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Posts posted by Striper

  1. Ah the road to Jerome. Many years ago a friend of mine came into Jerome from the other side. He had not bothered to check the restrictions on that road so was doing the "White Knuckle" thing already as he was towing their 5th wheel. Then he had to try to make the hairpin turn there in Jerome. Only took out 3 motorcycles doing that. His Insurance company really liked him. :D Trust me HE never said a word to anyone, but his BRIDE spilled the beans over a glass, or 3, of some Cranberry Juice. :lol:


    Not much happening up here in the PNW. After almost a week of beautiful weather it is back to Windy and Wet. Oh well it is dry out in the shop, might have to bottle some more Cranberry Juice today. :ph34r:




    We will be staying with friends in Sequim so we will reserve from there.

    Right on, just let me know what boat you will be on and I can figure time to meet in Burlington from there.


    Sharon and I took a ride today and ended up over at the Chimacum Cafe for Lunch. (That's about 2 miles from the Evergreen SKP Co-op) After getting very filled up with food we ventured into a Specialty Lumber Yard I like to Drool my way through. Ended up bringing home some sticks of Red Oak for a project I'm working on. Now that I have almost all the materials on hand, guess it's time to finish this one up. Gee then we had to take another Ferry ride to get home. Weather was GREAT, water was FLAT, and we had a wonderful time.



  3. Janice is using reading glasses for distance vision and can see OK but not what she wanted. When her eyes have adjusted, she will get prescription glasses. She using two different strength reading glasses to read up close. BOTH at the same time!! Looks funny but I am not brave enough to post a picture.

    We had some storms hit close by but missed us. Two tornados touched down within 50 miles of us.

    Ain't no way I'm sayin anything, she was already mad at me the last time I saw her. :ph34r: And honest, I didn't do anything. :rolleyes:



  4. Wow, heard about the storm last night and have been worried about all you guys down that way since. Sure was good seeing your posts here this morning. Guess I need to turn on the news and see what they are showing about it.


    Hmmm about the only thing that happened up here is that we went to the Blue Hair Dinner at the Casino last night with a group of friends.




    We are coming right through Oak Harbor. Whatever is convenient for you. Olive Garden in Burlington would work too. And yes, we would love to meet Sharon. We haven't yet but have heard lovely stuff.

    Cool, but right now Oak Harbor is hurting in the Restaurant Dept. So let's plan on Olive Garden in Burlington. That will also be a little easier for Sharon to join us as she will be getting ready for out trip up to Grandy Creek TT on the 16th.


    See you guys then, travel safe



  6. Yes Lee, we do love you. You the glue that holds us together.


    Some people are just more regular than others. :wub:

    Must be cause they eat more PRUNES :ph34r:


    Ok, I read the board every day, but seldom post cause while I'm here at Spiker's RV Resort there really isn't much to post about. I do however enjoy seeing how, and where, everyone else is. I do hope to get the Doghouse down south again next winter, but only time will tell on that. I would enjoy seeing everyone.


    We are going to Depot Bay the end of next month, but that will be doing the Condo/Timeshare thing.



  7. You summed up that game very well Lee...two great defenses taking the offenses out of it.

    The NFL has become all about entertainment. Sometimes it seems like they've combined pro wrestling with it as far as all the hype and trash talk. It ain't your father's football. The money and the owners holding cities hostage for new stadiums is way too much.

    That being said, I'll still keep rooting for my Packers. The true America's team that is owned by it's fans!


    AMEN, and I have said for years that the NFL knows before the start of the season who will win the super bowl. :ph34r:




    A Packer Stockholder

  8. I feel your pain Joe. I read this morning that Payton was going to have hip replacement surgery. I don't know if they are going to do it before the game or after. Hmmmmm

    Well as far as I'm concerned they might just as well go ahead and operate on him now. Truthfully I don't think they can protect him from Carolina. :rolleyes: Just my .02


    Back to reality tomorrow, have to head home for a while again. :( However I know there is going to be plenty of that Baaaaaaaaad Whiskey at the Party on Sunday and since I'm taking the Motor Home I only need to be able to crawl about 100 feet to be home :D



  9. Well Sharon and I are sitting in a Condo in Ocean Shores, WA watching 16 to 20 foot waves break on the Rock Wall, it's approx 100 feet from our windows, lining the entrance to Grays Harbor. We will most likely just sit here with the Fireplace going and watch this fantastic show most of the day. Unfortunately we have to head back home tomorrow. Have a Super Bowl Party to attend. Hmmmmm this is the first Superbowl I will have watched where I really want BOTH TEAMS TO LOSE. :ph34r:



  10. Well folks the Wind and Rain have returned to the PNW. Sure isn't going to make things any better for the folks down in the southern part of Washington and Northern Oregon. I just wish I was at the coast as they are predicting waves up to 35 feet tall in the Ocean Shores area, WOW. Also saw on the news last night that Seattle is almost triple on rain so far for this month.


    At least down where Steve and Carol are, Carol should be getting some GREAT Storm pictures.



  11. Bet it's that "El Nino" brat Jeff! Nice and sunny here in Port Aransas (for now). I think that the temps are about normal (high 60's). Now if someone could find that fan switch to shut off the wind...LOL!


    Wow Roger, if you think that is gonna happen then I got some Ocean Front Property in Nevada to talk to you about. ;) Seems a few years back I spent a year there one December and the wind blew so much I was only able to use my lil gas weber 3 times. I signed up for a fishing trip the first week and it got cancelled so many times I never did get out.


    Back home now. Had a great time in Florida. Was fun meeting up with Jeri and Terry, also with Jerry and Janice. ( Hope Janice is over being mad at me :rolleyes: ) Of course it was fun seeing the Grand Kids also. Dang but they be gettin big. We are kinda thinking about maybe spending a month down there next winter.



  12. A big howdy and a Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Classless friends from here in Victoria, TX!

    Oh, and GO PACK...feast on some bear meat!!

    Roger and Lynn

    Cracker Barrel put on a good feed today, now just need the Pack to get it together and grind up some Bear Meat.





  13. Injuries and age. I said at the end of last year he should retire. Didn't realize he was close to a breaking a Favre record so they brought him back. He has had only 1 "good" game this season. We'll see Sunday night if the Broncos have to play against the refs and the Pats or just the Pats. ;)


    Jeff :)

    But they fired a coach because of His Highness. Good luck on just playing the Pats, hasn't worked that way for any other team this year.



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