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Posts posted by readytoride

  1. We could even carry this farther and have an Italian night too with spaghetti and limoncello! Then, what about an Irish night with fish and chips and Guiness ... oops, I don't drink beer. Maybe a Greek night with pitas and ouzo? Sounds like food from around the world. Did I get carried away? Probably. Oh well, maybe it's time for breakfast.

    food glorious food !

    No Guinness for me either......Irish whiskey on the other hand....

  2. Hi all

    looks like a few people are on the move south - Including us !


    quick update:


    We spent most of July & august around the great lakes - weather was awesome - and lots of lighthouses and water falls. Had no idea Michigan and Minnesota had so many water falls.


    We have now left Lake Superior and moving south to Omaha for a long visit with the granddaughters - Ok and the son and daughter in law too!


    As Mike said when I laid out the route south:


    "guess I better not get in front of the Grandma Bus"


    Our Jello plans are Omaha - then OKlahoma and Arkansas - on to Texas for awhile - then of course rally time in the desert sometime in January???


    Safe travels everyone - look forward to seeing all of you in the desert this winter.

  3. Thanks for all the midwest suggestions Roger & Linda - even with growing up in Northern Illinois did not see most of the places listed. It seems no matter how many new places we visit every year - The list of new places to go gets longer!


    We went to the DRV plant yesterday - new rig looks great! Needs to go into QC and it is still in need of awning & toppers.


    Bonus for hanging around the area - we had dinner with Pa (Glen) tonight! We missed seeing D as she was not feeling well. We sat and talked for so long, suddenly we realized the place had closed and they were sweeping up!


    Always great to cross paths with someone from the "class"

  4. Julie, you must have had reservations at Thomson COE? Heard that they'd closed that due to flooding. That's just up the Mississippi from where we are. We're at a very nice county park right on the river...you can watch the barges lock thru and there are hundreds of pelicans, eagles and geese to see. No flooding here because the Corps keep this pool of the river at "normal" levels during flood season. We learned our lesson last year when we'd booked a site below the spillway near Iowa City. Had to scramble to find a different Corp park after we were notified that they'd closed our site due to water over the spillway. That's only happened twice there ever. The up side was that we were able to hook up with Tina and Jeff at the other park!

    Weather has been cold and rainy but have managed to sneak in a few campfires. Yesterday, an old buddy and I installed the new TV, sound bar and blue-ray player...the day wasn't a total washout!


    Ok - that county park sounds like the ticket - what is it called? Since the river is an easy pull from Omaha - it would be great to have a go to spot that does not flood!

  5. Embarassed that it has been so long since I logged in here!!! Been a very busy time since we left the Low ranch after a great but short visit with lee !!


    It was off to Denver (Jeff and Tina no snow while we were there) to visit friends and leave our Motorcycles at the consignment shop - One has already sold!


    Then a call from the "kids" that granddaughter #2 would arrive before the May 7th due date - so had to move fast to Omaha! Baby Reagan arrived May 2nd with Gramma Julie and Popa Mike taking over the care of 2.5 year old big sister Alison! Boy we were tired after 3 days of full time fun with her!! The whole family is doing well and the other Grandma is now with them - so we took off for Indiana.


    We had sort penciled in a stop in the "quad Cities" but the weather looked bad and our reservation at the COE park was cancelled due to flooding.

    So did not try to contact you Roger and Lynn. We just came directly to RV Land. Our new rig is now out of paint - so only another week or two til we can make the move to the new rig!


    Pa and Di - we did not make the Escapade, it has been raining. Plus we did our pre trade inspection of our rig - the dealer is taking her as is - great for us! If you are still in the area let us know we can meet you for a meal. I am sending you a PM about hooking up.


    After new rig change over we will head to Florida (ugh not our choice at this time of year) Need to see Mike's Mom and be the contact person while his sister is gone to Europe for 5 weeks. After Tallahassee ???- well we have not even started that jello yet - no idea which direction we will head for the rest of the summer.


    Glad to see everyone here is doing well - think about you often - even if we do not post frequently.


  6. Finally got to move out pin out of Benson - looking at window of time to head to Denver - then on to Omaha. We are now in Deming - Great Pizza and Pasta with Lee, Jerri and Terry - Plus even better conversation. Then we got to see Lee's shop - he is so organized - can not get over that he had all those tools in the back of his truck!


    Oh and before we left Benson we had one more dinner with Dave and Nancy at Mi Casa!!!


    I think I need to fast for a day! Not that I will !!!

  7. I think it's funny most of our class-less folks are moving into bigger and newer rigs while we are downsizing (sort of). We bought a 2008 Salem 23 foot travel trailer for traveling around the country in. Will leave the fiver in Arizona year round. We also took Lee's advice and got us a Hensley Hitch. Jim thinks that is going to be the best thing we did.

    You guys and Paul & Sue seem to be starting a trend by having two Rigs ! Congrats !

  8. We are expecting!!! A new rig that is - now official that our 2015 Mobile Suites should roll off the production line end of May or Early June!


    Oh - and rumor has it that someone else in our group is getting a new rig too - or maybe alreday did.


    Did I miss seeing that post - ????

  9. This is probably a strange place to announce this but I am just bubbling over and have to share. Tonight my biological son that I gave up for adoption 47 years ago found me!!! It's amazing. He is so happy, I am so happy and Jason, his 100% brother is over the moon.

    I have been talking to them for over 2 hours. We have shared family pictures. Unreal the family resemblances. He says he never gave up. Ever! Crazy, now I have one more son and two more grandchildren. Isn't that nuts!

    No words can discribe how great that news is!!! I am with Jerri - gonna want to hear details

  10. Doug and Toni - Wishing you the best of luck on Tuesday- look forward to your blog post on that day!!!


    We have been soooo busy with various events here in the desert - oh and a little side trip for me to Vegas - tried to win enough $ $for a new rig - but no such luck- gonna have to dig deep into Mike's pockets to pay for a new rig!!!


    Plans are in the works to order a 2014.5 from Mobile Suites by the end of this week.


    Guess I have to get serious about selling my Motorcycle!!!


    You guys in Yuma - here is your warning - we are heading that way - then on to Tucson area for March.


    Hey Jerry and Janice - how long are you staying in Tucson??


  11. A great first night at a fire ring here in Q- lots of howling as the full moon came up!!!


    So per campfire qourum- we will have a fire sale - aka "swap your junk for mine" on Sunday afternoon - food and beverages of course will be involved!!! 2 ish!!


    Details in person at the next campfire - which should be tomorrow night just before sunset - a bonus full moon !!!


    think we said good idea for tomorrow is to bring snacks / appetiziers


    everyone keep chime in if I missed something.


    those not here yet - we look forward to seeing you- those not making it this year- we miss ya - will talk about you around the fire and look forward to seeing ya next year!!


    OH and IYQ - I will go to Silly Al's when ever you say!!

  12. I sure wish I had a way to carry it. I have access to scrap lumber trimmings from two to four foot long 2x4s to 2x12s etc. All you can carry away. We just got several loads of it for our morning coffee fires and evening campfires. We have enough for the rest of the season and didn't make a dent in the source. One of our members spends his day sorting and stacking it so it's meat and easy to get at night. He has a prison costume (black and white stripes) he wears while working on it just to get laughs from the rally goers.

    I took 3 of the cowgirls over to the Sonny Bono wild life preserve today so they could go bird watching and hiking. After that we went to Saltan City on the west side of the sea. We had lunch there then decided to come back the short way rather than go on around the sea. We had a ball all day long.

    I'm still on schedule for the 15th at Q. See you all there.

    Are you sure it is a "costume"? LOL

  13. Great to hear, Jeri, we still plan on getting there on Wednesday the 15th. We'll go down to LaPosa South where we had parked before (in sight of the dump line), and see what's up there. Some of us might get there before, so if anyone does, post the gps coordinates. If I get there first I'll post them. We are in Pismo beach heading for our niece's place in San Diego for a day and then will head for Q. Steve

    Looks like we will be Wed as well - are you thinking the area we first met as class of 08 ? that was kind of behind the dump to the south side? We kind of like being off the main drag a little just for the dust factor. But where ever we can all it works for us.


    Hey Diane - how busy is it out there on Palmosa road?

  14. Okay ... I lied. I think I'll return to Phoenix on the 10th and we'll be moving on to "Q" about the 13th ... pending any other disasters.

    Lie is such a harsh word!! you "guessed" and now from what I read here you might be one of the first to arrive!

    So far it looks like we will be done with Dr appts on the 13th - so will head from Tucson to Q on the 14th or 15.

    I think it was stated earlier in the year that La Posa South works since it has water and dump - but we like North of town too - just have to water up in town first.

  15. Look at it this way .... you want to be real happy? You get to see all of us in about two weeks!! Now that's something you should be celebrating!! So, let's see what can I be happy about?


    I'm happy we're heading out of Tempe today. I'm happy I had an opportunity to meet each and everyone of you. I'm happy Quartzsite is just ahead and I'll get to share a little bit of time with most of you.


    There you go for starters. :-)

    Nice Starters!!!


    We too are happy to know Q is soon - and as a possible happy extention of time togehter after Q- (for those not heading to Yuma)


    How about Winter Blast in Lake Havasu? It starts on Wed Feb 12th for 5 nights. You can dry camp at the Rodeo Fair Grounds for $100 for the 5 nights.


    Anyone who wants details send me a PM and I will send you an electronic flyer about it.


    Oh and we left Texas and are now in Benson - moving on to Tucson this weekend.


    Merry Christmas all!

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