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Posts posted by Striper

  1. Hmmm RAINING, Jeff must be somewhere nearby. :lol: We just decided to brave the elements and head into town for a bit. Need to mail a card and then will just bypass lunch and go straight for desert. Oh Ya Death by Chocolate Ice Cream. (found the Ice Cream Machine :ph34r: )





  2. Roger, not hard to get an appointment. They are a busy shop, but seem to be able to work people in if they can. At least they have full hook -ups so the wait is not bad. Steve

    Hey Steve,


    While you are in the area there are a couple of things you might want to check out. The Stained Glass Windows in the Redlands Library are fantastic, and it you can get them to let you up into the tower they probably still have the old Original Windows there. Over time they have aged to the point that they distort everything. Original woodwork is also pretty dang fine. Then they used to have a Farmers Market in downtown one night a week, always had a couple of stands that were selling food that was pretty darn good. One had Burritos that would make a minimum of 2 meals for a Hungry guy. LOL. Then of course all the old Mansions in the area.


    You guys having been there before have probably seen this stuff, but I mention it just in case.


    Us, we are sitting in Ocean Shores for a week of watching the Ocean in all it's hopefully stormy glory. Right now there is a fishing boat heading out bouncing like a cork in a boiling pot of water. To early for any of that Baaaaaad Whiskey, so I'll just pour another cuppa java and sit here in front of the Fireplace and watch it all go by.




    On edit, after I got done typing the above I grabbed my camera and headed to the windows for a picture, or 3, turned out there was 9 boats heading out. Think I might have gotten a couple of good pictures

  3. Hey All,





    Weather here in the PNW ain't to bad. Much warmer than up at Lac La Hache, BC where I was supposed to be. Fighting a cold so decided not to head north. However I hear that the Ice Fishing Huts are out on the lake in abundance, the Snowmobiles are running rampant, and there are Hockey Games set up. So a little different from where most of you are, but probably just as much fun, specially ifn you have plenty of BAAAAAAAAAAAAD Whiskey. :D




    What are you going to do in Lac La Hache? and for how long?

    Not real sure just what all we will be doing. I'm more the trip photographer than anything. I have heard we will be attending a huge Bon Fire, ring in the New Year Celebration. Will be there a week or so. Return date not really set yet. Mainly just a little get a way.



  5. Glad to see that most everyone is having nice weather. Things here are WET and COLD. But it's still one of the prettiest places on earth to be. That said, next week I'm going to head North for a while and make sure BC is still there. Wouldn't want Tony and Doug coming home only to find it had moved. :rolleyes: Tony knows where Lac La Hache is and can probably tell what the weather there is like. So for now though.





  6. Well being that it's almost Thanksgiving, I'll start it off. HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone.


    How will you be spending the day?


    Here at Spiker's RV Resort, 2 stalls in the shop have been cleared, the Bachlor Table for 12 has been set up, and friends, neighbors, and family will be sitting around enjoying each others company. Yes the Grape Juice will be flowing as will other drinks of choice.



  7. We will have to cut our winter travels short. Here's the irony.


    My brother, my only sibling, as most of you know hasn't spoken to us since we went on the road. He told us that we were having too much fun and he did not want to hear about it and we were shirking our responsibilities by running away. Guess what...he has bought a truck and a fifth wheel and is going on the road in February. What????


    Anyhow that means that we will have the responsibility of looking out for my ailing father. That means we will have to stay in an expensive rv park in the cold. (About $700 a month and that's about an hour out of the city) until we can go to our summer site in the park.


    We really hadn't planned further than the end of January so although it's very disappointing, we haven't had to change our plans.

    Sounds to me like he finally figured out how to make you live up to the responsibilities he thinks your SHIRKING. :lol::ph34r:


    I know it's tough dealing with aging parents and that you and Doug will do whatever you need to do. And winter in the PNW really isn't as bad as a lot of folks think, except for the fact that it RAINS ALL THE TIME :rolleyes:




    Deserters! good one Joe. I always had trouble with desert and dessert as a young child but you know it wouldn't be too bad to be "desserters" either, fattening though.

    Well ALL you guys did run off and ASSUMED that I would take care of the PNW for you. :rolleyes: And I did make a trip up into YOUR area last month to check on things. :lol: All this work is making me very, VERY tired, time for another Steve zzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  9. Been following the happenings and am glad to see that everyone is doing well and having fun still. Really glad to hear the Freddie is doing good.


    After a week in Pahrump enjoying the mid 70's weather and trying to track down some of the other Classless folk, I gave up and had to return to the Frozen Tundra of the PNW. I even looked for the fabled Ice Cream Machine, figuring that Steve just may have hid it there but no luck on that front either. So here I am serving solitary time up here trying to keep things going while the rest of the deserters are off getting sunburns, etc. Now it's time for a Steve, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  10. Hey Joe, what the heck happened? One minute I look at the map and you have a bunch of people milling around up in your area and the next time I look everyine has scattered. Did ya eat a bunch of beans and have a Blazzing Saddles moment and un everyone off?

    Dang Dave, I just don't know. I took my monthly shower and did my monthly underwear change :P but they all left anyway. That's ok, cause I'm gonna head south tomorrow and Hunt them down. :D

    Oh, daag nab it, everyone already left Pahrump and Vegas to. :angry: This could be serious, I may need to seek the help of a "Trained Professional". ROFLMAO




    Will most likely be without internet for the next 10 days or so.


    Your welcome Joe. Nice picture. The sun actually shines there? Wow! We only had showers here one night. Warming to the mid-high 80's for the weekend. I think John and Sharon helped pulling the rain away from the PNW too.


    Travel safe everyone.


    Jeff :)

    Thanks, unfortunately them weather guesser turned out to be right again. ( It happens once in a while ) Rain and WIND returned last night. Had to bring the slide in cause the toppers were flapping so bad. So a wet one today, but then that's why we have Foul Weather Gear with us. :lol:



  12. Keep that sun shining!


    We might just make it to Pahrump! We did love the meals at the Winery.

    Sounds good. Son and I should be there the 30th. Staying in one of the Cottages out at Wine Ridge, just a short walk to the restaurant. Will be in classes during the day and most likely not available to meet on Monday or Tuesday. However should be available Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday. Heading back home on Friday.


    Weather guesser predicted rain here in Pacific Beach yesterday, but we had beautiful sun shining all day. Nice walk on the beach at Damon Point State Park. Found a few Agates, took a few pictures, and had Lunch in Ocean Shores. Today looks to be the same.



  13. In scenic Bakersfield for the next week maybe longer. There is still a sun. Haven't done that much driving in a long time. Grants Pass to Bakersfield. I just might put the electric heater a way. LOL!


    Travel safe everyone.


    Jeff :)

    Something you might check out is Buck Owens Club. Food was good when I went there several years ago and the show that night was not to bad. As much as they liked Ole Buck there in Bakersfield, they most likely had him stuffed and on display there in the club. :ph34r:




    Just like I told Joe, hate, hate the mosquitos in Florida. My feet were so swollen from bites I couldn't fit into my shoes. I bought bug spray on Friday but should have bought it on Thursday.


    The rain may be following you but you didn't take it all with you. It's still raining in the PNW. Still waiting for departure date. Hope it's Wednesday or Thursday but not sure when. We need that title from South Dakota to get on the road. Who knows when that will happen. I've been studying the map and studying it and studying it. Las Vegas is the target but that might change. It depends on the weather.


    Take care everyone.


    I know not of this rain you speak of. :P We arrived at Pacific Beach, WA yesterday afternoon in with Sunny Skies and 60 degrees. Ocean waves were rolling in and the Ocean was a deep blue. Little breeze, was almost Sun Tanning weather.


    Maybe we can meet up in Pharump for dinner at the Winery while you are in Vegas.




    What kind of classmates do you cll yourselves that don't bother going to the reunion? :)



    An ABSENT one. :ph34r: I most likely won't make it either, probably won't get much farther south than Coos Bay, OR this winter. :D Seems like we already have plans for some kind of short trip every month clear through March 17.




    Joe and Sharon,


    On your next trip for cranberry juice, bring the rig and come stay a couple of nights. We would love to see you.

    Hey Toni,


    No more trips for "Cranberry Juice" as the company closed their Vancouver operation. :angry: So just been staying close to home for the time being. Heck probably won't make it any farther south than Seaside, Or this year.



  17. Hey Lee, sorry to hear about your change of circumstances. However I have faith that you will be back chasing them cowgirls in short order.


    As for me, I'm just kinda stuck up here in the PNW. While Sharon and I are having plenty of fun, just don't seem to be able to get very far from home these days.


    And as the Pig used to say, That's all folks.





    We recently managed to get a few days away in "The Doghouse" and look what showed up. :rolleyes: Hmmmmm looking like "The Doghouse" might just need a new name. Maybe "The Cath........" :ph34r: , naw that would get me in more trouble than I'm normally in. :lol:




  19. Sure glad all you guys are taking care of the PINK Jeeps, Buckboards, and especially the STORMS. :D I on the other hand am just sitting here enjoying a bit of Baaaaaaaaad Whiskey after having lunch with Sharon and Doug and Toni. Boy did we talk about yoall, there should be Red Burning Ears everywhere this evening. :rolleyes:



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