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Posts posted by readytoride

  1. Lee, we sent all the bad weather in Florida west with Paul and Marsha and Roger and Len. So far our weather in central Florida has been great most of the time. Got over 90 today, so just head on over here and warm up.


    Joe- I noticed Janice and Jeri out in the yard jumping and dancing around the other night and I thought they had too much wine. Now that you mentioned it, I bet it was a rain dance for you. Your name was spoken a lot during the dance.

    If I was you I would check my supply of baaaaad whiskey real close with Steve in the area. Anybody that can make that ice cream machine disappear can make off with a lot of baaaaad whiskey fast.


    Julie- Unless you have partaken of a lot of that baaaad whiskey, I would not let our classmate surgeons any where close to your knees. I don't think they make enough baaaad whiskey to let them get within two states of the operation site. Good luck on the surgery and when you get better, let's go hike the slot canyons in Utah again.

    Well I have been known to drink the baaaad whiskey but doubt I could drink enough to agree to believe their medical certificates are real. Now Paul and Sue's Margaritas might do the trick!
  2. We have nothing set in stone and will probably be near by at that time so I don't see why we couldn't roll in about that time.

    And I was always pretty darn good with that Operation Game. I hardly ever made the nose light up,,,,,, or was it because the bulb was burnt out,,,,, I can't remember now LOL!!!

    Thanks to you and Steve for the offer to "fix"my knee now we have to figure out how to get the insurance to pay you for your work.

  3. NEW KNEE NEWS .....

    Dr here in Tucson says I have worn out knees - I could have told him that -

    first available date for surgery is Dec 21 - no way I want surgery that close to Christmas

    then if I had surgery in early Jan - we would miss Q completely

    Planning is never easy....


    So now have surgery set for Jan 27 and have to have a pre op. exam the week before


    So Bottom line is:


    we will be in Q early this year - likely 13th to 18th or 19th

    so that is the first weekend of RV show.

    we will plan on same area as last year - north of town

    anyone else willing to join us that early?


  4. Liz, Borrego is one place we've never been. Don't know why, but whenever we were in the area we were in a hurry to get somewhere else. Maybe this year. Steve


    You took the words right outta my mouth...lol

    We want to ck out the area too...maybe this winter

    I know Tom and Diane and Dave and Nancy like it

    Not sure but I think Toni and Doug like it there too.

  5. It is great when we all start posting- seems to happen every fall as we all look for winter digs!

    We will be looking for a "spot to call our own" some day just not yet!!! We like the idea of the RV port - will be curious to find out what you thought of them Dave and Diane.

    I see the Knee Dr on Friday - so will have to see if surgery is in the near future - want to get it done ASAP or not at all - need to be free to roam over to Q for January.

    Glad to see we will have a nice size group!

    any preference on dates - thanks Jeri for posting the RV show dates. Seems later this year.


    Hope the Dixon's chime in soon about Q !!

  6. Carol, so glad to hear. All is well.


    Randy and Liz here. Glad I found the right tread. We are currently in Mesa til the end of November so if anyone is inthe area give us a shout. This is the first time we did not go back to Texas in the 10 years we have been full timing. Hope everyone is enjoying their winter.

    Glad you are enjoying Arizona this winter - look forward to meeting up in Q in January! I have not idea what dates yet- I know IYQ hopes to be in Q as well.

    Who else plans on Q this winter????

  7. Glad Carol is better.

    We had aa great but short visit with Lee, his new rig is wonderful! Look forward to a Q gathering in January.

    Jeff and Tina... we used to ride our MC around that area. Beautiful ride along the Lake from Tavares to Mt Dora.

    And so many great pubs and restaurants too....my favorite in Mt Dora is Pisces Rising... and Mike says go to O'Keefe irish pub in Tavares...of course he loves it cause they pour the Guiness!

  8. I sure hope you get reservations for Friday. We fill every night and all next week the park will be closed to all but Rally goers. I'm even leaving during rally week. I don't have to because I rent Annually but I just don't like rallies. If I don't find you in the park Friday give me a call or I could check Dream Catchers to see if you ended up there.

    I showed up at Holiday World in Las Cruces about 45 minutes early this morning. They took me right in and had it finished at 10:01. My appointment was for 10:00. The Sky Light seems to work just fine and latches the way it should. I guess my temper tantrum really worked. I'll have to try that more often. Now I'll take a Steve to celebrate.

    Glad your warranty work went well!

    I called the lo hi ranch and was told since only one night I did not need to make a reservation. See ya tomorrow.

  9. Well, the little trailer is history. I spent most the day at DMV getting it signed over and re-registered to the gal that bought it from me. We sat in the Q for nearly 2 hours but this time we got it done with on the first trip to DMV. Bright and early in the morning I'll drive the Navion over to Las Cruces to Holiday World to get that gear box installed. I hope it goes at least as well. Then it's a trip to the Curious Cumquat in Silver city to keep the Cowgirls happy then I'm out of here again to where ever the road takes me until the rally is over. After all that is out of the way I'm thinking about a trip to Organ Pipe Cactus Nat'l Monument if the weatherman will cooperate. Either that or go bounce around the lower level State Parks in eastern NM. This last storm covered the Northern State Parks with that funny looking white stuff so they are out until next Summer. I have to take my friend who wants to buy my Telescope up to Cosmic Campground in the first part of November but that will just be over night. Boy the time is flying by. October is nearly over and it seems like it only started last week.

    we will be heading your way on Friday - just a quick over night. on our way to Tucson. I see you have lunch plans on Friday - so when you get back if those cowgirls did not tucker you out come find us. Guess I better call the park tomorrow and make a reservation- sounds like it is getting busy.

  10. Well, the little trailer is history. I spent most the day at DMV getting it signed over and re-registered to the gal that bought it from me. We sat in the Q for nearly 2 hours but this time we got it done with on the first trip to DMV. Bright and early in the morning I'll drive the Navion over to Las Cruces to Holiday World to get that gear box installed. I hope it goes at least as well. Then it's a trip to the Curious Cumquat in Silver city to keep the Cowgirls happy then I'm out of here again to where ever the road takes me until the rally is over. After all that is out of the way I'm thinking about a trip to Organ Pipe Cactus Nat'l Monument if the weatherman will cooperate. Either that or go bounce around the lower level State Parks in eastern NM. This last storm covered the Northern State Parks with that funny looking white stuff so they are out until next Summer. I have to take my friend who wants to buy my Telescope up to Cosmic Campground in the first part of November but that will just be over night. Boy the time is flying by. October is nearly over and it seems like it only started last week.

    we will be heading your way on Friday - just a quick over night. on our way to Tucson. I see you have lunch plans on Friday - so when you get back if those cowgirls did not tucker you out come find us. Guess I better call the park tomorrow and make a reservation- sounds like it is getting busy.

  11. Nice job Carol and Steve on the


    We moved from Savannah to Woodbine, GA. A trip of 97 miles and the real feel temp is 97 degrees. Nearly have a stream running off the awning. We'll be here a week.


    Travel safe everyone.


    Jeff :)

    Hey Jeff and Tina...

    You are close to the head waters of the Suwannee river...the Okeefenoke swamp. Biggest gators I ever saw there and we lived in Florida 30+ years. It is fun to rent a boat and wander around the swamp!

  12. Oh yeah, there is a total eclipse of the moon Sunday night. This far West it will already be starting the eclipse when the moon comes up right at sundown. The moon is at parigee so it will also be a super moon. (The largest for the year) the moon will be in the earths shadow for about an hour. We should get some nice blood red color out of this one. Folks east of the Texas/New Mexico boarder should see the entire eclipse. The farther east the higher in the sky it will be while in eclipse. Get out there at sundown look east and enjoy. While your at it have a party.

    Party and Howl at the moon!!!

  13. Four years ago today we sold the house. Our 2 year adventure has stretched to 4 and not sure when it'll end. Maybe 2 or 3 more before we buy a home base. Still looking for our utopia. Celebrated with unlimited salad, soup and bread sticks at Olive Garden for lunch after we had moved from Charleston, SC to Savannah, Ga. We'll be here a week maybe more.


    Travel safe everyone.


    Jeff :)

    Congrats from us too! Keep us posted on utopia!

  14. My knee is acting a little better this morning. Maybe I just over did it yesterday and it needed a nice long rest. I hope. However I think I'll still go back to Deming Saturay morning. A whole bunch of my friends have returned there while I was out running around. Plus, I got a call from a guy that is interested in my little trailer. He is going to call again Monday or Tuesday to come take a look at it. So, I'd better make sure it's charged up and ready to be looked at. I've really enjoyed my stay in this park. I can always come back it's only about 70 miles over here coming through Hatch NM. It's a little too warm here in the summer but from fall to early spring it's great. I just have to remember to come on a Monday or Tuesday. You may not get a site any later in the week. It fills every weekend.

    Confusion is ofen my state of mind, nice to know I can drag others along!

    Glad your knee is better .. perhaps the exercise combined with damp weather cause it to complain.

  15. What the heck are you finding in Gallina. They painted over that town when they put the stripe down the center of the highway. I hope they did something for that highway down from El Vado. The last time I was on it, it shook my filling out plus a few other things.


    It has drizzled rain here all afternoon and evening. I'm about to go stir crazy. It's just now getting dark and still drizzling. I just checked the forcast and they are calling for more of the same tomorrow. Yuck. There is no TV signal here and NPR and that noize they now call music is all I can get on the radio. I don't watch TV anyway and NPR is just as bad as the noise. Plus I've read every thing I brought with me for reading. I guess a nagging wife would sound good about now. My singing even sounds good including all the sour notes.

    Had no idea this area is called Gallina - this is very close to the Ghost Ranch and all of Georgia O'keefe landscapes. Beautiful COE park. went to the map and made sure my location is correct - LOL . they are acutally repaving hwy 84 between here and Los Alamos.


    Hey Janice - on cool nights Mike does put some of his beer in the truck and then moves it to the frig in the morning! You sure got him figured out. LOL

  16. Hello everyone.


    Liz. And randy here from Yellowstone. We are looking forward to seeing many of you again in quartzite.


    My sign on is mimi55.

    Welcome to the forum- was wonderful to meet you at Q last year and then in Yellowstone this spring. look forward to a fun time this Jan. in Q

  17. Hey Julie, If you're still at Heron Lake State Park threaten Mike with mayhem if he won't take you to the Cliffside restaurant. It's right at the base of those hugh cliffs you can see toward the East. Watch for their large billboard as you head for Chama from Heron Lake turn east at that bill board and just keep going till you see the restaurant on the right side of the road. Watch out for deer on that road they're thick and don't get out of your way very fast. Also at the office, at Heron Lake, ask to see Josephine. Tell her you know me. No, on second thought you might get thrown out of the park.

    Hey Lee, I am the navigator so will just tell him to make that turn, plus will make sure he is hungry at the time.

    Very quiet here, camp hosts left so we grabbed their site.

  18. We get to move our peg today. Moving a little further west to Pocahontas State Park for a few days. I'll stay there while Ed gets on a plane to fly to California. His sister had been ill and he was hoping that she would hold on until he was able to get there, but that didn't work out. So the family is planning a memorial service and he will be there for that.


    Then it will be on the Amazon.

    Ed, Sorry to hear about your loss. Glad you can spend some time with family.

  19. We are starting our slow move south - but will continue to hang at higher elevations until weather cools. Plan to spend the next few weeks in Norhern New Mexico and maybe a quick flight for me to Omaha for a grandbaby fix. IYQ - we may be in Deming area lat Oct. - maybe

    Look forward to seeing all those who will be wintering in Arizona.

    plus look forward to updates from the "Florida gang"


    Julie maybe a different browser. Internet Explorer wouldn't show me the pins, with Chrome it's fine. Just a thought.



    interesting idea - I was using chrome on the tablet - tried the internet browser that came with tablet - works!!!

    my pin and where we are now are one and the same. looking forward to a visit with Freddy and Dulcie this week.

  21. We have a new granddaughter!!! Little April Noel arrived this afternoon weighing in at 8 lbs 13 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. She shares her birthday with 2 other family members and was born under a blue moon!!


    Only bad thing.......we have to wait until January before we get to meet her :(


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