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Posts posted by SWharton

  1. I should have mentioned this is for the back of a 24" cabinet for the spices I don't use often. I have a width problem and these should fit. I have my highly used spices in a rack(metal) similar to the Ikea one you linked to.

  2. We asked them and the printing of the ballots was delayed, some judge wanted something changed. They were suppose to receive the ballots Friday and were going to do the Escapees first(how they know this I don't know). So mailing should start sometime this week if all goes to plan.

  3. New challenge: I have Playon, recorded a program and went to send it to the TV. I think the TV is on the same network as the PC but Playon says I don't have a casting device. From Google I gather it is a Roku, Firestick or Chromecast piece of hardware.

    We now have Netflix, Prime and Disney+(other daughter working on giving us that), does it make any difference which hardware I buy. Need something with a clean, neat interface.

    I keep thinking I am buying redundant hardware and I should be able to "cast" with my Tivo or computer to the TV that also has internet. Or should I just plug in the HDMI cable between the PC and TV. I know that works.`

    Learning curves are so steep.


  4. Didn't know they did their series like that. The other reason we had wanted to download was so when they take the series away we would still be able to finish viewing it.

    We need to download to our PC, no space on our phone and we don't have a tablet.

    What is casting from the phone to the TV? In case we ever have a phone with enough extra space to do this.



  5. We are going camping for a couple weeks where we know internet is very poor so wanted to stockpile some programs. We won't have dish either due to trees.

    What we like about recording is that we record all the programs we want to look at and don't need to be concerned when another episode is available, it will just record.




  6. Well I made a little progress. I had heard I needed to download an App to my PC but could never find it. I finally stumbled across something called Microsoft Store, I guess it is the equivalent of Google Play but for PCs. I found a Netflix app on and can now download but that is all it seems to do. No scheduling and I would guess I need to download one episode at a time, not sure about that since I am only on my first episode.

    I assume to show the program on TV we will need to take out our HDMI cable to view. This is very convoluted and seems so ancient. Netflix has some interesting programing but it is aggravating to record and view.

    I wouldn't waste our money on it.

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