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Everything posted by sandsys

  1. We're on the road in Iowa during spring storm season. Tomorrow we get to decide whether to stay here with lousy internet or move on to possible hail. Terrible decision to have to make. We are on our way to the Winnebago factory for a few fix-its, though, so if we get hail they can repair it, right? Linda Sand
  2. I'm glad Paul made the trip safely. What fun to buy a customized rig! I hope you get to enjoy it for many, many years. Linda Sand
  3. Rah, Rah! Sis Boom Bah. Way to go Mike & Deb! Linda Sand
  4. On what calendar is May 1st summer?!!! Linda Sand former Minnesotan who is headed back there too early this year
  5. Too late. I can't get all my fingers and toes uncrossed and the world looks funny when you see it straight on. Congratulations, anyway. Linda
  6. Close. Close. Close. Close. Chanting on your behalf. Linda
  7. We're in Cazona. That's the state between California and Arizona. This is not the first park we've been in that's physically in California but everything runs on Arizona time because there's not much besides RV parks on the California side of the line. So we feel like we're camped in limbo land--thus Cazona. Linda Sand
  8. I had a friend who considered housework part of her exercise routine. Bend at the waist to pick up things from the floor, stretch to dust the high places, keep moving to keep your heartbeat up, etc. She was in amazingly good shape so maybe there was some method to her madness. Linda Sand
  9. Wow! You all take care of yourselves and each other, please. We don't want to lose any of you. Linda
  10. So it's a good thing we aren't traveling as fast as we considered doing. Linda
  11. For today's entertainment we got to watch a neighbor's awning blow over the top of their RV. Then we got to watch the mobil technicians bring it down again. At least we have our back to the wind and are behind a half wall so we've not been rocking too much. Linda Sand
  12. Well, it was either move today or wait out the storm coming through Needles, California, tonight. We're still here so I guess we're waiting. Linda
  13. Hmmm. Maybe we waited a little long to move north this year? Linda
  14. So, are you actually staying home until then?!! Oh, I bet you rented a car. Linda Sand
  15. Woo Hoo! Yippee! Rah, rah, sis boom bah! And any other cheer you can think of! Linda Sand
  16. I first read that as drop by to see EEK! I thought you saw a mouse or something. Linda
  17. Great news about Terry! Do remember how much you got in a hurry to go north last year then regretted it. Maybe you should go east some to kill time before you go north. Then you can take a different route and see lots of new things to keep you from traveling quite so fast. You know how vehicles get once they point towards home. You'd think they were horses headed for the barn. Well, they sort of are, I guess. You could go see Freddie & Delcie then Steve & Carol on your way north. Linda Sand
  18. I haven't used my skills in so long I don't think they work anymore. Besides, none of you want me to sort your outgoing mail for bulk mailing and I don't want to set up your bookkeeping systems and I couldn't write without spell checker anymore plus it doesn't even get them all right. Linda Sand
  19. I'm with Sue. I forget which one I'm reading also so sometimes have felt my responses were on the wrong one. Linda
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