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Posts posted by td12class

  1. Oh, no! Lee, we are most grateful that you were not injured, though something like that can sure make you tense and overwhelmed! Please take care of yourself... can't imagine that there is a thing we can do to help from here, but surly will if you think of something. You can bet I will raise a glass of cranberry juice to you, since I can't bring it to you. :) And, will keep good thoughts! Take care, and good luck with all you need to do to get back on track.

    Hugs! Dianne & Tom


    A bit of bad luck, When I got my mail last Saturday I found a bunch of charges to one of my accounts that I didn't make. 4 of them were from Philadelphia, PA and one from a Chic Filet in NJ. I wasn't able to get in touch with my bank until this morning and I was told to get to the bank as soon as possible to sign some affidavits. I ask if I should report the card stolen even though I still have the card. He said no they would issue another and it would go to my SD address. My card is set to expire at the end of this month anyway and I want the bank to get the new card and just hold it for me until I pick it up in person. So that's why I got the answer I did. I've been monitoring it online since and no more fraudulent charges have been made so I'll give up on the 250 miles a week and drive 300 miles a day to get there Thursday evening and be able to be in the bank first thing Friday morning. If it isn't one thing its another. The whole sum of the bad charges is less than $300 so that isn't too bad. Best I can figure is some one in a gas station got my card number off a charge at the pump back in Deming.

    Any way because Dianne won't share her Cranberry Juice with me, LOL. I'm all hookup up and ready to head East in the morning. I really didn't want to get there this early. None of the campgrounds around there open untill May 15th. I'll have to go down to Marion, NC off the mountain to find a place to stay until then and drive the extra 35 miles up the mountain to get things done every day. AAAaaRRrrrGGGGgggg.

  2. OK Jeff... thanks for letting me know about my site error on the map list... I have changed our location to read, "Horse Pasture." Much better, though we do occasionally witness the previous :) Nell is having a ball chasing rabbits, and it is great that she can be off leash and free out here in the country.


    Tom and Dianne you might want to check the map. I don't think it posted what you typed for your site, I hope.

    Toni it's Colorado. You have winter and July for the seasons. Safe travels everyone.


  3. Oh, so sorry to hear about the lost key! That was some costly replacement!


    Yes, again, it was great to be with everyone gathered in Denver. Hope the "strange" campers stay away from your site!


    Enjoy this time with your daughters... best wishes to all! Dianne & Tom


    We really enjoyed touching base with Tom, Dianne, Tina, Jeff, Mike and Julie and yes it's a bit lonely now here at Cherry. But, we're sure liking spending some quality time with our girls. We made good use of Jeff's firewood last evening and thanks again Tom for delivering it stacked at our site! Can't wait to see you guys again and get some more of that goooood whiskey.

    Hoping to take the Rooster in to a truck wash today. It's one dirty bird from all that Rocky Mountain slush we picked up crossing the Divide. Somehow I lost the keys to my truck yesterday and had to get a new one from the dealer...$205...ouch, what a rip!

    Tom & Dianne, your two strange neighbors are still here (I think). Haven't seen the gal with the tent and gear strewn all over since you left but her stuff is...The guy on your other side finally came out of his little pup tent yesterday and staggered to the shower house...hopefully, he took full advantage of the facility. He staggered back, climbed in and haven't seen him out since. Not too worried about him borrowing some of my stuff as he doesn't seem to have a vehicle to put it in and run. This big city camping sure is interesting! Stay safe everybody and happy trails...Roger & Lynn

  4. Hello all... we are now in Alamosa, CO where we will spend a couple of weeks. Will get to meet the newest grandchild, born in January and named after Tom :)


    We had a great time with all gathered at Cherry Creek... our own little mini-Q-reunion. Now, everyone heads in different directions and we keep good thoughts for everyone with their different activities and events! If I can ever figure out how to resize a photo from Saturday, I will post it. Sure enjoyed time with Tina, Jeff, Lynn, Roger, Julie and Mike! (And, Lynn and Roger's daughter, too). Do you guys feel abandoned? We all went off and left you at Cherry Creek today :(


    Lee - keeping good thoughts for you with the banking stuff. And, there will be plenty of Cranberry Juice for you when we are next together, to be sure!!!


    It's asparagus season here in the San Luis Valley, and we plan to pick lots of the wild stuff and fill our freezers! Nancy and Dave will join us here next week... oh, what fun we will have trapsing around filling our bags with this seasonal treat. And, as promised, we will be sure to bring you some, Delcie and Freddy, provided the asparagus gods are smiling on us!


    Take care, everyone! Enjoy the ride!

  5. Hang in there, Lee. The sun is shining again in Colorado for a second day after our winter weather! We are most grateful, and hope it will come your way. Having a gathering here tomorrow... Tina & Jeff, Lynn & Roger, Julie & Mike, and us. Will be good to reconnect with everyone, and you can bet we will talk about YOU! Maybe we can get a group photo :) Take care, Dianne & Tom


    Those classless people up in Colorado have used so many of those nasty 4 letter words that they have got my weatherman using them now. He is saying there is a 50% chance for Sn (AH Hemm) Frozen percipitation tonight and tomorrow. ARRRGGG. The darn stuff is following me. I found a place to get may propane bottle filled so I guess I'm ready for it. I've already gone completely bonkers sitting inside because of the rain. (People won't notice much differerce in my actions.) But a couple more days of this might send me over the edge.

  6. Oh, you do make me chuckle, Lee :) Actually, I made a mistake, though... I don't even like beer, so here's another 4-letter one that better suits me. WINE! Yeah, that's better!


    Stay safe! Hugs, D.


    Watch your language girl or I'll send you to your room without TV.

  7. Ok Lee... here is a little diddy for you from us here in COLO with 4-letter words to describe our situation...


    Today our RAIN turned to SNOW! It is COLD, and the WIND BLEW! So much SLOP, and I had to wear a COAT… being careful not to SLIP and FALL. BURR! Might be a good time to stay HOME and drink BEER. :D


    Oh, are we bored or what? We will welcome the return of sunshine!!!!!



    I'm in the Spadra COE Near Clarksville, AR. It's a beautiful campground with so many tree it's hard to find a place to look at the sky. The only problem is that there is a railroad track running alone the whole length of it. I'm going to check the post office and if general delivery is suitable I may have my mail sent here. I'd like to get that done and off my mind. The elevation is only 369' here so it will be much warmer here when that cold front catches up. Now if we can just get those people in Colorado to stop using those 4 letter words all the time.

  8. Doesn't it feel great to check those projects off the list... glad you got the jeep in good shape again. Took a nice photo of your place accross the road with all the snow. Have a good day... the sun will be back out soon! Dianne & Tom


    I've spent the last 2 day at my friends auto repair shop working on the Jeep. Changed intake and exhaust manifold gaskets, brake master cylinder, transmission fluid, tune up, etc. I'm glad that's over and now its snowing. Going to go visit my Dad this morning.


  9. Right, what's with all the snow everywhere we go? Isn't this supposed to be spring? Oh, yeah... springtime in the Rockies. : ) But, the moisture is so good for Colorado, and this storm will pass quickly and your site will be clear! Tina and Jeff are across the road from us... no campfire today! See you tomorrow... roads should be clear for you. Dianne & Tom





    Tom & Dianne, saw your picture on FB...Crikey, it snows everywhere you guys go...leary of hooking up with ya! Kidding aside, could you please shovel out our campsite before we arrive tomorrow? :D Are Tina & Jeff still at Cherry Creek?

    Roger & Lynn

  10. And, we are so happy to be Tina & Jeff's neighbors until Thursday. Then moving to another site that didn't have a reservation on it... will be closer to Lynn & Roger when they get here. So great to see Tina & Jeff... wow! It's been 3 months since Quartzsite! Enjoyed a good catching-up visit... so nice to see them again... will fit in lots of visits while here! Who else will join us all here at Cherry Creek State Park???


    Dianne & Tom


    Tom and Dianne arrived today and it's great to see them. They are parked right across the road from us for a few days. The park was full this weekend and there is talk of maybe a little snow mid-week. Colorado you gotta love it.

    Tina and Jeff

  11. Lee,if you come to us, I will promise to have ice cream waiting :) Actually, know you must head on east... maybe sometime this summer! Hang in there with the weather changes. We sure are enjoying the blue sky and warm sunshine after so much cold and snow. Take care of yourself!


    [Wquote name=IYQ" post="617431" timestamp="1367079989]Hey. DIANNE & TOM. Get an Ice Cream machine and I mighr show up at Cherry Creak. LOL

    After freezing my posterior, the forcast for today is 94 degrees Man, I don't think this old bod can keep up to those changes.

    There was a very spectacular pass of the International Space Station last night. I invited a neighbor over to watch it. It was the first time he had seen it. He was very impressed, so I showed him how to use "Heavens Above" so he can get the predictions him self. The pass last night was at magnitude -3.4 which is very bright and it went straight over the center.

  12. Hey Glyn... though we would love to have you and Diane join us at Cherry Creek for a day or so, we certainly understand time with kids and best routes chosen. If things change and you might come our way, that would be great so just give a call! Otherwise, we will look forward to seeing you both down the road. Have a great summer!


    Hugs, D & T


    Tom and Dianne


    I am not sure if we will stop at Cherry Creek. Diane would like to stay here as long a possiable (daughters house in Ohio). We are on I-80 and that goes to Wy. We are taking a back road to miss Chicago. We could go to Indy. and catch I-70. You need to talk to the boss and we could be there.

  13. Glyn & Diane... liked your post, "I walk out the door turn around an I see home. For me that is nice. Same home different yard that doesn't need mowing."


    Yeah, we kind of think that way and feel blessed every day to be always "at home." Life as fulltimers is great... no packing up and unpacking.


    Will we be seeing you at Cherry Creek or somewhere as you head to your summer job? We are at the Northglenn, CO Elk's Lodge for a few day, and then down to Cherry Creek on Sunday. Travel safe!

  14. Good to have a telephone chat with you yesterday, Jeff. Did you get more snow there overnight? We woke to another two inches! Enough! Hoping the sun returns soon, and the weather is to be as great in the week ahead as forecasted!!! Thinking we will arrive at Cherry Creek on Sunday... will keep you posted, and look forward to seeing you and Tina soon!


    We are at Cherry Creek and it's snowing. Yuk! The trees don't have any leaves either. Suppose to be real nice this weekend.

    Stay safe,

    Tina and Jeff

  15. Good job! We have added Overton to our "places to check out" list, and will note that. Hugs to you both!

    Interesting thing happened today.


    When we were in Overton we needed to dump the tanks but did not want to stay in a park overnight. The office at Robbins Nest RV park is only open from 9-2 pm so we snuck in after 2, chose a site and dumped. We put a note in the drop box with a $10 bill. We got an email from Vicki at Robbins Nest a couple of days later saying "thank you but we are not licenced to allow just dumping" and in the future could we use the Fun in the Sun RV park which charges $15 for dumping in one of their sites which is very difficult to get into. Vicki and I have become friends and today I get an email from her saying they are now licenced to allow dumping for $10. I feel that I instigated this and feel good about that. So now we know. When in Overton, Nevada, dump at the Robbin's Nest.

  16. Hang in there, Lee... summer's coming! Be safe!

    About 9:15 Everything was quiet and peaceful them BAM the wind hit all at once with gusts to 55 MPH and its still going but not as bad. I doubt if I'll get any sleep tonight with this rig rocking and rolling. Steve take a few Z's fot me

  17. So sorry to hear that you will be dealing with wind... what a crazy spring for everyone. Talked with Jeff yesterday via phone, and they are having snow at Cherry Creek, as are we here in Ft. Collins. We had two more inches of snow overnight! After today, it is to be beautiful... here's hoping! Travel safely, Freddy & Delcie, and here's to a great summer! Will be seeing you there in about a month! Safe travels to everyone out there on the road!


    We are on our way to Colo for our summer host job. Pland to leave Lubbock Tx this am, The wind hit last nite about midnite and is blowing 35 with gust to 45 so we are setting here hoping it will calm a little this afternoon. We need to be there tommorow afternoon, might have to make a 500 mile day tommorow. Everyone stay safe
    LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!
    Freddy and Delcie

  18. What a difference a day makes! We have survived the "Yogi Blizzard of 2013" here in Wyoming... the sun came out, the hundreds of semi trucks stranded at the truck stop next door got to leave, snow is melting, and the wind is not blowing so we got to put our slides out again after five days... yippee! I think we will make it! Talk about an adventure... 18 inches of snow, incredible winds, very cold overnight temps, and many lessons (Tom has an "oops" story to share around the campfire :). One thing we are pretty sure of... as much as we love our children, we will NOT come this far north ever again in April! But, beyond this bit of weather-related inconveniences, we are well and happy... life on the road is good. We will be leaving Cheyenne on Sunday and heading to Ft. Collins and then on to Denver.


    Lee - We have been getting a kick out of your posts. Hope you get to get on with your travels soon. And, we must learn about this ice cream machine you all keep talking about :)


    Steve and Carol - though we don't [yet] know you... happy anniversary. People keep telling us we will really enjoy getting to know you both, so we look forward to that one day. Actually, lots of names we see on the forum that it will be fun to put faces to and get to know in the future.


    Tina & Jeff, Lynn & Roger, Diane & Glyn... safe travels as you move towards Cherry Creek. We look forward to seeing you all there! Julie and Mike, too, if that works with your schedules. Hope the eye surgery goes well for you, Mike.


    To those we will be seeing in So. Colorado this summer... summer really IS coming and we will have a blast! Everyone else... be well and stay safe! See you all down the road! Dianne & Tom

  19. Yep... crikey is right! Keep that slide in, Roger. We have had to do that a lot lately!


    We are 15 miles east of Cheyenne, parked in our daughter's yard last night, and woke to lots of snow this morning! OK... we can hear you all laughing and saying, "what the heck were those two doing heading up north this early in the season." And, your choice of words might not be too kind... just lots of laughing and snickering :lol: The kind of stuff to be batted around the campfire at a later date :P


    But, we got moved to a nearby rv park early this morning and now have electricity. We are well, and will just wait this out and enjoy visits with our daughter and son-in-law while here. So, we are safe, and wish the same for all of you out there. Look forward to seeing those of you at Cherry Creek later this month and next, and others down the road. Best wishes. Be safe, everyone! D & T

    Tom & Dianne,
    Did I hear that you're in the Cheyenne area? Heard that it's supposed to SNOW a foot there! You guys stay safe and good luck with that...keep us posted. Crikey! We just moved into Winslow, AZ ...60 mph winds today...leaving the slide in!
    Roger & Lynn

  20. I posted a reply to Pa and D on the Class of 2008-09 forum earlier today, and thought I'd paste here to the Classless Class, also. We are 12ers, but Tom and I loved being "adopted" and made welcome by all! It seems Cherry Creek State Park will be the gathering place for many of us in April/May... what fun. We are currently in Cheyenne, WY (actually in Sidney, NE for the weekend), and will be in the Cheyenne - Ft. Collins, CO area for some time. And, yes, Jeff, it is way too early to be this far north, but we are managing... having good visits with our kids, so that makes it worth while. We are flexible with our schedule and would love to connect with many of you at Cherry Creek... thinking we might come there around the 25th of April and stay two weeks so our timings can overlap with others. So, join in Diane and Glyn... seems that Jeff and Tina will already be there, maybe Julie and Mike will come after their trip to the east? And, Roger and Lynn coming around May 2nd? Really looking forward to time with you all... keep us posted, please, everyone. Safe travels to all!

  21. Well, it seems Cherry Creek State Park will be the gathering place for many of us... what fun. We are currently in Cheyenne, WY (actually in Sidney, NE for the weekend), and will be in the Cheyenne - Ft. Collins, CO area for some time. And, yes, Jeff, it is way too early to be this far north, but we are managing... having good visits with our kids, so that makes it worth while. We are flexible with our schedule and would love to connect with many of you at Cherry Creek... thinking we might come there around the 25th of April and stay two weeks so our timings can overlap with others. So, join in Diane and Glyn... seems that Jeff and Tina will alredy be there, maybe Julie and Mike will come after their trip to the east? And, Roger and Lynn coming around May 4th? Really looking forward to time with you all... keep us posted, please, everyone. Safe travels to all!


    I like the idea of the "Class-less class". It will help those that there class is not active. It can also be of help to new fulltimers. I thank all will be glad to share info. and huggs. CLC is a good start for that.


    2008-2009 and all 2013 participants should stay with the 2008-2009. IMHO. LOL


    Where is Cherry Creak in Co.? We must be in Wy. on May 13. We could stop by. Meet Jeff and visit with Roger and Lynn.


    Safe travels and a good summer.

  22. Take care, Lee! We look forward to seeing you again soon... maybe up in Colorado? Too many fun things to do to be sick... get well soon! We will keep good thoughts for you!


    I had a bad night last night. Selp in 30 seqments because of this congestion. I sure wish I had been feeling better when Tom and Dianne were here. I wasn't a very good host staying cooped up in my trailer hacking up green phlegm all day. I'll make up for it the next time we meet.

    I haven't been out of the trailer all day today. I guess I'll have to find a clinic to go to all though I know they can't really do anything to help me. Just rule out more dangerous stuff. 95% of Bronchitis is caused by a virus. It just may be that I have the other 5% type and antibotics will do some good. The antibiotics the PA gave me at the Slabs seemed to do a lot of good but that could have been a case where the virus had just run it's course and I was getting better anyway. Except for the congestion and coughing up stuff and the listless feeling I really don't feel to bad. I just want to sleep all the time and when I try too, I wake up coughing.

    The weather procrastinator has us scheduled for 3 days of wind. Why is it that he is always right when it comes to bad weather and always wrong when he says it's going to be nice. I'd stop my complaining and look at the bright side of things but the batteries in my flash light went dead last week. Smile, all crying does is mess up your mascara.

  23. Was great fun to be with Lee last night, plus a little visit again this morning, and more hugs, before heading to City of Rocks. Like the rocks and scenery here... will be a good place to hang out for a few days before moving on to Roswell.


    And, Lee... you did not talk too much! (Though, the stories about folks will give us good ammunition for another time :) Fun to meet friends along the way as we travel!


    When are they going to make a computer that can boot up faster than I forget why I turned it on in the first place? I tried to post using my Android and it's funky. It lets you write about 3 or 4 lines then won't put the cursor where you try to put it. It ends up in the middle of stuff you alread wrote and you add letters where they ain't supposed to be.


    Tom and Dianne arrived as scheduled today. We went to the Adobe Deli for Dinner tonight. Good food and even better company. We (well, mostly I) talked a blue streak. I told them all the stories about you folks that you never wanted anyone to hear. Especially about Steve and Dave. They are going to head on down the road the first thing in the morning. I hope I'm up and alive so I can get another nice warm hug from Dianne and shake Toms hand so he can't hit me with it.


    I've pretty much decided that my congestion problem is Bronchitis. The green phlegm sort of gives it away. I'm doing much better again but still hacking up the stuff by the gallons. However my lung a fairly clear most of the time. A secondary sinus infection isn't helping matters any either. I've decided to move down to Poncho Villa State Park next week while the Rally is going on then come back here just long enough to get my meds (If Wal-Mart is reopened.) and get mail one more time and send in my quarterly taxes. Then state park hop for a while before heading east to North and South Carolina. Then I plan (I better not do that it well never happen) I think I might, (that's better) bounce around the free campgrounds in Colorado with a group of my friends for the rest of the summer.


    Tom and Dianne, Drive safe on that 30 mile trip tomorrow. Don't get lost in the rocks.

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