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Posts posted by Dollytrolley

  1. Doc,

    Good examples of S A can be utilized to lessen a probable risk profile and for the most part once you become conditioned to critical thinking S A can be a major tool to filter the Known / Known's..........Known / Unknown's .....and to some extent Unknown / Unknown's........whew.


    Here is a odd thing that has come back to me since the Covid-19 virus was called out to me by my old Doc client.....and the odd thing is, that since I retired from flying I have NOT had any recurrent S A training for years (used to have recurrent simulator and actual aircraft training EVER 6 months or less) so the odd thing is that the instant Doc called.......the old S A training kicked in suddenly and in many ways life became somewhat less complicated since I was able to vastly simplify the tasks needed from the tasks NOT needed in the near term......

    For the most part formal S A training is often required for people with high-risk job profiles however as Covid-19 unfolds it seems that S A could very likely be a concept that could help many people obtain some of the critical thought skills needed to make informed personal decisions.......

    Maybe a bit later I might write up a few examples of how S A has helped obtain favorable outcomes from what at first seemed un- survivable situations.......


    Stay tuned......


    Drive on..........Before driving......please ponder.....S A

  2. 1 minute ago, docj said:

    Well said, but probably a bit too obtuse for some.

    Good morning Doc......

    Nice word-crafting with "obtuse"......likely sad but true that S A seems "above the pay-grade" for too many folks around the country today.

    Having spending much of my adult life involved in sometimes Insanely Dangerous endeavors I will tell anyone who will listen that   Situational Awareness is a Priceless resource to practice when dealing with the VAST Unknowns of Covid-19.....Priceless....


    Drive on..........However......before Driving On........give Situational Awareness a good honest effort.....




    Well I have sat back waiting a bit to chime into this group…...you see in my ….” declining years I seem to become a bit more of a wimpy than I was in my “Save-the-world-youth”…….this discussion seems to have a fairly “sharp edge” at times……..




    In late December last year I answered a call from a OLD doctor that I used to fly to VERY remote places where he would conduct medical research….. much of the time studying local infections and native populations.


    This doc minced no small talk and ask, “where are you”?


    I said “ I am at our winter camp at Last Chance Peak just East of Death Valley”.


    Doc said “Listen UP, there is a pandemic of likely epic portions that will NOT be mitigated easily so hunker down where you are and STAY AWAY FROM EVERYONE…….PERIOD…….I will call you when it makes sense to go out again”


    So……..we locked the gate and planted a large garden in one of the Hottest places on earth and geezer-nap in the shade in the heat of the day……


    It seems that the news indicates that a LOT of folks are going crazy in the lock down and I could understand that to a point.


    IF by chance you are bored and want a challenge that will absolutely keep you VERY busy…...Try cobbling up a summer garden on the edge of Death Valley…...Trust me YOU WILL BE BUSY and not all of the seedlings will make it……….heck a guy down the road told us that the devil winters next door to him and the Devil left last Thursday at 101f muttering that hell was cooler……


    Anyway, here we are, and it WILL get hotter for sure, and likely some more garden plants will get brown and blow away but hey that is farming right?


    So now I will hazard a bit of flack by making a few comments about……..Experts…..Opinions…..Facts….and Unknowns………and…...Situational Awareness…….


    “Experts” come in all kinds of sizes and flavors now that the internet has opened up the job of being a “Expert” to almost anyone with a internet connection.


    I must say I am stunned how many “Medical / Biological EXPERTS” have ALL of their “Training originating from the internet”…….


    Doc had to get by with years and years at Yale, Harvard, Stanford…….just imagine how inferior he must feel not having the internet to get him “elevated knowledge base’ that the average internet user has these days.


    You see many moons ago I WAS in Charge of saving the WORLD …….I was hot stuff…You see I WAS a EXPERT before the internet……..sorta.


    In the real world I was a fair pilot most of the time and good enough to retire from flying without killing myself or others and so upon retirement I can now claim to be a expert pilot in FACT.


    The other thing that the internet has “gifted” us with a LOT of FACTS that are actually OPINIONS dressed up to look like FACTS often thrown about by folks who may claim to be EXPERTS when they are NOT….


    All this now leads up to …….. Situational Awareness & Unknowns……..


    When a person first learns to fly often they seek a private pilots license or sport license with fairly limited training and limitations related to flight operations.


    If one decides to seek to become a professional pilot the training, testing, and skill levels tend to become more elevated as flight operations become more complex.


    One of the never ending professional pilot training subjects that is always stressed is the concept of Situational Awareness (S A) .


    The formal definition of SA is broken down into three segments:


    1. Perception of the elements in the environment.


    2. Comprehension of the situation.


    3. Projection of future status.


    Inadequate Situation Awareness has been identified as one of the primary factors in accidents attributed to human error.


    You see Situational Awareness is NOT an exact science and it has to deal with a lot of unknowns but history has proven that Situational Awareness has a lot of merit.


    Flying Doc around was a SERIOUS job with plenty dangerous conditions that were VERY difficult to mitigate.


    In Docs mindset by FAR, the largest risk was that of PANDEMIC…….


    You see Doc KNEW for a FACT that NONE of the remote tribal members had ANY IMMUNITY to ANY of the conditions that he or I could INFECT these tribal members with, and that IF we were to pass an outside-world infection into the tribe it would ALMOST CERTAINLY RESULT IN EXTINCTION of the tribe…...Chilling…….


    Doc took intense precautions to limit the infection risks to tribe members and I was allowed NOT ANY CONTACT WHATSOEVER with tribal members.


    Doc loved to fly and was cursed as a marginal pilot at best, but I would let him fly as much as he desired but here is the odd thing…….if the weather became a lit bit marginal or operations became complex he would simply say “You have the airplane”…...you see Doc’s intense medical training utilized Situation Awareness in EVERY action he took. Doc’s Perception told him that elements in the environment were changing. Doc Comprehended that the situation was approaching his limitations of flight operations. Doc KNEW that it was time to pass control of the aircraft back to me since his Projection of the near future status of the aircraft operation might exceed his flight limitations.


    The vast majority of the population of the U S A has NO Situational Awareness Training Whatsoever so the critical steps to understand the methods needed to be able to understand the fatal nature of this pandemic and the methods needed to deal with the pandemic are missing from the public national response to the pandemic.


    History does not treat populations well at all that ……...Ignore Situational Awareness…….


    Drive on………..Once your Situational Awareness PROVES with actual FACTS that it is safe…….



    Well I have sat back waiting a bit to chime into this group…...you see in my ….” declining years I seem to become a bit more of a wimpy than I was in my “Save-the-world-youth”…….this discussion seems to have a fairly “sharp edge” at times……..




    In late December last year I answered a call from a OLD doctor that I used to fly to VERY remote places where he would conduct medical research….. much of the time studying local infections and native populations.


    This doc minced no small talk and ask, “where are you”?


    I said “ I am at out winter camp at Last Chance Peak just East of Death Valley”.


    Doc said “Listen UP, there is a pandemic if epic portions that will NOT be mitigated easily so hunker down where you are and STAY AWAY FROM EVERYONE…….PERIOD…….I will call you when it makes sense to go out again”


    So……..we locked the gate and planted a large garden in one of the Hottest places on earth and staying in the shade in the heat of the day……


    It seems that the news indicates that a LOT of folks are going crazy in the lock down and I could understand that to a point.


    IF by chance you are bored and want a challenge that will absolutely keep you VERY busy…...Try cobbling up a summer garden on the edge of Death Valley…...Trust me YOU WILL BE BUSY and not all of the seedlings will make it……….heck a guy down the road told us that the devil winters next door to him and the Devil left last Thursday at 101f muttering that hell was cooler……


    Anyway, here we are and it WILL get hotter for sure and likely some more garden plants will get brown and blow away but hey that is farming right?


    So now I will hazard a bit of flack by making a few comments about……..Experts…..Opinions…..Facts….and Unknowns………and…...Situational Awareness…….


    “Experts” come in all kinds of sizes and flavors now that the internet has opened up the job of being a “Expert” to almost anyone with a internet connection.


    I must say I am stunned how many “Medical / Biological EXPERTS” have ALL of their “Training originating from the internet”…….


    Doc had to get by with years and years at Yale, Harvard, Stanford…….just imagine how inferior he must feel not having the internet to get him “elevated knowledge base’ that the average internet user has these days.


    You see many moons ago I WAS in Charge of saving the WORLD …….I was hot stuff…You see I WAS a EXPERT before the internet……..sorta.


    In the real world I was a fair pilot most of the time and good enough to retire from flying without killing myself or others and so upon retirement I can now claim to be a expert pilot in FACT.


    The other thing that the internet has “gifted” us with a LOT of FACTS that are actually OPINIONS dressed up to look like FACTS often thrown about by folks who may claim to be EXPERTS when they are NOT….


    All this now leads up to …….. Situational Awareness & Unknowns……..


    When a person first learns to fly often they seek a private pilots license or sport license with fairly limited training and limitations related to flight operations.


    If one decides to seek to become a professional pilot the training, testing, and skill levels tend to become more elevated as flight operations become more complex.


    One of the never ending professional pilot training subjects that is always stressed is the concept of Situational Awareness (S A) .


    The formal definition of SA is broken down into three segments:


    1. Perception of the elements in the environment.


    2. Comprehension of the situation.


    3. Projection of future status.


    Inadequate Situation Awareness has been identified as one of the primary factors in accidents attributed to human error.


    You see Situational Awareness is NOT an exact science and it has to deal with a lot of unknowns but history has proven that Situational Awareness has a lot of merit.


    Flying Doc around was a SERIOUS job with plenty dangerous conditions that were VERY difficult to mitigate.


    In Docs mindset by FAR, the largest risk was that of PANDEMIC…….


    You see Doc KNEW for a FACT that NONE of the remote tribal members had ANY IMMUNITY to ANY of the conditions that he or I could INFECT these tribal members with, and that IF we were to pass an outside-world infection into the tribe it would ALMOST CERTAINLY RESULT IN EXTINCTION of the tribe…...Chilling…….


    Doc took intense precautions to limit the infection risks to tribe members and I was allowed NOT ANY CONTACT WHATSOEVER with tribal members.


    Doc loved to fly and was cursed as a marginal pilot at best, but I would let him fly as much as he desired but here is the odd thing…….if the weather became a lit bit marginal or operations became complex he would simply say “You have the airplane”…...you see Doc’s intense medical training utilized Situation Awareness in EVERY action he took. Doc’s Perception told him that elements in the environment were changing. Doc Comprehended that the situation was approaching his limitations of flight operations. Doc KNEW that it was time to pass control of the aircraft back to me since his Projection of the near future status of the aircraft operation might exceed his flight limitations.


    The vast majority of the population of the U S A has NO Situational Awareness Training Whatsoever so the critical steps to understand the methods needed to be able to understand the fatal nature of this pandemic and the methods needed to deal with the pandemic are missing from the public national response to the pandemic.


    History does not treat populations well at all that ……...Ignore Situational Awareness…….


    Drive on………..Once your Situational Awareness PROVES with actual FACTS that it is safe…….

  5. On 3/25/2020 at 7:15 AM, GR "Scott" Cundiff said:

    Sounds like you are handling it just about right.  If I were in your shoes I'd do the same - just tap the brakes a bit and give this thing more time to play out.  Hopefully you aren't depending on investments for part of your income - this isn't a good time to tap into them.  

    There's a good chance that the country will open at different speeds in different areas.  My guess is that rural areas will be declared "okay" first - something that works well for RVing.  

    Good luck with your plans, I think you will love it.


    Until yesterday I felt like you that rural areas would be the "best" places to be and would recover fast if INFECTED.... 


    Unfortunately..... Covid-19 does NOT think OR act like us.....


    Yesterday I called a friend from Idaho.... He was NOT in Idaho....  He was in his camper van 30 miles outside......Needles Kalifornia.....a location just about as remote as his home in a small town in Idaho....  

    So..... Wilber plans to start travel back home to Idaho so.....he calls his brother next door in Idaho.....no brother...brother can't talk on the phone while in vent-gizmo......uhoh.....not good.....

    NOT good...   out of a few thousand locals, 89 are symptomatic and several hundred are almost certain INFECTED but shortage of testing prohibits actually KNOWING who IS or NOT INFECTED....OUCH

    Bottom line..... Wilbur is NOT welcome to go....  Home......he was born there has lived there his entire life (until now) and most of his family is there HOWEVER he is no longer welcome to go home.... 

    In a quirk of the Laws of the science of Large Numbers Wilbur's home location in Idaho HAS more CONFIRMED infected Covid-19 cases than New York City....  OUCH

    Wibur is NOT going home......


    Drive on..... To more remote location???

  6. So far we seem to be a fairly ...."low-key bunch"......except for Henry......

    Perhaps IF Dollymomma will give me a break from my stable-boy and snake ranch chores I might be able to spice things up a bit ......I might type out a few Grumps (and a few other family-outlaws) tales regarding ......"social distancing & isolation" ..........


    Stay tuned.......


    Drive on...........Just practice trailer backing .....with you mask on......



  7. 15 hours ago, phoenix2013 said:

    Dolly, we are self quarantining in southern Florida, it's tough.


    Pool is almost where I like it (89 with solar heat)


    But we are OK with Pinscher love and toilet paper.




    So.........you took your temp and ........you are ........."stable".........at about 85f  /29c.........hummm, and it looks in the picture like rigeeemortizess  has set in.....please don't tell us what body parts you utilized to obtain the temp.....

    Forwarded the pic to a couple of OLD docs that I used to fly around in grim locations and they fired back a very short response.............they said " in average humans a 85f / 29c body temp would indicate death occurred about 3 hours prior, HOWEVER since ENGINEERZ are only distant species to humans ......a body of 85f / 29c is actually a fairly high fever condition for ENGINEERZ and IS NOT a fever brought on by over-work but most likely to occur when the ENGINEER falls asleep so long that the arc of the sun exposes the ENGINEER to direct sunlight........"treatment" ........suit-up with protective gloves and mask and firmly RELOCATE the ENGINEERZ chair into a shaded area so that the body temp drops to 70f temp range of most ENGINEERZ......."


    Being Docs even though retired they still know how to charge for services so..........just post the credit card numbers and security codes and valid dates of your THREE best credit cards here and I will forward back to you a bill mark paid as soon as the docs run your cards........

    Drive on.........Henry is.......kool...


  8. Well folks here we are.... Where ever we are.

    The folks that contend to know most of what's known (not all that much is known at this point) about Covid-19 tell us old GEEZERS to get away from EVERYONE and stay AWAY from EVERYONE. 


    So........IF like good GEEZERS mind the "Covid-19 experts" advice / orders.....we are where we are right now and likely to be wherever we are for a fairly long time maybe....  


    So.......since trading yarns at the campfire seems out of style for a while perhaps we might tell each other where we are and what we plan to do to thrive wherever we are apart..    

    Having coming from a fairly long of line of hermits, hillbillies, and outlaws we have been alone a LOT so in some ways this is not too new to us. Horse camping is often like we do (used to do) tends to often be done in remote locations with few if any folks around.


    So.....to get things started......here we are......and we are .....at our Winter camp at Last Chance Peak , Nevada about ten miles NW of Pahrump NV .  Seems like the name Last Chance Peak might fit Covid-19 to a tee but what the heck they did not ask me before they named it.

    A half hour drive West gets one to Death Valley so what else can I say.

    Anyhow we have some changes to be done to hunker down to spend the spring AND summer (maybe) in a place hotter than hell. 

    We actually have a small home at camp with good air-conditioning and a well with plenty of water so we have enough advantages to get by.  

    We own a few other properties in the West but most of them are near Covid-19 hot spots and have more people close by so relocation to those properties seemed not appealing.

    About a month ago some doctors I used to fly around advised us to hunker down and prepare to be hermits for a while so we stocked up then before the rush and planted a large desert garden to keep us supplied in fruits and vegetables so here we are..... 

    Where are you?

    What have you done to do what you plan to do?



    Drive on.......well drive on a bit later....

  9. Old buch of doctors that I used to fly around third world locations are VERY VERY grumpy about EVERYONE staying AWAY from each other......

    I complained that they were acting like a bunch grumpy old doctors...... 

    They ALL told me that I was WRONG.....DEAD WRONG at our GEEZER age group....

    How many of us geezers got to be GEEZERS proving the doctor WRONG???

    Chances are the RV's might survive.... GEEZERS seem to be a limited supply and getting to be smaller inventory item.


    Gotta go tend the garden now......seems better than going to the store with third world empty shelves.... In the third world stores shelves they are empty because folks are dirt poor.... Here store shelves are empty because we HAVE unlimited credit.... .

    Hope doctors are wrong.......

    Drive on...... maybe later....


  10. On December 16, 2019 at 10:14 AM, Vegas Teacher said:

    I am going to get a second opinion, I am not going back to TEC again.



    i ass-usumed that you had been tossed into the....."Teacher-protection-program" and was wearing a mini-skirt and dreadlocks to work in Hells Kitchen.........


    Ok of course you need a second opinion.......boy oh boy this IS your lucky day......heck at this age I am chock-full of opinions shucks some days 10 to 39 opinions are just a good start......


    Now of course being a geezer you likely think that I have forgotten that you have stiffed me out of a few lunches for previous opinions rendered in the past so......you better climb into the orange rattle trap a blast through the road-wreck-ever-construction at Mt. Springs and get over here and start buying me some lunches.


    Now just to get the game started........here is a couple of "Grumps-Laws"

    Grumps Law #1.......ANY noise a truck makes will eventually cost $$$$$

    Grumps Law #2.......Any truck that makes NO noise will cost $$$$$$$

    Ok teach listen up.......the trick with trucks is.......you gotta buy some great lunches to get......great opinions on any darn truck noise.


    Get over here.......I ain't aging too well......this is a limited offer.....


    Drive on..........( no truck-noise can be not so good......)



  11. Steve,

    Time out for a birdboy story.....

    In my misspent youth and my job of saving the world I was slave boy right seat guy of a couple DC-6'$ and a DC-7 tankers.... Plenty of plumbing.....

    Capt was Old-grumpy and had prostate that must have been the size of a water melon but he would not use the pilot relief tube so he spent time back in the back cabin peeing in the APU drain pan drain while I had to hand fly the old crate without a autopilot....

    We were out of Seattle bumping our way up the coast to Yakatat and coffee drain time arrives but no Capt to fly the wreck so......we were in and out of clouds with moderate iceing at times but not too bad....so I grab the pilot relief funnel and get my....."plumbing" integrated with the aircraft plumbing......I opened the valve and WOOSH a 280 mph breeze blows the last load back on to me and into the cockpit......

    Capt arrives and looks really grumpy....not smiling at all says, "kid NEVER EVER pee when the Venturi is iced up....NEVER EVER.....

    My suggestion..... forget plumbing.....get another trailer maybe.......and remember ...... NEVER EVER pee in iceing conditions.......

    Drive on.....(plumbing ain't fun.....)

  12. 17 hours ago, sandsys said:

    A couple friends decided to test this pump action shotgun theory. One inside and one outside. The one inside pumped the gun. The one outside heard nothing.

    This is my second attempt to respond to you but my fat fingers made everything go poof....

    So......your "friends-shotgun-test" might be a bit defective..... 

    Indeed it's likely that pumping a shell into the chamber might not be heard....and that's the problem with shotgun "volume-control" .....the next "level-of-volume" is to pull the trigger.....

    Did your friends hear the blast?

    Like I said ....  Guns are seldom solutions to problems and often bring on more problems.....

    So how big was the hole that your friends had to patch after the "test"?

    My manure fork has limits as well.

    Drive on......(carry your manure fork with care... )

  13. On 11/8/2019 at 8:04 AM, CrazyCooter said:

    We boondock 95%+ of the time and don't worry about what we can't control. Obviously if an area looks sketch, we'll continue on to another location.

    In my mind..... which seems to be backward to most here, I don't park where others are around. More people and close proximity to a city brings more opportunity to a thief or wrong doer. Being parked out in the desert where is quiet and no lights is most peaceful. Other than our trip to Canukisan a few years back, we're always heavily armed and prepared for things that could pop up.

    All the facts aren't out on this incident, but there had to be a reason these poor folks were targeted. Lets be sure to look uninviting so the bad guys move on.....If we all look like this they will never pick one of us out?

    We have been boondocking with Dolly-painthorse ALL spring / summer straight with fairly good results  

    In my previous life I conducted ...."logistics" in third-world locations where most of the time I was the ONLY guy without a gun or knife.

    In the last few years of boondocking we have had ONLY had a few problem-encounters. 

    Three "encounters" come to mind over three years and at first glance most folks would say we had two "dog-encounters" and one "human-encounter" but the reality is that the two dogs were owned by humans that allowed unacceptable actions to occur so ALL "encounters" were human related.

    Seldom is a gun the best solution to a given problem .....and can often bring on more problems.

    As the horse camp stable-boy (un-stable) I tend to be "armed" with a pichfork much of the time 

    It's well known that the sound of a pump action shootgun has a ........ calming effect upon scumbags ......so it might not be a surprise to consider that the mere sight of a fresh stained manure fork seems to have a calming effect on some scumbags as well.

    Now if you want to be scared to death boondocking try ..... Joe Watt dispersed camping just S W of Ellensburg WA......BILLIONS and TRILLON'S of field mice......the pichfork does not faze them a bit and they just keep on coming.

    Boondocking is a way of life when horse camping and scumbags will be scumbags......but rodents are what you should be scared of above ALL..... 

    Drive on..... (Beady-eyes are watching..  )

  14. Dinky Dinner right at the 20 MPH 90 degree corner in the center of Goldfield Nevada....... Best cafe in Goldfield....(0nly cafe in Goldfield).

    Not too cheep but heck the food is ok and it's only 150 miles to get a food to cook so it's a bargain at any price.

    Used to be a old Piper Tripacer at the corner that had a sign. "NOT FOR SALE"

    Still best food in Goldfield.... (Only food in Goldfield).

    Drive on.......( Don't take the corner in Goldfield too fast..... )

  15. On 10/2/2019 at 11:45 AM, noteven said:

    I still like to winterize my rig by hanging a snow shobbel on the front bumper and motoring south till someone runs over at the gas station and asks, “What’s that?”.

    Hey Knott,

    Swing by Last Chance Peak camp for a few days or weeks and we can sip some more of that Crown-Apple-Canuk-KoolAid.....and we can get some of those silly grins after chewing some rattle snake stew.

    See ya when you get here... 

    Drive on......gotta have a Crown-Apple to grin like a fool....

  16. Hay Rickarooo,

    Better answer to where we've been might be .....where ain't we been....

    So far our record "official" Horse camp slot was listed at 20 feet MAXX......the ranger shook his head and ask when the heavy-lift-chopper was due to extract the rig.......shucks all it took was three unhitches and snaking backwards for a half mile around hairpins......

    Grumps used to say ......."shucks backing up is easy, just put the truck in reverse, wiggle the steering wheel, roll up and light a smoke and peek in the mirrors once in a while......it's just like driving.....only in reverse....."

    Anyway since May Dollymomma and horse has been to about 27 horse camps in three states and (un)$table-boy (me) has forked a few tons of Horse-exhaust and couple thousands of water ...... Far less Hassel than those skooter-jocks with hellhats and tight cowhide pants skidding down the blacktop......no horse geeks just plod down the trail until they ride into the hornets like Dollymomma did THREE times in less than a hour last Friday....GPS recorded Dolly-painthorse went from 2.72 mph to 17.62 mph in four feet.....bet your Volvo can't get up and go like that......and that's with all four hoofs off the ground....

    Just a couple geezers too lazy to go golfing.....

    Becareful Rickrooo.....skooters saddles are way up in the air......long way to fall....

    Got to go now......got to throw some fresh hay out and fork some used hay in the bin up the hill about a 1/4 mile away....

    Drive on....... just another hay-day....

  17. Bend, Oreeegun.....just enough white crap to make sure we are tanked up with enough diesel to get non-$top to Last Chance Peak camp just East of Death Valley next week ......only be about 90f in death valley so will need to soak in the 104f hot springs to keep the frostbite away......geezer stew....

    Sell the snowblower and drive South....


    Drive on......($outh)

  18. On 9/28/2019 at 8:38 AM, Alie&Jim's Carrilite said:

    Hey there DT!  Long time no hear from ya!  Hope all is well.


    Glen, I'm surprised they're fixing the Smart.  The estimate is an Engine and trans rebuild.  Make sure they also do all the wheel bearings, and steering grease points.

    Yes Dollymomma has had the ole (un)stable boy out boondocking at horse trail camps since May without cell or internet service and her Spot SAT-Tracker / and satemail is slow and $$$ for only 140 characters so does not work for forum.

    Will be down at Last Chance Peak Nevada in a few weeks and better net services and give the sat-services some rest.


  19. Dang Glenn,

    Flood is a real pain to deal with for sure.

    Too bad the Smart was not on the truck deck.

    Floods strange animals, we once had a couple of barged on the Oregon coast moored in a flooding river very well moored but a barge up river broke moorage and hit ours and then our barge ran aground on a county road ....it was only a 300 ton barge so it only took a week and $$$$$ to refloat .

    Hang in there ...  

    Dolly and crew

  20. Hay Rickooo 

    Might try Pahria River Ranch.

    A bit horsey but cheep, plenty of room, has water & elec. 

    Sorta outback between Knaba & Big Water but that's what the scooters are for right?

    About $16 for dry camp and $32 for elec and water.

    If you get really crazy try the horse trail rides but remember it's a long way to the ground from the saddle on a horse than a scooter.... be aware of horse exhaust it can occure at anytime.


    Dolly and crew


  21. 2 hours ago, noteven said:

    Dang it! Dolly I kinda thought about  some sort of limited “taxi at 200 mph” distance rating airplane tars might have... rats...

    In the immortal words of Wile E. Coyote: back to the old drawing board...

    No worries.... 

    Few shots of that Apple Crown Royal and who cares about tire ratings... 

    Those Crown folks sure know how to make apples tasty 😋

    Drive on....... ( Few Crown Royal Apples .... Mmmmm beats the heck out of apple pie)

  22. 1 hour ago, Steve from SoCal said:




    Hi Steve,

    Hard to fathom it was a LOT worse than BD-10.....

    To be worse than BD-10 you have to cobble a LOT worse together.... A LOT.

    Public has no clue how many very bad fly-thingy "things" have claimed to be aircraft...   

    Don't get started on the 737 Max-Me$$... 

    Drive on .... (Bad wanna-bee-aircraft... Equal short retirement)

  23. Lawrenceee.    

    In the Stone age some aero-geeks cobbled up a VERY marginal go-fast-areoplane-THINGY.... 

    It had way too big engine, way too small tail, and bad wing / flap design... .the test program had only killed two of the two experimental test pilots that had attempted to fly the mess...  So with only one "thing" left to fly they scraped the bottom of the pilot cat-box and hired me (no REAL pilot wanted to be dead pilot #3)...  

    With the BAD design came the perhaps worst feature...tiny tiny itty-bitty aircraft tires that were rated at 160 MPH and the wreck touched down 190 MPH... I bitched about this attempt to kill me and the chief engineer spit out in a rage . ..you are just a pilot.....the safety margin of these tires are 180 MPH with roll out limited to 4,000 feet...   

    So Knott...... No worries.... Just keep your trips to under 4,000 feet and then allow TWO Hours to let the tires to cool and make another 4,000 feet.

    Oh ya the program ran out of money so it died.... Before I was able to be dead pilot #3....

    I hereby approve your tire experience.....

    You don't need a parachute....it would only get Tangled in the tire chunks flinging off .......


    Drive on......(do NOT exceed 4,000 feet per trip)


  24. Teach......20 F E E T of deck is the Minimum....  Maybe 28 F E E T even better....   

    As you drop into ...... Geezzerhood you will NEED to take more and more kamping "ESSENTIAL'$" with you as you become more ... ..re-fined in your needs to have kamping be EXACTLY like home with just closer nieghbors and shared water, sewer, and elec........

    Remember the HDT Moto .....go big and then.....go even bigger....


    Drive on.......( BIGGER bed iz better.....size matters)

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