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Posts posted by kingskids

  1. Well, update on the house looker. He found something he liked in Breckenridge (about 1.5 hours away from our place). So here we go again - more waiting for the right one to come along... June will make SIX years on the market - talk about frustrating!! I'm SO bummed, I'd cry if I thought it would do anything other than give me a headache.

    More later. Thanks for the prayers - please keep praying for it to happen?

  2. Susan, be prepared to be sad when you swim with the manatee. They've been carved on by stupid and cruel humans as well as getting cut up with propellers. They are a peaceful, huge, and amazingly "ugly beautiful" creature. I loved my swim with them, but it saddened me that anyone could be so cruel to some of the most peaceful creations. You'll see morons initials carved in them along with other injuries. But you will love and cherish your brief time with them, and it will stay with you for a long time.


    But now that I went and made everyone sad - let me make it better with a laugh:


    Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep.

    In the middle of the night, Holmes woke Watson and said, "Watson, look up and tell me what you see."

    Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars."

    Holmes continued, "And what do you deduce from that?"

    Watson replied, "Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it's quite likely there are some planets like Earth out there. And if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life. Is that what you deduced?"

    Holmes replied, "No, Watson. Somebody stole our tent."

  3. Janet - enjoy the rally for us. Sorry we can't make it this time, but know you'll have a ball like last time - the bingo is worth the trip alone! What a hoot!


    I emailed some of you privately to pray for our home to sell, but for those who I didn't email separately, here's the story... We've had our home on the market for 6 years come June. We've had NO showings since we left CO in October, but after seeing a craigslist ad I ran, a man in MO hopped a flight, drove 2.5 hours from the airport to the house, didn't bring his wife, but brought a young (20 something) co-worker. They loved the 360 degree views of the 14,000 ft mountains and were taking pictures from almost every room of the house because the deer were all around the house. Other than the enthusiasm with the views and the deer, the realtor couldn't get a read on them at all. Are they serious or not? She couldn't tell... They did ask a lot about short term rentals, so that coupled with the fact that his wife didn't come, but a co-worker did - indicates to me that they may be looking at it as a corporate retreat or something along those lines. Please pray with us that this will finally be the one who takes the house and frees us from house payments for life!! They looked at the house yesterday, and of course, I've heard nothing yet today. I so hope that we can finally be done with the house! Thanks in advance for everyone's prayers!


    Heidi - the build is coming along so nicely on your rig. Are the girls about crazy with excitement at having their own space like they will soon? It's looking good... Can't wait to see it finished.

  4. Here's your morning funny: www.flixxy.com/the-paperless-future-emma.htm#.UUmwsMWUHKc


    It's only a minute and half long, but well worth it! The battle between the digital husband and the paper loving wife will have you snorting at the end!

  5. Ok ladies - here is the solution to the avatar problem - and in hindsight - such a SIMPLE fix... Simply change the extension of the picture you wish to use to JPEG (rather than the common jpg that computers assign to your pics when importing), and VOILA' - it works as it's supposed to do. My avatar is my "lover boy" Harley - who thinks mama belongs to him, he merely tolerates Richard as a competitor for my love!

  6. Heidi - loving the daily adds on the build photos - can't imagine how excited you must be by now.


    Alicia - I'm not loving the new message board skin -- it shrunk my avatar so badly that I tried to change it - and now I can't add a picture at all! Keep geeing error messages... I don't know what's wrong - it won't take one from my hard drive OR from photobucket - both fail. GRRR! Raquel - looks like you're one of the few who still has the original size avatar - how'd you do that!?

  7. Aggie - I have a very mental picture of the poor kitties - OWWW! Scruffy's personal hygiene hasn't gotten any better, but just walking by running water one day he did backflips to get out of my arms and over my back! He'll have to have his "happy pill" (travel drugs) before I could even think about getting him wet!


    Heidi - So glad to see pictures, though I must confess that the framework is not too exciting as the insides will be. I'm thrilled that you guys are having such a great experience with Marsha and crew. Can't wait to see the final product and hear how you guys like the way it feels and such. Look forward to more pictures as time goes by. Time frame for rolling out of there with your new home?


    Janet - love it - very clever things folks come up with when they want to. I have to say, don't know about you ladies, but I've been in a lot of those "places"!


    Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm (while waiting for badminton?). We have to leave our wonderful lakefront place that we've spent the last 3 months at. Have a family gathering in the DFW area to do before heading to OK to get some repairs on the rig. Had a narrow park driveway that Richard more or less fell in a nice deep ditch in, and damaged the back end somewhat... Then we'll work our way back to CO. Heard the other day that Corpus had 91 degrees. The most we've seen so far is 77 and that was pushing it for this wimp. Spring has totally "sprung" here - all the beautiful pink blossomed redbud trees and such are in full bloom and the trees are all green. So back to the north again soon... More stuff to get rid of and to sell... You all travel safe!

  8. Hey ladies - I have to tell you about a new 5 part mini series that Roma Downey (Touched By An Angel) and her husband have produced - The Bible (a fantastic miniseries) - on the History channel. Why the History channel you ask... The reason is that they created the story of the Bible, but no network would touch it (apparently none of the networks wanted to be associated with the Bible). So the History channel agreed to air it - and let me tell you - it is truly AMAZING! So far, it's gripping, interesting, the special effects are fantastic, and it was done as such because Roma's kids were watching the Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston (50 year old movie now) - and they commented about how "lame" it was. So Roma and her husband (forgot his name, but he's a producer of many programs) decided that they could do something much better and still be true to the Bible. WELL worth watching! They made Roma & hubby promise that it wouldn't be lame. They totally succeeded - it's SO not lame!


    Episode 1 re-airs on Wed at 8:00 and again on Sunday at 4:00.

    Then episode 2 comes on Sunday at 6:00 with reruns possible later as with episode 1.


    Pass this info along to everyone you know - they'll thank you for it!

  9. Here's something to give everyone a smile for the day! Hope everyone is doing well, staying well, and having fun wherever you are!



    Upon entering the little country store, the stranger noticed a sign saying DANGER! BEWARE OF DOG! posted on the glass door. Inside he noticed a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register.


    He asked the store manager, "Is THAT the dog folks are supposed to beware of?"


    "Yep, that's him," he replied.


    The stranger couldn't help but be amused. "That certainly doesn't look like a dangerous dog to me. Why in the world would you post that sign?"


    "Because", the owner replied, "before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him."



  10. Sheri - good job on fixing the link - works perfect. You'll be shocked to hear that I still haven't had time to look at 15,963 pictures! Does look like a great team who can work together well and make things look great. Out here in "deep east" Texas - it's been damp and cold for almost the whole month we've been here - but we "supposedly" have 5 days in a row of decent looking SUNNY days - even warm enough (mid 60's) to get out on the boat and catch some dinners...


    You ladies stay warm and safe if you're out on the roads!

  11. Sharon, DH has not gotten the back up lights yet. We have been consumed with researching for the camper - that's what happens when you have 2 people with our personalities....


    Heidi - BELIEVE me - I totally understand! Richard and I are both the "research something to death" types, unfortunately, sometimes to the detriment of getting things done... So happy that things are coming along so wonderfully - I think we all are going to be dying to see the finished product. Bet the kids are super excited to have such a great future customized home. Though it seems that what you have has worked great with an organized Psalms 31 woman running a tight ship. My best to you all, have fun planning and designing. Designing the custom homes we built was always Richard's favorite part - he loved that part even better than swinging the hammer.

  12. Good to hear from you Sheri - I was starting to wonder what you are up to these days... FYI, the link you gave has too much code in it and it won't work. Check the link, it's got too many "http"s and "www"s in it. It works if you manually take those out of the url after opening the page - but many don't know how to do that. LOADS of pictures! You're doing a great job on the albums! I don't have the time to go thru them all, but the first "taste" of it looked great! You and kitty (really need to give that poor cat a real name!) keep each other company and time will pass quicker than you think it will - you know what they say, time flies when we get older! :lol:

  13. Sharon, I never saw an answer to the questions regarding Richard's recovery. Is he back to normal yet? Has it been too cold and wet to fish? I keep hoping you get better weather, but it doesn't seem to stop dripping from the sky.


    Susan, sorry - I did answer, but it was on the phone with Heidi :P Didn't you hear the answer!? :lol: Anyway, he's back "almost" to normal (well, as normal as HE ever gets!). Thanks to everyone for their prayers - just don't come out of the big trucks facing out - back out for safety! We've actually been fishing twice - once last Monday, then again last Friday. All the batteries in the boat died, so we ordered new ones and will get them Wednesday, so we'll be back on the lake again Thursday (hopefully!). Did you ever get to the zoo to see the Christmas lights? Oh, Heidi and Robert are designing what they call the Frankencamper - bits of pieces taken from different sources put together in a way to work perfectly for a family of 6 on the road. They have some WAY COOL designs!


    Weird winter this year isn't it!? We checked the temps at our home base and the other day it was MINUS 17 degrees!! BRRRRR!!! Even with the dryness making it feel less cold (zero is not bad at all if the wind isn't blowing) - but add wind and take off another 17 degrees - not where we want to be right now!!!


    Janet - you guys enjoy the rv show and don't go getting "trade in" crazy :D You just got this one the way you want it huh!?


    Stay as warm as possible ladies. Drive safe if you're traveling!

  14. Heidi - it was good to hear from you - glad everyone is doing well! I forgot to ask if Robert ever got the reverse lights working on the truck. Stay warm and continued good luck with the Frankencamper design work - cannot WAIT to see the finished product! We're very happy for you guys (in advance I guess...). Hugs to the little ones for us?

  15. I give up trying to spell. I have made so many mistakes since I started this post and corrected most of them but I refuse to feel stupid. I am having a blond moment.... Live with it :D


    Aggie - you know that there's a handy little red squiggly line under words that are misspelled - right!? All you have to do is right click the red squiggly line and you get suggestions on how to spell it right :P Thought I'd help! :rolleyes:


    Been meaning to ask you Aggie - how are you liking our nice dry desert air out there? I miss it... I know TX needs the rain, but it seems like cloudy days and rain are about all we've had - except for about 6 or 7 days out of the 3 weeks we've been here... I'm used to the winter being sunny all the time at home (of course there is that minor inconvenience of snow there too...). Oh well - hope you're enjoying the dry air!

  16. Alicia - WOW is an understatement for your pictures! What a trip!! Now I REALLY am anxious to go. I first tried the pictures in firefox - but nothing happened. Being the stubborn person that I am, I knew I should be able to view each album, so I switched over to internet explorer and that worked. I love the story of the baby elk - what a precious little darlin' - and truly a once in a lifetime opportunity!


    Janet - if the RDBE gals don't get their act together and send you some recipes, you're going to be old and grey before you get that cookbook done (and I'm guilty too - we generally don't use recipes - just guess and dump - so recipes are kind of hard to get in our home...)!


    Susan - I can certainly understand about living on the treadmill so to speak - my entire summer was like that - trying to sell all our belongings. I worked 15 hours a day 7 days a week and from the last day of May until the 22nd of September, I only took 2 days off! So forgive me if I don't share your "hurry up and get to the end of March"! That just means that it's closer to time to get back to CO and finish what we didn't get done last summer - ugh, I dread it already. We're needing some "down time" after literally years of being on the treadmill, so maybe we can rest enough to endure another hard summer. Hard because we are in a small town that's too remote to make selling easy. We've donated a lot, but a lot of what's left is "niche" stuff - hobby things that no one in the area needs, but things that will net a decent income for the summer if/when they sell. Hope you and Trey can endure till April without any grey hair for you or stress wrinkles!


    We finally got on the lake today for the first time since we got here!! YAY! I got a nice white bass (1.75 lbs) and Richard got a nice catfish (2.5 lbs) - both of which are in the skillet as I type (Richard is THE best fish cooker in the world!) - I made the red beans and rice. Gotta go, the timer just went off and my mouth is watering...!


    Stay safe ladies!

  17. And FYI: I received a text from Sue Craven: Boomer's mom. She said they finally moved into their new home (bricks and sticks) and spent their first night in it on New Year's Eve!! Susan said it was a balmy 4 degrees!! brrrrrr


    Actually, my memory is probably much worse than yours - so yes, a camera is a must! I have to say that I miss my "old backyard" in CO though - we had deer, elk, pronghorn, jackrabbits (big un's), little bunnies, coyotes, hawks, and the occasional owl and fox IN our yard. No rv site anywhere we've been yet has been able to offer such the "critter paradise"! Looking forward to Yellowstone this summer!


    BTW, did Suzan say if they sold their home yet? Hopefully she will come back and visit with us again soon...

  18. Alicia - it's a 3/4 ton diesel van, chosen for the fact that it's the only diesel van on the market, it's ability to carry weight inside (for the inevitable things that won't fit in the rv), plus it can pull the 4,000 lb boat with no problem. AND best of all - I can STAND up to deal with the cats - as opposed to crawling in on my knees in the suv. My boys get to ride in style now... A 6'2" person can stand up inside, so no more crawling for me - that was getting old with my cranky back and knees! Thanks for the compliments, so far, I'm very happy with it.


    I guess everyone is just doing the laid back "nothing much" kind of day... We have been working on some organization that was needed, but that was only about 1 hour of our otherwise "useless" day! Still waiting for some really nice weather for fishing - should be some finally come Saturday/Sunday. Plus Richard's pain should be pretty much a thing of the past by then and we can get to catching some crappie (finally)! Seriously ladies - do not EVER go out of the truck forward - butt first upon exit! He already knew this, but had a stupid spell and has paid for it (and it could have been so much worse if he wasn't made out of old tire rubber)!


    BIRTHDAY WISHES FOR THIS MONTH GO OUT TO: (sorry about the font sizes - they wouldn't work right!)

    1/6 Gass, JoEllen


    1/12 Gillam, Sharon


    1/15 Selman, Susan


    1/16 Jennings, Alana


    1/19 Thurston, Gina


    1/20 Carruth, Patricia


    1/21 Penner, Christine


    1/22 Bevington, Kathie


    1/24 Ceote,Heather (Gedye)


    1/25 Bruss, Dale


    1/31 Burton,Cec


    1/31 Marcy, Connie




    Have a great first day of the new year everyone.

    Now it's almost back to "normal life" again after Thanksgiving, Christmas, then New Years...

  19. Happy New Year! Thought I would post an update on Richard - and thanks for the well wishes for him. He got a Christmas present from God on Christmas eve. We spend several fun filled hours in the ER in the neighboring town 40 minutes away, and after the cat scan, found that he had no broken ribs or cracked ones! Surprising considering he's 63 and fell 7' and landed on his side. He even passed out briefly, but thankfully he's tough and bouncy like an old tire!


    As promised (finally), I have pictures of the van and the "kitty condo" here: http://s194.photobucket.com/albums/z245/gametrailgirl/Sprinter%20Van%20Mods/?start=all - you may want to view it as a slideshow.


    Hope you all have a safe and fun New Years!


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