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Posts posted by readytoride

  1. We have an announcement to make. We are going to re-retire. We will not be coming back to the park next spring. Long story to be shared around a campfire in the fall. So as of August 29th, we are FREE.

    Congrats! look forward to the story.

    We have moved to higher elevations in SW Colorado, hope to hook up with Freddy and Dulcie!


    I have not been able to move my pin on the map, takes the info but does not log me in, pin does not change color.

    Anyone else run into this problem?

  2. Here it moving day. Out of the Jayco into the Space Craft. We have been in the Jayco for 6 years. It is a bitter/ sweet move. It is old and glad to get ride of the problems. New home is exciting, because it is new and it is the floor plan we wanted and not a factory design.

    I am not smart enough to post pictures. It has a front kitchen and bed room in the back. We are excited to show it off so hope to see you soon!

    congrats! Look forward to crossing paths and a tour of new rig.
  3. What is their last name? I'll have the office alert me when they sign in. That's so I can be on guard cause if they are your friend I worry until the FBI checks them out. ;) Nah, any friend of your's is a friend of mine. I'll Take them to the Adobe Deli for dinner so we can talk about you.

    The appointment for my big trailer is tomorrow morning. So, I'll spend the day getting it hooked up and ready to go. Then, I hope the stuff I have ordered starts coming in so I can finish getting the little trailer ready to go star gazing. If only I could do something about all the cloudy skies we are having. Last night it got cloudy just as it was turning dark. Then an hour later it cleared up except for around the horizon. At least I was able to make sure the comet was still visable. It's pretty dim now. About mag 6 and pretty close (2° left of Delta Cassiopeia) the 4th brightest star in the big W just West (left) of the North star.( second star from the left/up end.)! If you have some binoculars and a fairly dark site it should be easy to find (a small fuzzy ball with NO tail.)

    Dave and Jan Dennis .... do not believe anything they say about us!,, they just became SkP members too.
  4. I'm gonna throw out Tuesday the 20th as my friends will likely be leaving towards the end of the week.


    I don't even know where it is ????

    only open on Sat. & Sun. Noon to sunset.

    We are going next Sat. We do not blog....just love to read them.

    I think Sunday is our spaghetti night, so do not want to go then.

  5. I am totally coordinate challenged so I will be following the actual directions on Tuesday when we get there. So be on the lookout for our little Salem trailer.

    look forward to seeing you. Jim there is a fishing group close by. Spoke to one of them yesterday, good tales of the big fish that he caught!

  6. We have an issue. Maybe not Tuesday. I hate issues.

    We hate issues too... hope all works out for you.


    IYQ found us using the gps. Plus Diane &Tom stopped by.


    Main thing if using gps ... turn north at entrance with signs for rod club, chapter 39, chapter 6 & 21.

    This is at mile marker 2.8, then keep right at fork. Look for pirate flag and American Flag on a mobile suite.

  7. Our thoughts and prayers to you.. Jeff and Tina.


    We are out on Plamosa Rd, north side last entrance to camping areas. SkP chapter 6 &21 close by and have signs out.


    33 10 09 114 10 09


    I think lol ... do not use GPS numbers very often.


    Mike and Brad have set up our popular tent etc to claim more space.

  8. I forgot about those mimosas. Those were really good. Heck, I'd rather do that than the Limoncello! Sangria can be good on Italian night. I'll load up some orange juice and some champagne for those early morning pajama get togethers around the fire. However, wasn't that a "ladies" event? I think we'll also make a visit to Costco and bring some of the breakfast rolls to dip in the mimosas! Well, not really to dip. Maybe we can add little umbrellas to our mimosas this year!

    yippee, get to shop for new PJ's ....? Think we can get Paul or Roger to build the fire for us? Any other early riser fire builders?

  9. Wow, miss a few days on the forum and pages to read! Looks like the Q jello is setting up!

    Tina and Jeff are helping with supplies for Margarita night. So we are set for supplies for that night.

    However, we are in need of one thing..... does anyone have a bat???



    Looks like we did find firewood here in Tucson. So will load the truck with mixed hardwoods. The group does love a good fire .... so we can always use more. Last year we did a couple of morning coffeee time fires which I loved because they involved mimomsas. Mike says he is always ready for the desert bar.


    Look forward to seeing everyone again. Will be great to have some "newbies"join us.

  10. As previously mentioned, The Swains and the Porters will be hosting a second Annual Margarita Night, complete with quesadillas so no one gets too drunk, lol. We'll figure out what night would be a good one once we get into town. We should be there around the 16-17th.





    We also have always had an an Italian night with spaghetti. So lets figure when these two nights will be and get them on the calendar!!

    The problem is the famous drink of Italy is limoncello. Any volunteers to go to Italy and get it

    red wine will work for me... as mentioned Porter/Swain will provide the goodies for Margarita night, anyone want to take on spaghetti night? If we divide this up no one has to bring/ cook everything, any other group nights? Maybe a pot luck or appetizer night? Dog & beans on the fire night? I would vote yes for a dessert night, lol

  11. Love all the chatter/planning!

    We Look foreward to seeing everyone in Q

    We just arrived at Justins rv park near Tucson ..... Mike was talking to across the road neighbors & turns out Pam & Red started full timing this year! Then we discovered this is the couple Paul & Sue met in Alaska. Paul & Sue had invited them to join the group in Q! We just repeated the invite ...so add Pam & Red to the list.

    They do plan to join us in Q.

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