have the cornerstone plan and are happy with it. There is no sense buying it while the RV is still under the factory warranty we purchased when the factory was about to expire.

    There are many things that can fail in these things that can be very expensive to repair. If you feel you can repair  or afford the repair of anything that may fail save the money. We did not fall in that group.


  9. Our primary use of Facebook or other social media is to communicate with family and friends . We also like to see all points of view from all sorts of people. It is called staying informed. I find Facebook a useful tool like any tool. We will block people or sites that continually  post hate in the areas of race, religion and politics.


  10. Over the years we have had about all of them including GS which we use now. We have never had a issue with any of them. A good indicator is to ask your local roadside service provider( tow service, etc) which service they prefer. It will normally be the one that pays with a credit card and pays promptly.

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