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Posts posted by rearnold

  1. The job you are talking about are marking utility lines. Those can be done year around. We do every little work in that area. Surveying can be done during the winter, as long as the ground is not frozen or too wet. It can be done on snow, but our company consider this too danderous. You don't know where you are stepping and this could lead to you falling.


    This company number one rule is Saftey. This is not only a company Line, but a fact. There have been employees fired for saftey reasons.



  2. SCC dosen't post job on then internet, job are assign as they become available. If you have an area that you would prefer to work, you need to let them know during the interview procees. I have never heard of SCC having Jobs in Ca, AZ, wa, or the New endland area. Not that this places wouldn't be there sometime in the feture.



  3. [uPDATE:


    Currently I'm in Salt Lake City, working with 5 others on a job for Questar gas. this job covers 7 million ft of main that needs tto be survey. In order to complete this job on time each of us will be required to survey aleast 13000 ft per day. Now that being said, if you walk 13000 ft one way, you have to walk back to your car. so 26000 is the norm on this job.


    We been here since may 1 and have found ever few leaks. Questar keeps a good system and fixes the leaks we find right a way. They have every good maps and I consider this a boring survey, exceptb for the day I shut down a shoping center in Sandy. There were a few unhappy stor managers that day, but I only find the leaks, Questar had to deal with the evacuation produres. I just coninue on my survey.


    last week I finally met one of the people who have read this post and call SCC for a job. Paul arrive and I got to train him. He will be on his way to Boise, ID next Friday, to a suvey there that will last until Oct. On this survey he will on survey from the meter to the main. This is called a service line survey. The local company will mobile survey the main.


    Our company is still looking for more people, who would like this kind of work. Job in ND, SD, WY, ID, TX, KS are available now. East of the Missippi river are also open.


    Give Gene Booth a call at 972-529-7679. He will interview you and get the process started. Just tell him, I told you to call him.




    Bob Arnold

  4. On my way to Salt Lake City, the company asked me to do a small job in Johnson City, Ks. Thought this would be a simple job, wrong, Job simple, weather sucks. Friday we had 12 inches of snow, Temps have sung from 65-23, winds upto 54 miles per hour. Not much work in those conditions. I took a picture to remain me the next time they ask about Ks, tell them NO. DW not to happy about it. She do not into cold weather. can't work Monday and maybe tuesday because the ground will be to wet. But that how in goes. last season march- October, only one day I could not work.


    When you have weeks like this they pay you 24 hrs as a minumin, plus travel allowance.



  5. About working for SCC during the winter. Most of those jobs are held for the crews that work during then spring and summer. You just let SCC know that you would like to work during the winter. 75% of the workers take a break for the winter. i work one winter in nashville, but had to wait a few weeks, before I went there.


    Things are always changing in SCC, I was going to work in Texas this summer,but will work from may until the last of september in salt lake city. SCC needs 6 people this year, unlike last year they only need 2. Made a deal so that I get the West texas gas job again this OCt-Nov, Then finished for the season.



  6. Where you park your car, you have to walk back to it. this week I covered 125,900 ft. That what I turned in to the gas company. So I walker about 28 miles, since this is how it done in Breckenridge, Tx. Sometimes I had the gas company pick me up. General rule of thumb is, what footage u turnin each week, double your walk for the week.



  7. It all a matter of the area that I'm working in. Sometimes I go to the center of the map that I'm working on, then move around, til I come back to my car. I may just walk around the block. On lines that run along the hwy or road. I have the gas company take me to the end, where I park my car, then back to the start. I use my best judgement, ie weather, heat, type of lines. and lunch time. I work the maps that I have to my best advantage. yesterday I survey 17500 ft, moved car 3 times, Day before 25700 ft move car 5-8 times. on this survey I have on area that is 8 miles long. I'll have the gas company place me at start. When finished I'll go back over the area and map out the leaks, if any.



  8. I talked with my supervisor about new hires today. This is a update on pay. New hires strat at 8.00 an hour , with a travel allowance of 180. per week. This will go up as you stay with the company. For those Teams that do transmittion lines the pay for the helper is 6.00 an hour. These are usally 2 people who live together. Ie husband and wife.


    I have had people to say that they didn't hear back from SCC, when the sent in their application. This application has to be hand written, so your writing may not be what we are looking for. The map and reports you send in each week, are offical records of gasline inspection and maybe used in court. Also your Health and background may not be in your favor.

    So if you have not heard from them in a reasonable amount of time, just send me a note and I track it down. with all companys the staff is expected to do more with less and things fall thru the cracks.


    If you need more information just drop me a line.



  9. This year I'll start on 12th march in Breckenridge,Tx. This job will last about a month. I'll pick up area maps on the 12th from the Gas co. I start on one map and work until I'm finished. I usally turn my work in on Friday, usless I have a Leak thAT THE gas company needs to fix right away. I usally work 9-10 hrs aday 5 days a week. My choice (company only requires 8 hrs). Most of my day is spented walking the gaslines along the street or roads, then up to the meters. I cover 3-5 miles a day. I don't work on rainey days. If I find a leak, I grade it,draw a map of the leak and turn in into the gas co on friday. This is not hard work, but you need to be in good health. Some of or guys are in their late 70s. About an hour a day I spend on paper work to document my time and work. I send that to Southern Cross (SCC) on Friday. I get paid direct to bank each Friday.


    I'll start off work in Breckenridge, Graham, Weatherford and Mineral Wells, Texas for Texas Gas. Then I'll go maybe to Denton, Tx or somewhere else. I 'll work untill the end of October.


    Southern Cross is a good company to work with. Twice last ( 1 week and a month) year I had to leave a job because of family matters. No problem, told me to give them a call when I went back to job. If the job had a time requirement SCC would have sent a replacement.


    When assignments come out an you don't want to work in that area, no problem they call someone else. You don't go to bottom of list. After you have worked for them a while SCC knows which areas you prefer. I usally like to work in Tx, MS, GA, and AL.


    Send me a email if you want any more information, you can also go to the beginning of this thread and read thru it. It will answer most of your question.





  10. Don't care to work to far west. Co expensive, Ka to stormy.


    On my way to do a small job with west Texas gas for Gene. About 7 small towns 2 to 3 days each. La Pryor is the first place, then on to Somerset.Agree to help out this winter on short jobs, be home on weekends. This also paid my way home from Columbus, Ms.


    Give me a shout when you get back to Zapata.



  11. There is a small park in Penitas, just west of our Park (Hidden Valley Ranch) we lived in before we bought this place. My mother stays ther in the winter, so I feel comfortable in recomening this park. Call 956-581-9719 and speak to the owner. I know their rent is reasonable and the park is quite and clean. Small club house, swiming pool, laundry. No wifi.


    Another way is to stop at the information Rest stop and ask for informations on parks in the valley.


    The prices are in a wide range, as are the parks.


    The park I live in is owned by each lot owner, and they do have some for rent each year. I'll check and see what is available if you want.

    Price range 300-400 a month.



  12. Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you.

    No I do not not know him. How the AR job going.


    Currenlty I'm at home in the Rio Grande valley (mission) waiting for assignment. I told Gene I would do small jobs for him this winter, if the were close to me and I could make it home on weekend. usally I take the winter off , but they are short handed the winter.


    Hope to work with you also,


  13. No I don't offen travel to home on weekend. Altho right now I'm in Austin and will be going home over the July 4th holiday. When I work I live in my Motorhome and we close our place up in Mission.


    The job annoucement will usely state how long the job should last, give or take two weeks. They will want you to stay until the job is completed.


    If you want short jobs then tell them up front.


    One thing that usely happens with new people is that they thing the job is a lot of travel. When its not they get disapointed.


    Last year I started in the middle of March going to Deaton, Tx, then mineral wells, weatherford, tx and then to Albany, Al and finishing in Jackson, Ms in Late October.


    This year Breckenridge and Graham, Tx, now in Austin, July back to Mineral Wells and weatherford. Then we'll see what else is open.


    Would like to go east to the Carolinia's for short job. That way I can that my coach to the factory for service and visit my dads grave in SC. If no job comes open that interest me, then home until next March.


    I have and will continue my needs and plans with the company, and hopefully their job match both our needs. All subject to change with alittle give an take.



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