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Posts posted by NDBirdman

  1. 5 minutes ago, hemsteadc said:

    Well perhaps, but what would you have them do, just not report it?  Who's going to make those decisions.. state run media?

    There is/was no need to report tp was being run at, non at all except to fan the flames.  Media has the ability to pick/choose what they feed the sheeple.  You can call it state run media if that is what floats your boat, I call most of them a certain party run/controlled.  No difference.  In the past few years, they all have an agenda and so many have been caught lying all for the mighty $$.  Media needs to get back to REAL journalism and stop this baloney they ALL are now doing.

  2. 1 hour ago, hemsteadc said:

    How? I don't recall a single news report saying that this flu causes a need for a year's worth of toilet paper.

    I think it was fanned hard by news stations reporting items stores were out of.  If they had reported stores were running out of frozen artichokes, there would be a run on those.  People are sheeple.  We keep an average 6 months of supplies on hand as a norm (only because we are out in the sticks and winter, we can get snowed in for quite a while), not falling for the shortage craze going on.  Remember what happened when it was reported there was a .22 cal. shells shortage?  Sheeple went nuts trying to hoard what they could find.  I understand those full timing in campers can't do this but we will survive, IF we don't let this drive us crazy... which most days I'm accused of being a nutcase by those that know me personally.... LOL

  3. 1 hour ago, hemsteadc said:

    And it's the media's fault.  Which is worse, believing the medical science, or your attitude?

    THANK-YOU!!  Yes, the media is blowing it out of proportion.  It brings them $$ by attracting more of an audience!  And if you don't want to turn this political, let it drop.

    My attitude is just that, MY beliefs.  Ya'll put your beliefs up, I will put mine up, simple as that.  NOWHERE did I say it is not bad.  NOWHERE did I say you could not believe whatever YOU (all those complaining about my beliefs, not just you hems) want to believe.  NOWHERE did I say don't take precautions.  YES, I believe in medical science, atleast those without a political agenda.

    I apologize to those thinking I'm trying to shove my beliefs down your throat, I'm not BUT, don't try to shove your's down mine, I will spit it back up and not nicely.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Velos said:

    I would prefer an abundance of caution in advance and hear all the complaints afterwards that it wasn't as bad a predicted than to not act and incur the worst case scenarios.

    Bingo!  Caution is the key word, not panic.  I like your list, alot of common sense and suggestions there.  We are not on the road so it is a good time to continue, for us, to work on our home, paint, continue working on re-modeling.  Soon as it warms up a few degrees, I will do some much needed work on our camper.  Might put traveling out of state off a month or so.

  5. 1 minute ago, jpcoll01 said:

    Percentages matter.  .1% for flu means 1 death for every 1000 cases.  This strain of CoronaVirus is 2-3% (depending on what you read) so that is 20-30 deaths for every 1000 cases...It's ok to decide you aren't going to panic, but all of these people acting like it's nothing will be the ones clogging up the healthcare system when the folks who did the right thing need to get help.  Frankly, it's selfish.

    I see there is a lot of Chicken Littles running around.  I feel bad for those that catch it, AND the flu.  YES, we are taking precautions by staying out of town and away from people but that is pretty normal for us anyway.  Those that are in panic mode are not the brightest folks around.  The ones taking caution are more stable.  Panic only breeds more panic.  As far as selfish, your dayum right we are!  Seriously, I don't give a poop about Chicken Littles.

  6. 12 hours ago, Zulu said:

    Wrong. Compared with seasonal flu, COVID-19 has a much higher death rate, especially those older than 60.

    Yes, you are!  How many deaths EVERY YEAR from the flu and how many deaths from covid?  Don't care about your percentages, I care about the end result.  FLU kills more every year.  I'm not interested in cdc or any other government spin on this crap.  Believe what you want, YOU will not change my mind, period.

  7. Lots of shows I would like to attend have cancelled, due to my family/wife getting nervous we have cancelled our Seattle trip in April.  I think we are going to spend the spring/summer boondocking in our state, going to RV dealerships during the week (looking for new camper) etc.  We plan on avoiding anywhere with crowds.  If it were not for my wife's underlying health issues, we would just go as normal but....

    This virus is not as bad as the flu that happens every year, media has just hyped this up as well as other groups but I'm not going there.

  8. 4 hours ago, Kirk W said:

    The closing process is usually very much like that in buying a car. In most cases the salesperson is finished at that point and the "F&I" person takes over. (Finance & Insurance) Frequently, the F&I person is commissioned for "upselling" customers on things like fabric protectors, insurance, and financing and sometimes other things as well.

    When we bought ours, we were *handed off* to the finance guy.  The look n his face was priceless when he asked how we wanted to finance and I told him I had the cash.  He whined about no need to be there because he was not going to make any of the commission.  The salesman had just left for the day so he had to *handle* us out the door with our new to us camper.... LOL

    Enjoy your new camper.  It's fun to deal with stealerships!

  9. I would definitely have paper in hand and your states tags/registration on it before I tried driving it cross country as well as copies of your states regulations concerning your new to you truck/RV.  Not sure I would want Johnnie Law chasing me after blowing past a weigh station, or spending the afternoon in the station trying to convince them of anything.  Might take you a little longer to get it home, but worth avoiding the hassle.  Have you ever drove a large truck?  If not, it will show and that alone will get you picked on.  Have not read most your posts, don't know if your experienced, if so, ignore my post.  Truck an auto?  If stick, have someone show you, they don't shift like a car/light truck and can get you in trouble pretty quick.  Engine brakes?  Don't use those bob-tailing.  Bob-tail, that thing will be light in the rear, watch the ice/rain/sand on the road, etc.  IMHO 

    I'm a retired pro-driver, those are just some of my concerns but it has been 10 yrs since I've drove more than a grain hauler around the farm.

    Just my 2-cents worth.  Have a safe drive and enjoy it.

  10. How are you double towing?  Your current set-up is not.  A UTV in a toy hauler is not.  How are you planning on double towing?  Most get away with being over-length, but, if you are one that gets checked/ticketed, be prepared to pay the fine.  Also, not all states allow double towing.  Another ticket and be prepared in those states to drop the double and getting it moved some-how.  Just my 2-cents worth.


  11. Check with Fastenal for shipping.  They will ship pallets with their stuff, they are not a delivery company.  They are very reasonable if they are in both areas, I have used them to ship tractor engines and other heavy parts, much less than a freight company!

    Number I last used but has been a couple years: Fastenal 3PL team, 855-798-5695


  12. 18 minutes ago, Ken & Marion said:

     May have to start looking at older models.

    Ours is older and solid built.  Problem lies on where are you planning on spending the most time.  Where we need to spend time, there are very few camping places in the area.  Unfortunately, both of these require campers less than 10 yrs old.  So far we are lucky, the one place knows us/camper and knows it's not junk, it's well taken care of, looks fairly new so they let us in.  The other place, well, ours looks good but they literally want to charge twice as much.  They will give us seasonal rates ~$1,500/mo. where newer campers are charged $600/mo.  What gets me is both places, as I drive around them, have newer/cheaper campers sitting there that look like they have gone through hell.  Go figure, well, they are newer campers.... LOL  Sorry for that rant, it's silly these places do that.  I have heard of a few other places that do that, guess what I'm trying to say, determine where you plan on spending your time and check the campgrounds out if you decide on an older camper.

  13. 1 hour ago, Barbaraok said:

    most big trucks won't have speciality designed anchors for child seats,

    I've not see those in an HDT, but my LDT (won-ton dually) has them built in.  Last fall I traveled a lot of miles with a car seat/infant in the back.  I've not heard of these ancors in a motorhome but I am a babe in the woods concerning modern RVs/Campers.

  14. I only went through jury selection once and was invited to leave.  I guess when I said I believe all pedophiles deserve to be hung immediately and not waste our tax dollars on them, they did not think I would be a fair juror...  (he was found guilty and is now in prison)

  15. Weight placement, and wheelbase length has a big factor.  I would never pull a 5th wheel with a short bed regular cab truck, an accident would happen.  My truck is a short bed, but mega cab RAM.  It has a long wheel base and does just fine.

  16. Totally agree, the sides are getting taller.  Putting my hitch down placing the camper close to the sides, I am still a little nose high, both my axles are also flipped.  There's no way I will tow with very little side clearance.  I am toying with removing my bed and putting a flat bed on.  That would give me all the room I need, might look funny as heck on a mega cab.... LOL, but it is what it is.  For some states, would probably change my truck status to commercial?  So far it has not caused me many problems, I just need to be careful on uneven ground.  I wonder if there's a way to lower my truck a couple inches without affecting ride/weight?

  17. Both have disadvantages/advantages.  I have no problem with either but have a 5th wheel.  We are going to buy a new one in the next year or so, it will be another 5th wheel.  I'm comfortable driving a won ton dually around town/tight roads so it's an easy decision for us.  My wife on the other hand, scares me when she drives but it does not matter the vehicle so that does not come into play when deciding on camper.  You don't need an HDT to pull most 5th wheels but I could drive one of those just as easily, I'm a semi-retired driver.  I could not tell from your post, will you be traveling alone or with companion?  How do they feel about driving a larger vehicle?  A thought, if I only planned on moving it a couple times a year, I would consider a travel trailer, some of of those can be pretty roomy too.

    Try to get more truck than you think you will need.  That way, when you get your camper, or down the road decide to upgrade to a heavier camper, you will have the truck you need, not have to purchase a new one.  Take my set-up for instance, I went overkill on truck compared to my camper, but the campers we are looking at will put our truck to it's max.  Nice thing is, I won't have to find another truck allowing me to put more $$ towards a nicer camper.

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