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Posts posted by Parrformance

  1. 22 hours ago, trimster said:

    I wonder if someone could explain the differences in tread design. Open, closed shoulder, etc. I'm needing drives. I'm not singled out but I am dropping 2 tires off the front drive axle. Don't need the load capacity and having the tire inset an inch or so (caused by the removal of the inner tire) does not bother me.


    Thoughts about running the single tire with the bare rim mounted inside?

    This would keep the tires inline.

  2. Break it up in smaller quantities and go to two stores.

    Often auto parts stores are near each other.

    I have 4 vehicles, when I need to dump oil, I check which auto parts store is offering an oil change bundle.

    When you buy your next oil change whilst dropping off oil, they never question me.

  3. 1 hour ago, mike5511 said:

    And those are good things to learn, especially if you have no knowledge of large vehicles at all. Some schools are better than others. I've seen a bunch driver's that apparently slept through school, or went to a bad one.  But, the millions of truckers who learned before all these schools, learned from individual driver's who had learned from other drivers. Setting and talking to an experienced driver, going with him, or taking him with you in your new 42' motorhome, will teach you more effectively and quicker than those schools. The schools will teach you how to pass the CDL test, if needed. From what I've seen of these new crop of drivers, that is apparently about all they did learn. I've got a friend that sold RVs for years, still dabbles in used ones some. He would take a person who had never driven a motorhome out for a day of driving.  In town, out on the highway, parking lots, etc. The last one he did was a woman who had never driven anything bigger than her car. But she wasn't afraid to try. By the end of the day, she was wheeling that thing around with confidence and doing a great job. That is training worth your time! I don't know about schools for driving RVs. I'd say that would be worth your time. The questions I initially answered was; "Would you think to take a commercial driving school if you purchased a 42 foot motor home?" And I still say no. An RV driving school? For me no, but I think it would be great for those who were apprehensive and had no knowledge or experience of driving a large vehicle. 


    This was my point in posing the question, seems as though some are intimidated in the “Semi” tractor, but those same folks will jump in a large motor home and drive it away.

    Certainly you should know and learn the difference in a large retired commercial truck and an f350.

    I have been fortunate enough to drive a large variety of motor vehicles in my life, and all of them require different methods to control for your protection and others.

    I will say my Volvo is much easier to handle and maneuver than the large motor homes I have driven.

    Folks do not need to be intimidated to drive the big rigs, they need to be thoughtful, and careful.

    The motoring public can rent a 24 foot box truck or a 38 foot motor home with no training.  

    Rent the biggest U-Haul you can find before you pick up your truck and drive around the town your Grandkids live in.  You’ll quickly pick up swing wide, slow down, leave space, pay attention, and watch out for the Grandkids at ALL times.

  4. 3 hours ago, runaway parents said:

    Good idea .the only reason  I am  not doing this is because I am not a professional  truck driver nor am I a professional  diesel  technician. Although I can change my own oil and run a grease gun.i figure  it doesn't  hurt to let the pros. Take a look at it.to make sure I am not missing something. I usually do this every couple  of years. Yes I admit  my previous comparison was an extreme one. And I ruffled  a few fathers  out there in the hdt world.But like I said before when you live in a world where money doesn't grow on trees  this can be nerve racking.

    I understood fully what you meant.

    I panic anytime something is different or strange with the truck, until I know for sure whether it can be fixed.

    More importantly, can I afford to fix it.

  5. 8 hours ago, rickeieio said:

    Since you have a Volvo, I'd say take a look at the top of the frame rail next to the driver side of the radiator.  Right where you likely stepped to reach something.  Peal the harness cover back and take a peek.

    Just remember, it's nearly always the ground.😁

    Might also want to look at the connection for the a/c compressor, by that step🙁 Clean and mark with bright tape to avoid stepping on them till they get disconnected.

  6. DO NOT USE SUNPASS, they are the most inefficient ignorant imbeciles.

    E Pass works well, I have the transponder at the bottom of the windshield in the center of the truck.

    Volvo 780.

    Sunpass could not be more worthless, you will spend hours on hold and finally prove the issue was their mistake, only to realize it was not worth the aggravation to challenge.

    ”Yeah it’s probably our fault, we will just charge you the normal toll fee”.

    No apology for the hours wasted to prove their significant problems.

    E pass answers the phone in minutes, courteous and grateful for your business. 
    E Pass will set up the transponder/transponders specific to each vehicle, and mark them accordingly, then mail them to you. Super efficient.

    Excellent to do business with.

    SunPass, not so much, I’d rather go to the DMV on a Monday morning than to ever deal with SunPass again.

    it’s an absolute White Hot Hate🤬



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