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Posts posted by rdickinson

  1. 3 hours ago, adept99 said:

    Just happen to have a truck wash 2 miles from the house. Even after falling off the iron while erecting a building, sometimes I still have to talk myself into skipping the "do it yourself" version of washing the roof of the truck and trailer. Building fall = two shattered wrists/hands and concussion.  Truck wash = $100  No Contest 

    How did they treat your wrists??? Volnar plates like mine?  Are they still in?  I had them cut mine out 'cus the thumb flexor tendon on my right hand rubbed on the plate and broke.  They tried splicing it later but failed miserably so no I've got a pin in the thumb.  How much range of motion up and down do you have in the wrists?  Did physio make any difference in your case.  Not in my case.  ROM stayed at 22 degrees + - up and down on both.

    Isn't it fun not bein able to turn door knobs, pull on a stuck door and feel like your hand is separating from the wrist, opening anything that requires a twisting motion, pulling on sox or underwear. How about tying shoe or boot laces??  I switched to bungees for the runners and got Velcro for decent shoes.

    How about going to the bathroom....there's a challenge and a half.

    They did a full scan on me and said I didn't show signs of concussion which I find difficult to believe also no brain damage, also hard to believe.

    How long ago did you fall?

    Sorry for all the questions, just want to see how yours compared to mine.

    Did you get any pics of the injury, I've got some gems.


    iIDdN4Ql.jpg  Hospital bandage job, lots of bleedout.  A fail there.

    Ru8e8Ael.jpg  My bandage job with Coban or Vet wrap.

    jw1Yeq2l.jpg  This was after the attempt at splicing tendons from the wring finger to the thumb.  Not enough overlap so it let go.  What a waste of time an money that was.  Plus they left parts of 4 stitches in when they were removed.

    For Randy, it's ROGER, not Richard.  Roger, Roger, say after me, Roger...

  2. Why am I up at 430 am PT making Eggs Benedict and on this again.

    A few years ago, while I was on a residential construction site, I heard a noise outside.  It didn't seem normal so out I went to investigate.  A roofer had slipped on the ladder about 20 ft up,  got his leg caught in the rungs and fell inverted snapping his lower tib fib which stuck out the skin . He was screaming like hell.  At the time, I was solo but climbed up to help how best I could pushing with my back in a hugely awkward position I was only able to get him up to horizontal so the rest of his leg slipped thru to the thigh area and the broken lower drooped down. 

    The next door neighbour called 911,  seemed like an eternity before the  FD showed up with a pumper but had to call a ladder truck to hoist him up from above with a sling.  In the meantime they put ladders on both sides of me with a Firefighter  on each to take some of the weight off my back and someone else between the three ladders and the house to deal with the leg.

    To this day he walks with a limp.


    We have one of these plane washes at the Airforce Base in Comox.

    If R can wait till next late April, my annual disaster trek will start in Galveston and work East then up to  N Carolina.  After finishing there, I could swing by his place and assemble/install one of these before heading to OK then home.  For the water system a couple of these would do the trick.  They may peel loose paint tho.


    The 3 will pump thru a mile of 1.5"  hose and still have 20 odd lbs pressure at the end, I'm told.

    What does it take to get the message thru, we break not bend at our ages.  Rick and I were lucky.  Within a month of my mishap a gent fell off backwards from a ladder lower than mine and was killed.

    Some people will lose a husband, father or grandfather.

    Falls and eye injuries are the two easiest to prevent.

    I forgot exactly where RA lives but google up mobile car or RV washing services in his area.

  3. Falls, hmm, something I have personal experience with.  Randy has already had one from his truck deck as I recall and that was about  4' high.  The top of the truck is a lot higher, 12-13'.  Think of this, when you are looking at your trailer roof  it is 5-7'  above your head.  When standing on the roof your head, a 20 lb watermelon  is 18 ft ish above the ground. But when you are up there it appears higher or you may feel uncomfortable.     Falls by people over 65 is the biggest killer in either Canada or North America as a whole.

    Head/neck  injuries are a major source or cause of trauma on bicycle riders, that and pelvic injures and broken femurs, (big leg bone).

    Last year or early this year there was posted a pic on this forum of some dude climbing up over the hood and or visor to wash his roof.  He figured it was a big joke...really, are you kidding me, how stupid can someone be.

    So everyone can blow me off and joke about it, make flippant comments...you think it's funny, ask Nigel, I've seen the zipper on the back of his neck.  Ask how frightened/terrified his wife must have been when it happened..

    When the ladder skated out from under me and I went down I was knocked out for an unknown amount of time.  I was alone, when I came to, I managed to pick myself up, undo the back door, get to the bathroom and wash the blood from my head, go to the garage, turn the door handle open the car door, put  the key in the ignition and turn it then back the suv out of the garage while palming the wheel with both hands 'cus they wouldn't work any other way and drive to a clinic a couple of miles away.  All with 2 smashed wrists, a bilateral fracture.

    So I know of what I speak.

    Steve has, in my mind the best option.  The Home Depot or Costco type pallet racking makes the most sense to me. The pallet racking ends at the sides of the truck.  12' wide is more than enough to straddle cab and mirrors.  You would need a vertical  frame extender. 1 level, the floor to stand on  to clear the cab and a second set of rails at 2' above that  and  another safety rail at 4'.  Add a toe rail at floor level to prevent things from getting kicked onto the truck roof.  This is what we do on new construction balconies and roofs.

    Special scaffold planks, would serve as a deck.




    You would need stairs to get up to the deck.  2 flights plus an intermediate deck to get up to a 12' or 13' deck level.

    Bakers scaffold would work but it would have a bigger footprint, 30" x 74" each side of the truck then you have to make a bridge to go over the truck cab.

    https://www.uline.ca/BL_116/Steel-Rolling-Scaffold?pricode=YA169&utm_source=Bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=scaffolding&utm_campaign=Facilities Maintenance&AdKeyword=scaffolding&AdMatchtype=p&gclid=CO6Z8Orx1uMCFfWOxQIddccCow&gclsrc=d

    While working for an Eastern store set up firm, I put together and dismantled acres of pallet racks.  It would take some time but it is entirely do able and would be safe.

    A long handle broom won't reach and you can't apply enough pressure and a telescoping  wand is too heavy, the arm and moment are not manageable. 

    A bucket truck would work and be safe but would need maintenance.

    Little Giant makes the best ladders, spendy but the best.

    The cheapest method would be to pay a firm to come and do it once or twice a year.

    I deal with this on a daily basis, Site Safety and as a Construction Med and the refusal of people to wear PPE, fall arrest,  eye protection and the improper use of ladders and scaffolding.  A limb threatening shattered elbow from the improper use of a 6' drywall trigger got the kid fired. Removal of a safety rail on a patio deck over 10' high by a Temp worker  got a builder a mega thousand dollar fine.

    This has been Randy's 3rd go round under the knife that I know of, lets hope it's the last.

    Like most other topics this will be up for a while until something replaces it and more people will fall and injure or kill themselves.

    Nothing changes.

  4. Amps or volts per wheel...I can't remember.  This was last December.  I could hook up the truck tomorrow and plug up the Park but can't recall what page or screen to look for.

    Maybe someone else can say for sure or correct me.

    Maybe it's in the manual.

    I'll e-mail The Volvo people in Port Alberni and see what they have to say about Hill hold.  If it's possible, they will want the vin#.

    A few years ago there was supposed to be someone who worked at Volvo who  had access to a computer that was able to change settings....not sure what happened, but have not heard anymore about it or him.

    You never know.

  5. On ‎7‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 7:34 PM, Lance A Lott said:

    How do you do it, left foot brake, parking brake? I dont have hill assist. The Alison in my school bus never roles back but the Volvo does and I dont think the horse will like it. I dont like to show my ignorance but pride befor a fall and all that.

    I asked this before but didn't get an answer.  The question was can the 'Hill hold feature' be programmed into a trans that doesn't currently have it.

    Let's see if someone can respond.

  6. 3 hours ago, rickeieio said:

    Those pokey things can get you in trouble.  A long time ago, I had a heat/ac issue in a car (1975 model).  I crawled under the dash and started poking holes in all the colored wires coming and going to the heater slide switches.  But half of them were vacuum lines...........

    I can appreciate that but it bothers me when you ask people who should clearly be in the know and they give you wrong info.  One of those 12v clamp on meters with a gauge or scale will tell me there is or isn't power and how much.  If it's not close to 3v then there are issues somewhere.

  7. Vinyl will work just fine, my whole trailer is wrapped as is the car and a good part of the truck.  They can do compound curves and it sticks over lumps fine.

    If you damage a section you're down 1 day, 2 tops rather than a week or more for paint.

    There are sites you can browse for flames of all types.

    The hood of the truck is an eagle with wings outstretched.  We cut the wings off at the shoulder and reversed them to the other side of the truck so they were horizontal rather than pointing to the ground when we came around the side.

    No peeling, no problems, lots of comments and pics taken.

    My rig was done in 2012 and still no issues, 7 yrs later to the month.

  8. I'm just a ol' heater & a banger ironworker,  but seems to me that a  small alligator clip with a bit of tape for insulation and an appropriate length of stranded ignition wire ought to get you out from under your rig. And yes, you can buy  "store bought"  leads

    OK, and attach it to what where?  It needs to be out from under to be any good.  Whether I'm trying to reach in an awkward area on one shoulder or poking holes in wire or fingers in the same area doesn't help.

    I will look up DC clamp meter.  I have asked a couple of people and they both told me 'no'.


    I don't understand why all these experts would say no when clearly they are....Now to figure out which would be adequate.  I'd still have to get under the trailer but could reach with the clamp on meter around a wire....that I could handle.

    I'm still under the trailer on crushed rock.  A plastic tarp helps...chew it up rather than me.

    Is there something like the electricians use to test continuity in wiring or where the break is in wire?  About the size of a pen and has a flat blade on the end that they sweep along the wire and it beeps or has a lighted end??  For 12v.


    I sure hope Randy gets down to Florida this Winter so I can poach his brain for some electrical instruction.  Most RV problems revolve around electricity or lack of it and yes I know a lot are about bad grounds and yes Henry told me to find where it doesn't work and trace back from there.

    I'd get a Power Probe but don't really know how to use it to its potential.

  9. I don't disagree but the 'clamp around the wire device'  used in AC doesn't work on DC, I'm told.  So what other options are there that will work.  It is tight quarters under there especially rolled up on one shoulder to try to hold the wire with one hand and the probe with the other and try to avoid another of many punctures in my finger all of which are a source of discomfort and soaking in soapy water to avoid infection.

    I asked Bob at Fennels RV, he said they would be having to do the same thing.

    The only other way for me to get under is pull the trailer ahead up on a ramp/block for each wheel.  To get this  23k beast off the ground we've used an air assisted jack and even that was pushed into the ground a bit.

    Hey, if you have a better way don't keep it a secret.

  10. My DirecLink was shipped last October and was held up for a week or 2 while a new software upgrade was installed.  So, I don't know how old your system is but it may be able to take an upgrade ...not sure, you'd have to contact Tuscon.

    Felice One    Last name pronounced Onay


    Tuson RV Brakes, LLC

    Office: 800-968-8766 ext. 219

    Email: felice-one@tuson.com

    Website: www.tusonrvbrakes.com


    The 'Hill hold' feature is something that has to be programmed in by using  the remote...push this, push that, now return and push something else.

    If you get stumped, call Felice and she will put you in touch with one of her techs and they will walk you thru the process. 

    Another feature of the system is it will tell you whether all your brake magnets are working.  Each one is supposed to pull about 3 volts and mine was pulling 12v which for a triple axle was about 6 short.  I think it was Nigel who told me an ordinary compass will swing when power is applied to that particular wheel.  That hasn't been tried yet.

    If the compass works it is a lot easier than crawling under the trailer and using my Snap On digital voltmeter with the sharp point to poke the wire and my finger.  The wires are buried behind shocks and  Moreryde system.

  11. 2 hours ago, Nigel said:

    Not anybody local that I’ve met. There have been a couple of new guys I’ve sent to Georgetown for insurance but I have no idea what they have.  Edit: I think you’re one of them  


    You made it back intact??  No falls, didn't hit your head, no dizziness? No numbness or tingling anywhere?

  12. Mike Aitkin at Palmer Salmond in Calgary may be able to help.  I had some of my insurance with them..  They are on 4th NW or Center st.

    If the truck is coming from a firm like RDO, they will provide a sticker in your window good for a month I think for transit.

    Whatever you do make no modifications to it before getting it inspected by Provincial inspection and then Federal after that.  Then and only then make modifications.

    If you go to the license office next to Palmer S, get it licensed or registered as a 'truck'.

    I also had the commercial hitch removed and slapped on'  Private RV, not for hire on the side...more for my own benefit than the scale police.

    Your tires will have to be at least 50% for them to pass.  So if you are purchasing commercially try getting new tires at their cost.

  13. In my case the fuel pump on the engine didn't have enough pull to bring fuel up from the tank so a second one similar to the one WinnieView posted a link for.   I'm not sure of the pump volume.  My generator doesn't have a fuel return line  to the tank...not sure if yours does.

    Mine was hooked into the same circuit as the glo plugs and onboard fuel pump using a mini blade type fuse.  The holders and fuses are available at Lordco or Napa.  A pretty standard item.

    As I recall the fuel pump fittings were 1/4" OD and the fuel hose to my generator was either 5/16" or 3/8" ID and the original installer tried to squash down the hose to fit on the fuel pump fitting.  It didn't work, it sucked air so I needed to get an adapter to bush it up from the pump to the ID of the rubber fuel line.  The part was available at the parts store.

    The pump just gets spliced into the fuel line somewhere it is accessible.  The can and do fail so don't bury it.

    The inline fuse holder may have a heavy wire on both ends, may be 12g.  The circuit you splice into may be 16g so you may need a butt connector which will go from a bigger g to a much smaller one.  They are available in plastic packages.


  14. It's the luck of the draw going both ways.  Anyone of them could be having a bad day before you showed up.  Going South the US people were more concerned with fresh fruit, whether it came from the US or not.  Frozen precooked meals they didn't care about.  I've not been asked about drug use but understand they can.  If you have used but have non on  or with you, entry can be denied.  Convictions for drinking or drug use plus others is reason enough for them to deny Canadians or anyone else entry to the US.

    I'm guessing the same applies going the other way.  Add to that you are not allowed to bring weapons across.  Shotguns...I'm not sure about, call first.  Don't have any loose or empty cartridges kicking around.

    I've had all my repair or work done receipts clipped together for Canadian Customs.  In one case they let them go, in another the woman told me it was increasing the value of the rig so charged me 600$.

    Members from both sides have taken courses in assessing people as they talk to you just like a Medic or MD is when you first walk in or talk to them.  We or they are assessing you from the moment we see you, your eyes, demeanor, how you walk and or talk and what you say.  Are you fidgety..hmm, that could be a cocaine issue.  Do you or your rig smell of pot? 

    The dogs both Border Services use will pick up on drugs well before getting to the rig, so I'm told.

    Call first, save yourself some grief.

  15. The idea of mounting b/w the frame rails has crossed my mind but service could be a problem.  There is a pic or pics out there of a generator mounted on a slide which came out the back of the truck.  Much the same as motorhome installations. I'm not sure if the door came out with the generator slide or swung out of the way.

    Sliding out would cause some issues for wiring.

  16. Something else to think about.  I'm not sure if you plan to do all or some of the work yourself but working under the truck is not easy.  A creeper works on smooth surface but everything you need to access is too high, too low, too far away because there ae sharp pointy obstacles in the way or too close so you can't work on it.  If that's not enough there are obstacles to fight with and reroute around or drill and go thru and last, maybe, there is nothing but deck above and no easy way to fasten to it.


  17. On the truck side of the socket the running lite wire is brown.  b/w 1 and 2 o'clock position.  Check for power on the pins in the socket  with a circuit tester and lights on.  If no power there , locate the terminal block I mentioned and try on the trailer end of the brown wire.  If power there then the problem is in the plug.  Take it apart and clean connections.

    If not there try the truck side of the plug with the circuit tester.

    When you pull the plug out of the socket, look at the male plug end.  On the  end the pin holes are labelled clockwise from the top , W, Bk, Y,  R, G, Br.  Center is Blue. 

    Socket is opposite, clockwise at 12 o'clock, W, Br, Gr, R, Y, Bk.  Center is Blue.

    Running lites on the RV 7 pin connector is Green.


    On edit, contact Randy A or his friend Charlie.  Randy tore his dash apart a year or more ago and will be able to help with the fuse/breaker end of things.  Maybe Contact Henry as well.  He was able to walk me thru the Jackalopee last year and I know little about all things electrical.  A couple of mechanics had had at the Jack and got thing messed up.

  18. Doug,

    Under the cab of the truck there is a wiring loom tied to the drivers side frame rail.  Roughly the same distance from the front as the commercial truck plug on the end of the green wire.  There is a black multi wire connector plug.  One piece clips into the other and there is a plastic lever that clips them both together.  The lever clip wasn't holding the 2 halves together well enough so the trailer brake lites  were not lighting up.


    When moving the lever, clip I could hear a breaker popping in the Jackalopee quite clearly.  Nigel confirmed the click with the offending circuit.

    Email Nigel, he's still on the Island.  I took a couple of pics with his camera so maybe he can up load them.

    Identify which wire is the one in question by testing the north end first then check the south end of the plug.

    This is the stock Volvo loom.

    I got two tie wraps  about a foot long and cinched the 2 plug halves together from one end to the other and levered the tie wraps really tight with a pair of needle nose pliers..  It worked for me.

    Nigel wasn't much interested in sliding around on his back on the gravel under the truck, can't imagine why,  hence the pics. 

    As Henry said to me last year, start with the last part that works and work on down the line from there.

    Hope it works for you.

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