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Posts posted by kingskids

  1. Miss being there this time. Hope everyone is having an awesome time. Typical for TX, it's gone from winter to summer with only about a week that we'd truly call spring. Just about to get too hot for this wimp. Besides, have to get back to Colorado and get the darned shoulder surgery done (rotator cuff), so that I can have some time with my super good physical therapist before time to leave and head back here to TX again in the fall. Gosh how fast time flies - especially when it's all put in writing like that!


    So how many rigs ended up at the rally? Hugs to everyone!

  2. Praise GOD! What an answer to prayers! I know the family is all thrilled beyond measure.


    Now I have a prayer request. My uncle Ted, on the 13th, went into the hospital for excessive fluid on his lungs, so they drained it off, then discovered something on the bottom of his lung that looked like "orange peel". So in their infinite wisdom, decide to scrape it off (for what purpose, who knows). In the process, they poked two holes in his lung! But they said "we hope they will heal on their own". Doesn't sound like something that would just heal up on it's own, but hopefully I'm wrong. Now in addition to the holes they poked, his lungs are "shrinking" - again, who knows why. They have him on pureed food "so the food doesn't get into his lungs" - and again, not sure why non pureed food would end up in his lungs, but pureed wouldn't... About 18 months ago, he had a 4 way bypass after being "shocked" over 100 times trying to get/keep his heart going. He's not in the best of health as you might guess, but his wife Iva, is one of those who would likely follow him very shortly if he passes away - they're that kind of close couple. Been together since jr high school! So please, prayers would be appreciated!

  3. So great to hear that progress and some improvements are being made. Obviously this poor woman has a very long road ahead of her, but our God is up to that task! Hey, how about a first name for the prayers. Kinda tired of referring to her as "R's mom". Hope you guys enjoy your morning together - know you all miss having him around!


    Hugs to all, and prayers continue...


  4. Wow, amazing progress for mom! I know they can't "fix" broken ribs, but is there anything they're going to do about the back? Other than a brace that is... What in the world do they do for a broken pelvis?? Bless her heart. I can't imagine how much pain she must be in. Richard did just one rib, and it turned out not to be broken, and he hurt big time for about 6 months, so my brain can't even imagine what she's in for.


    We knew you would have a "survivable day" with all the kids - you're just hard wired for such! Glad it all went well. And I do agree with Rod - mom doesn't need to be fighting something like MRSA from germs brought in - on top of what she's got to deal with now. We'll give you a pass for this time Rod :rolleyes:

  5. Praise God for "small steps"! I'm actually amazed she can even stand up with those injuries! Prayers will of course continue - and like I said before, if ANYONE can handle 6 kids in an rv on a cold day - it's my friend Heidi. I bet you'll say "not everyone is having fun" more than once though! Hugs to all...

  6. Heidi, I'm so glad you had time to update us. I was going to send you an email, but figured the last thing you needed was a ton of emails showing up. Knew you'd update when you had time. Amazing that they aren't talking surgery for so many breaks and injuries yet. She must be an amazingly strong woman! If anyone can take care of 6 children with grace, it's you my friend! You're just wired that way :D. Prayers will continue for all of you guys, MIL in particular of course. Let her know she has lots of folks praying? It should make her feel more loved and cared for. Hang in there, you'll all get thru it by God's grace and comfort. Keep those updates coming, ok? Hugs to you, Robert, the little people, and the "other grandparents" (you'll understand what I mean!).



  7. We will continue to lift up R's parents (and his mom in particular with the pain she must be in). May our Heavenly Father take her injured body in his hands of comfort and help her with the pain and the healing. Be sure to post any needs here, you know this is a tight and caring group who will always help whenever possible. Might even want to post the prayer request in the general section (outside of the HDT) where you can get more eyes on the prayer request quicker. Our love to you guys and to his parents.

  8. CONGRATS (again!) Janet - what a ride you're having with your house. Can you send some of those lookers to Colorado so we can get ours sold??


    Well, as part of the Merry Christmas wishes - here's a funny to lighten your day...

    There was once a great czar in Russia named Rudolph the Red. He stood looking out the windows of is palace one day while his wife, the Czarina Katerina, sat nearby knitting. He turned to her and said, "Look my dear, it has begun to rain!" Without even looking up from her knitting she replied, "It's too cold to rain. It must be sleeting." The Czar shook his head and said, "I am the Czar of all Russia, and Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear!"


    So have a SAFE and blessed Christ-mas everyone - and watch out for the crazies on the roads!


  9. Some food for thought offered to me by a very smart lady who is part of our group (original author will note a few slight edits for brevity, clarification, or privacy)…

    I guess the RDBE thread is a mystery to me in terms of its purpose. Maybe the RDBE thread was meant to be a gathering place - like communication around meetings or RDBE prep for the rally or drive projects like the cookbook? That would make it rather seasonal. Do we want to keep this exclusive to HDT drivers and those of us who know each other from the rallies? Maybe that was the point?

    I suspect that I'm not the only one that doesn't know the purpose or the focus and that may be why people don't turn to it as a means of communication.

    Just saying that without clear direction it's really hard to gather momentum. There are a lot of other options in the Escapees forums if we are looking for specific information on RV topics.

    If its purpose is to keep HDT driving / riding / living ladies connected socially, let's say so and socialize. If it's about HDT driving comments, questions, and answers - let's focus. If it's a mini-forum for big rig living for women, and educating wannabe's - let's focus. But why recreate the wheel if the topics are not HDT specific and they are covered other places in the forum? If there isn't enough perceived value there we won't give it time - too many other things compete for our attention and I'm not just talking about the forum.

    Then make the forum thread more valuable by:
    1) becoming a focused resource with info that no one else provides, and
    2) making sure more people are "in the know"

    We've buried our thread:

    1) under a code name I can't say without thinking it through EVERY time (RIGS DRIVEN BY ESTROGEN) - "RDBE"
    2) sounds exclusive: "for those in the know" – how would a visitor know that they are welcome to this exclusive group? Or maybe we should spell out what RDBE is and loose the “in the know” part?
    3) under HDT - which most women are not going to look under unless they are already in the life stye or doing specific research about it. If we took a survey of HDT owners, I would bet most guys lead their women into HDT instead of the rare opposite.

    Lack of participation indicates:
    • there isn't enough perceived value to attract the people who are already in the know
    • or not enough value to compete for a woman's precious little down time (how much time do you get to sit down in a day?)
    • needs are being met elsewhere
    • it's the wrong media
    • or we are disappointed with our unmet expectations because we have the wrong expectations and they need to be revised
    • or has the thread run its course? Not saying it has, but if there is NO participation, unless there is some kind of change it's already over even if it is a sticky at the top of the list
    Do we keep the thread as it is and be satisfied that it's available for HDT women to touch base from time to time? Do we open the thread up to others investigating options and solutions to life transitions by making a more inviting, easily understood name? (break the RDBE code? Maybe develop a F.A.Q.s resource guide re women driving RVs/ HDTs, etc. VS conversing via the thread)?

    Here's my personal analysis on my RDBE thread use and why we need to reach out and marketing to more women who may not yet be in the RV or HDT lifestyle – MOST women are NOT thinking about the truck unless there’s a specific need!

    I don’t know what you other ladies think – and especially Davena who created this section of the HDT forum, but there are some really good questions here to mull over and maybe discuss, “when we find time”. Meantime, hope all of you have a SPLENDID and beautiful CHRIST-mas this year!

  10. Susan - I was wondering about you and the popcorn. Costco has a EIGHT pound container (looks about like a gallon jug size) of Orville! Super great price. Lovin' the coconut now?


    We're at the factory now - just got done with a 9.5 hour driving day - UGGHHH! A day of rest tomorrow, then back to the 6am up and out of the coach routine - not my favorite part. Just wish they'd make the customer lounge into a nicer place...


    Travel safe ladies!

  11. Heidi - I'll email you later with other Q&A, but thought I would update you on the refrigerator issue. We aren't willing to sacrifice cabinet space to make the hole any bigger, so we're stuck with the Dometic size hole, and sadly NO ONE makes a fridge that will fit. There is an surprising number of refrigerator makers, and none make one that size. I'm SOOOO disappointed about the fridge - but it's life huh? I wish I could have it, but I'm simply not willing to give up storage of uncooked food for storage of uncooked food.


    So I guess I don't need to worry about things sliding around. Oh, about the plastic bins in the fridge - think about making the "baskets" out of the plastic canvas (I think you've seen mine, right?) because plastic bins don't allow air circulation and food spoils quicker. Plus it makes the fridge less efficient.


    We are going to get the SeeLevel gauges and the propane level gauges put on after we leave DRV though. And pick up the new "porch" while going thru TX. We'll be all set for the winter.


    So what's new with anyone else?

  12. I know I can't speak for everyone, but likely am speaking for most - it was a pleasure getting to know you both. Glad you had fun and hope to see you back next year. Please feel free to post here anytime. You Ruth, not Chip though (sorry Chip - you don't have enough estrogen to join us). Hope we see you out driving soon!


    Here's an example of what kind of things we can talk about here (had some asking what we "should" talk about here). No "should's" - just a lot of things we can chat about...


    For other ladies out there - I have a question. The rv fridges have the "restraining bars" that hole things from sliding off the shelves. How do you keep things from sliding around with residential fridges? So far no luck in finding one that fits the Dometic hole in the cabinet. Don't want to go larger because I'd loose valuable pantry space, and that's not a good trade for our lifestyle. Hoping that I can still find one. So far, they're either the right height and too narrow, or the right width and too tall. Bugger! If I can find one, I'll post what it is in case there's someone else out there who would like to do what we're doing at some point in time...

  13. Janet & Davena - you are both missed here, as well as Aggie, Cec, Sue, Suzan, and many others who couldn't make it for various reasons. This rally is getting off to a great start, and we have LOTS of first timers! But all of you are missed. We will try to carry on, but it's always more fun with some of our "old" friends (well, we aren't getting any younger are we!?)... No offense intended on the age reference, but we are "old friends" right? Stay well ladies, and we hope to see you guys around the bend somewhere else in the not too distant future. Good thing we at least have the forum. Davena, it sounds like you had one of those "wish I had stayed in bed" days - hope it's improving now.


    And speaking of old and new friends on the forum - where in the world have all our regular gals gone? It's been way too quiet here for a long time. Raquel and Trish, Suzan, Sue, Aggie, Donna - it's been too long since we heard from you gals. Chime in and let us know you're alive and well at least! Davena - maybe YOU can rally the troops and get more of our gals posting? It's kinda dry around here on the forum (and I've been guilty all summer of not posting - 14 hours a day working takes away posting time). But road time is forum time - for me at least...! C'mon ladies - let's liven up this party!!

  14. Heidi - we haven't sent in our registration for the rally yet, but need to get on that soon. We're almost done (at least for this summer). Kinda figured it out, and since mid April to now, I've worked in excess of 1,400 hours on getting stuff gone. To put that in reference - the average job YEAR is 2,000 hours - 50 weeks at 40 hours per week. So in 4.5 months, I've done 70% of a typical year's "job". Thankfully it's paid me about 2.5 times what I could get per hour at a job! Still have a bit more next summer when we come back, but it's really pared down, organized, and ready to go. If we were just "normal" like other folks, we wouldn't have had SO MUCH "niche" type of stuff that only a tiny percentage of folks can use. Thus the ebay work summer coming up next year... Wider audience, better selling opportunity. At least the local auction for all the stuff that "normal" people could use is over and done with...


    We will be at the customizer in TX after the rally for some extra cabinets in the van - and I want a nice AUDIBLE horn like you big trucks have! Ok, maybe not "quite" that much horn - but noticeably more horn than I have now. Look forward to hearing your new sound and seeing your new "crib" as a friend of ours calls our place.


    No one posting on the rally huh? We hope to make it a little early. Might be able to do that since we are Good Sam members - even though we aren't interested in "joining their rally" - just getting a place to settle in. IF we can get there early - we never know... Hope we have a great turnout this year. Kinda looks like we won't be able to make it next year, so we hope to be able to visit with lots of folks this year - maybe some new faces we've not met yet.


    Drive safe ladies and have FUN! Back to work again for me...

  15. HOLY SMOKES Heidi!!! WOWZER did that ever turn out amazing!! No one would ever believe that stunning interior is in an RV! I have a bad case of RV Lust now - ugh... Can't wait till the rally to see it in person. I can't imagine it being nicer in person than the pics, but know it will be. Look forward to hearing the new horn too. My van needs a horn upgrade bad - I can barely hear it - I don't think it will be much use in an emergency without a "volume bump" at the very least. You guys travel safe, and we'll see you in Hutch. Hugs to all the little people too.


  16. Heidi - thanks for the good wishes on the stuff. We got to town and as I put the key into the storage unit door, I looked at Richard and said "are you ready for the first taste of depression for the next few months?". Opened the door and both of us just groaned! We're talking about a 16' x 45' x 14' tall unit - and it's still about 1/3 full! There's tons of niche type items there that will be difficult to sell, but there's a ton of money invested in stuff there. Example, we made pens (did the art show circuit for 5 years straight) - and we worked thru sorting pen stuff yesterday. There has to be at least 500 pen blanks, 500 turned but not assembled pens, and who knows how many pen kits for assembly... TONS of photography and ebay coming up - and that's a small fraction of what's left in there. I'm tired thinking about it already. So now that Richard is up, it's time to strap on the roller skates and get busy again for another long day.


    So are the kids super jazzed about their new bunk beds and bookshelves? How do they like having their own bathroom? Bet you guys like it better than they do!! We are truly so happy for you guys to have the "house that fits the needs"! Safe travels to you guys and all our ladies!

  17. Heidi - this is the "official congrats on the new home"! I HAD a really cute picture to show how you must feel (a dancing puppy), but couldn't make it work... Anyway, you'd probably be dancing like him if you had enough feet! Do you feel like you need to wear kid gloves and not touch anything? How about the kitchen? Easier to prepare dinner for 6 now? More pantry I'm sure! We are truly SOOOOOOO happy for you guys. Look forward to seeing you guys and your new "crib" as our friend calls ours...


    Travel safe and happy new home life to all - along with hugs for the little people from us.


  18. Isn't that funny!? It's amazing how huge this country is and how easy it is to get lost in the crowd - then something like this happens and it makes you really marvel at how two people can ever randomly find each other like this!

  19. Suzan - so great to see you're still alive and well. Glad you found your way back over here again. Sounds like you have a great new home, and congrats on selling your home. We heard that in Denver, if you list your home in the morning, you'll have a couple of offers before bedtime! Wish that the "buying frenzy" would find it's way all the way out our way - but since we're 2.5 hours away, and a "bedroom community", we'll never see a buying boom like Denver is having. However, maybe some of the new Denverites might want a great mountain getaway! We can hope and pray. Thank you and all the other wonderful gals for the prayers on selling our home. We'll be back there again by Sunday evening. Too many things yet to find homes for, and too much hobby stuff to do and finalize still. The goal is that by sometime in August that we're on the way to SD for some fishing before winding our way back down to Hutch in Oct. We'd love to get together with you and Mike sometime. We rarely ever get to the Denver area, but we'll have to make a point of it. How about lunch instead since it's a long drive back home watching for deer in the dark? Email me off forum sometime and we'll figure things out.


    Donna - how exciting - didn't know that Carl was retiring next year. How fun for you guys - sounds like you've already got trips planned! Thanks to you as well for the house prayers! Do you have any plans to come to National HDT in Hutch this October? Hope so, missed seeing you guys!


    Janet, I guess it's both a blessing and a bummer that you need tires instead of getting to go to Hutch. Blessing because that means you'll be hitting the road soon, bummer cuz we'll miss you there. Hang in there with your other "house stuff" also! Only 10 more days before closing! WooHoo for you!


    We sure have a lot of our group who haven't been here in a long time. We have gotten down to just a few of us chatting here, rather than the large group of RDBE gals we had hoped to be on the forum. Need a nudge for the others maybe? Hope Davena is settling in well with the new house in FL.


    Well, got work to do - it never ends does it!? Safe travel to all who are on the road.


  20. Hey Donna - so great to have you join our group!! So sorry we couldn't make it to the rally this time, I know we missed a lot of fun. Hopefully next year... You going to be doing some traveling now - or is it straight home again for you guys?


    Alicia - yep, stinks on the house looker! June will be SIX years on the market, and the house looks brand new, has every bell & whistle you can imagine, and is priced less than new construction price on 4.4 acres in the middle of 14,000+ mountains (with a mountain view out every window). Thus the realtors call it the "no brainer house" because it's such a great deal that it's a no brainer for someone to invest in or live in. But it will happen. Someday...


    Travel safe ladies. We'll be headed back to CO soon to finish up the storage unit. I hope to have everything sold and gone by August so we can go fishing in SD for a while before heading to National rally in October. It would be easier to sell things if we weren't so far from big cities, so it's back to ebay for a lot of things... Already donated most of the things that the local crowd can use, these are more "niche" type things that need a larger "audience" than our small town can provide... House prayers would be appreciated!

  21. Sue, glad to have a current head count. Looks like Dan & Darlene aren't there yet - or there would be 2 more cats! Say hi to everyone for us - wish we could be there!


    Susan - watching will be nice, but swimming WITH them is something you'll "feel" for a long time! I'm just sayin....

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