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Posts posted by dewilso

  1. My Daughter/SIL have a bumper pull and after they drug a bare spot in their wiring pig tail, & shorted it out I, for Father’s Day got the job to replace it. Before I did, I tried the plug in the pickup & just for drill checked for power at the pins. The Blue brake wire has power, that can’t be right….can it? I'm a motorhome person so know little of trailer operations.


  2. My Starlink speed&latency has, in the past few weeks turned to crap here at Rainbows end. Is anyone else having similar experiences? I've rebooted, reset, stowed, unstowed with no change, & there are NO obstructions. High 30’s down with latency over 100 is my norm now.

    Is there a market place for used equipment ?

  3. Vl

    10 hours ago, Vladimir said:


    Your just over the hill from me in Wenatchee.  I wonder how far south they are filling orders?

    I'm at Rainbows End in Livingston Texas, Google doesn’t even know of a Wenatchee close to me.

    The daughter lives 100mi north so I know that I’d loose my slot, but it would be a lot more beneficial for her.

    I still haven’t received shipping conformation.?

  4. Getting the rectangular one, I’m at Rainbows End.

    My daughter is a RN & she coordinates nurse support for pediatric critical home care working remotely….with 3-5 MPS on a good day. They ordered the same time but haven’t received anything. I told her to call Starlink to see if my service address could be temporarily changed to their address.

  5. My kids in Hou & Nacogdoches have been without power since Monday with no end in sight.

    Now How has issued boil water notice because mains are loosing pressure, how do you boil water with no power ?

    Here at Rainbow End everything is holding together for now, but that could change in a flash ️.

    where's FEMA ?

  6. Americans, the US ones in particular, have made their environment  so clean and bacteria free that their systems can tolerate nothing. Go drink out of the hose, maybe go swim in the creek & get water in your mouth…& other places. Then your definition of potable water becomes much broader.

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