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Posts posted by readytoride

  1. ok,, let me warn every one about ready to ride !!!! DO NOT let julie near carrot cake !!!!! she will take it out from under you while you are eating it !!!!!

    and i think mike will to ??

    mike and deb


    see you all in a couple days


    It must have something to do with the name "Mike" cause I know I had to eat fast on our plate - looked at yours and it as gone!!!


    You also have to keep track of your dark chocolate!!!


    Anyone heard from Freddie and Dulcie?

  2. So, I'm wondering who will be joining us in Yuma that won't be in "Q". It's beginning to look like everyone is showing up in "Q" but maybe not Yuma?????


    We will not make Yuma this year - at least with the rig- moving on Vegas in Feb to meet up with friends from Florida.


    probably ride the bikes to Yuma from Q and walk across border for meds both the pill and liquid kind!!

  3. Finally made it out of Texas. Boy, I travel slow! Am at Dreamcatcher for a couple nights. Need to spend some time reading my vehicle manual. Finally found the windshield wiper control and the hood release. No, not at the same time. I was NOT trying to use my wipers to get rid of an open hood and anyone who says otherwise lies.


    Linda Sand


    Hey Linda - good time to check the fluids but not with the wiper!!! We are at the Benson SKP park site 288. You heading here next?

  4. OH OH - guess I am overdue - so here goes: the high and low points of our last few months:


    Spring - Summer saw us move from Florida to Omaha -to Colorado -(New injectors for the truck) to Montana - to South Dakota (replaced the inverter, seems to be the year for our class to replace them! )- back to Omaha (repairs on the truck quarter panel - darn post in the campground). Best part was lots of motor scooter rides and visits with family and friends along the way.


    Fall - has been great - Kansas tall grass, Oklahoma suicide deer ( only about $5500 in damage to the 5ver but nothing that can not wait until later to fix) now in Texas Hill country for some great riding.


    Highlight for Fall was seeing MJ (Mary Jane Finlay) in Dallas - she is doing well and has bought a small trailer for travel - calls it her condo - the 5th wheel she and Lee had is now set up in a nice park near her kids. She calls the 5 wheel her town house. Our group now has many solo travelers. Working on getting her to head to Arizona for part of the winter.


    Winter Plans: they are a challenge but here goes - next week to Big Bend Texas for the chili cook off - then New Mexico and Arizona for the winter.


    Look forward to seeing classmates this winter.


    Julie and Mike

  5. I always used to tell folks who worked for me that if they didn't make any mistakes I'd know they weren't trying, so guess I was really trying... :lol:



    It must have been the new frig made that wheel so heavy it sunk in the sand!


    We are still at our old home town of Plant City Fl- Loralie and Lee where in Bushnell so we hooked up for a meal and hope to see them in Georgia later this spring.


    Late Happy Birthday to Paul - we promise to drink 2 margaritas tonight to make up for missing it !!!

  6. Hi All

    Thought we better check in as our little pin on the map has been taken over by a ghost - moved it last week to Livingston - well I tried to move it - appears it went to Hudson Bay instead. Of course Steve tried to order a new fur coat from me since we must have become fur traders!


    So this morning I tried to move the pin again - it is M.I.A. !!!!!


    our info is in the written list below the map - so that will have to do until our pin returns from outer space.


    Actually - only Mike is at Livingston - I am in Omaha for a Grand baby fix.


    We will not make Q this year - Sounds like it will be a fun gathering, we will have a virtual cranberry juice and fire from Florida, need to be in Tallahassee for Mike's Mom 90th BD.


    We will wonder around Texas for the next month and then head to Florida.

  7. Congrats on the new grandson - so wonderful -enjoy every minute.


    We are now in Kansas City - saw the Hallmark crown center today - worth the stop!! As is the Truman home and library in Independence Mo.


    Spending some time with Dave and Nancy - we are heading to Branson area next - then they head west and we head east for the winter - well maybe a month or two in Texas first.


    Miss our "diaper tart" granddaughter but feels wonderful to be on the road again.

  8. Wow - slept in two days in a row - drank coffee - wandered around the campground, took a nap, and then could not stand it any longer had to go check in on the little charmer and the other Grandma - of course they were doing great - which means we can let that hitch itch rule the day!


    So when Dave and Nancy arrive we will be ready to head south - of course we have to take them to Dinkers for burgers (best in the midwest) and we found a great Irish Pub here in Omaha - so one last visit there too!


    Kansas City BBQ and then on to the Ozarks and Texas. So Paul and Sue we would love to meet ya there. Think we might get Dave and Nancy to join us too! Anyone else going to be in the area?

  9. hello all - Start our last week of full time grand baby sitting - it has been great but we both have hitch itch.

    So a week from Tues when the other Grandma arrives from Florida we will start the "list" of RV Maint. items and hit the road by Oct 1

    I notice on the map that some of you may be heading east on 80 - the park we are in near Omaha is reasonable (7.50 for elec with the senior pass) so stop by. Love to see any and all.


    Our jello plan is to head south to Kansas City for BBQ - then likely Texas.


    Dave and Linda - we wish you all the best and I am sure our paths will cross again some day.

  10. Finally checking in again. Busy July - Omaha for the Grand baby - then we had a hot time in the Chicago area visiting family. Spent a number of days looking at used RVS with my niece and her husband. They just returned from 8 years of teaching overseas and want to take a year to tour the country before finding jobs here in the states. They have now purchased a 37 foot Damon challenger bunkhouse and will hit the road with their two kids ages 8 and 5!! Should be an adventure for them.

    We finally moved North to find cooler weather and the headwaters of the Mississippi. Will be back in Omaha by Aug 15 for the rest of summer.


    We too plan to spend the winter in Texas, La, and Florida. Also thinking about Branson Mo for a week or two in the fall.

  11. Yippee! Congrats on the New rig, new leaf spring, maybe new tall grass,


    Our news is: one new granddaughter - Alison Betty Swain 8 lb 7 oz 21inches on 7/11- a real cutie - lots of dark brown hair. We now get that whole grandparent thing!!!



    Julie - we were at Cedar Springs Campground in Flaming Gorge a couple of weeks ago and it was really nice and quiet.


    Rode by that area yesterday - the Flaming gorge is Huge with so many forest campgrounds - it has been wonderful weather - can have a fire every night etc. and lots of people fishing - the marina here had a tournament today - at least 50 boats -


    We move on toward Cheyenne tomorrow and then down to Denver next week to see some friends who just moved into a 6200 sq foot house!!! guess their bathrooms take up more space than our 5ver.


    Jerry and Janice - the beach at lake Powell is great - but the sand was too soft after the rain for us to give it a try.

    Think you would like this area too!! We have a great water view with Pelicans flying around.

  13. Finally on the move again - in fact when I tried to move our flag - the marker went flying around the globe - not sure the marker has landed on the map yet.


    We are just south of Green River WY at the Flaming Gorge. Had a wonderful time in Utah with Jerry & Janice and Dave and Nancy. Hope to see all again soon.

  14. Up date on IYQ


    Left him a voice mail yesterday and he called me back last night! Sounds great - is having fun with some friends who are camping in the same park. States the vanishing cream will likely wear off in the next day or two. Main thing is - he is dong well and having fun.



  15. Up date on IYQ


    Left him a voice mail yesterday and he called me back last night! Sounds great - is having fun with some friends who are camping in the same park. States the vanishing cream will likely wear off in the next day or two. Main thing is - he is dong well and having fun.



  16. We weathered the storms ok. Pretty close to here though. We went in the casino, which was probably "a gamble", but I think it passed a little north of us. First time I saw the parking garage full :o . Nice here today and Paul and Marsha are coming over here for lunch. It will be nice to meet them after all this time. Well, got to go "dump tanks", a plumbers work is never done. Steve

    So glad to hear everyone is OK - hope this is the last of the spring storms.

  17. We are having a great time here with Jerry and Janice/ Dave and Nancy - some hiking- some MC riding - lots of FOOD and stories!!! Janice feed us Spaghetti night before last which sure hit the spot after a long ride.


    Last night we had meatloaf, mashed taters, salad and cobbler - seems food is the common denominator - think we are due for a dinner out before Jerry and Janice leave next week- unless we can talk them into staying longer so we can eat more, hike more, eat more, tell more stories, eat more, explore, eat more, go boating, eat more................ Oh and perhaps drink a little Cranberry juice too!!

  18. We are still in Page AZ - great RV park and lots to see and do - mostly with all German, Polishand French in Cruise America class C's - talked with one younger couple who are traveling with both sets of parents in a class C ! Actually all these tourists are fun to watch and very friendly.


    We planned to move up to the Bryce Canyon area this weekend - but weather reports states snow and lows of 16 in Panguiltch. So we will sit still for another week. Want happened to Spring???

  19. WOW - been awhile since I posted - Guess I need to change my sign in from "Ready to Ride" to "Pokey to Post"


    Sue and Paul - so glad you worked out your "house" issues - look forward to pics of the new rig.


    Steve and Carol - all fingers and toes crossed on the house closing happening SOON!!!!!


    Our news - had a nice lunch with Jerry and Janice in Jerome and then moved up to Winslow - we sat out a huge wind storm 60+ MPH- first time we ever pulled in the slide outs!


    We are now in Cameron AZ on the Navajo Indian Reservation - will do some riding on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and the Navajo reservation - then plan to move on to Page/ Marble Canyon - then into Utah - Zion- Bryce etc.

    Jerry & Janice - you guys still plan on southern Utah in May? Anyone else? Always looking to crossing paths with everyone from our classes!!!

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