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Status Updates posted by lappir

  1. Your link was informative, it seems it's been a bit since you last posted on your blog.  

    I don't often visit "Pit" toilets and as you remarked some are set up well and others not. Seems like I find the majority of not. To your knowledge has the Forest Service ever chose to separate the liquids from the solids? The only odor I'm getting from my Natures Head is the Ammonia odor from the urine. The mass of solids is near odorless and so far in over a year of daily use the odor has not been offensive. The Coconut Coir can be hard to find in the Fall and Winter and is a bit of a pain, but if I do obtain the 3+ acres of property It will make a great compost pile for the forest. What's your take on that thought? 

    Thanks again, I enjoy reading your posts. 


    1. Vladimir


      Yeah, quit posting on the blog.  Google was just getting free content.

      Forest Service has in the past funded virtually EVERY possible toilet system.

      BTW....composting toilets have been a complete failure, EXCEPT at Fields Point, Ferry Area on the Chelan Ranger District.

      They have worked well there.  They require daily maintenance, but given that it is a ferry terminal it has FS employees there every day.  The toilets require "turning" and Fields Point has the problem of more Pee than Poop.  So every day the Forest Service adds sawdust to the toilet to balance the system.

      We put them in remote campgrounds and they were a total failure.  Ripped them out and replaced them with vault toilets.

    2. lappir


      The key is to keep the pee and poop separated. The toilet solid containment does no composting and does require some sort of a drying agent and fan, until it's placed in a proper composting pile. Then nature does it's thing, from the poop flies other insects heat and time. That's my opinion, but I've only done it for a couple years now and it's only me, not 10's , 100's or 1000's per day. 



  2. Snooped around looking for photos. Found a few from prior rallies, but not the one's I was looking for. 


  3. Tried to send you a PM. 



  4. Recharged the A/C

  5. I most certainly would be interested if I were closer. Does it come with all the slide hardware or is it just the drawer? Probably need to add or subtract that to your message. Good luck.

  6. Her name isn't Ayla is it?

  7. I have a job in Cedar Rapids Iowa until Sept. Hope to stay till it's time to head to Florida again. Worst is it's a 3to11 shift but there is no oncall and no weekends or holidays. Hopefully it will not be too bad. Will be spending most weekends at my Mom's home helping with the yard and stuff. Lost my Dad this spring. Let me know where you wind up for the summer.


  8. Thanks. Hope your trip is going well. Have two estimates to decide on this week and then will be taking the truck and box in for the work. Have to be done by June so I can head back to Iowa. Rod

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