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hone eagle

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Posts posted by hone eagle

  1. 11 hours ago, rickeieio said:

    Personally, I believe country of origin is secondary.  Goodyear is a major player, and would likely have some pretty serious quality control standards in place.  I have Sailun tires on two vehicles and after 5 years on one and two years on the other, would by them again.

    That said, there are Chinese brands I wouldn't touch.  And we always try to buy American, if possible.

    This^^ they can do good work ,but the temptation to shortcut/substute is everywhere.

    Trust but verify

  2. Canada is closed to vacation travel right now ,when it opens is a guess -soon we all hope but the season is short up north and if the only can look forward to 1/2 a season  will they bother?

    Also the border may only open on a state by state basis ( that are covid free ) pure guess work now and I doubt if and reservation can be made yet .

    Everybody is on hold.

    Snowbirds are already resigned to not getting south this fall, hoping otherwise but no one should make long term plans yet.

  3. sorry to talk around you guys but didn't think crossing the border was of interest (there be dragons!)

    Bill and joans campground is consistently an award winning Ontario facility honoured by both the province and the company.

    - campground and recreational business of the year more then once

    hate to miss a visit

  4. Sounds like a plan Nigel , but it all depends.

    We have been in touch with park management and it is a situation of "when we know anything we will pass it on"

    things can change very fast and then be ready ,although there are no reservations at that park.

    Iam sure bill will accommodate a last minute ressy😇

  5. 1 hour ago, billr said:

    We are going!! We hope! It’s closed for  30 more days. Should be open by the time we go. 😊

    wait what about your campground? we were planning to make up there  

    depending on when the national park opens.


  6. Drove straight home(essex ON) from Macon GA ,so tanks are low. Waiting for the perfect moment to top up.

    watching this space for a hint of when we reach bottom, the U.S. prices react much faster then here.


  7. start with cleaning EVERY connection in the battery area ,can't send a picture but look at the connector to the batteries and trans (usually just laying on top of the batteries ,wiggle and pull on them- mine came apart in my hand ,check ground.


    i had the same message -SM,thought it meant 'select manual' drove it home from alberta no harm done.

    again electrical connections must be pristine ,my freedom line 'guy' instructs fleet mechanics "clean every connection every year"

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