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Kirk W

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Posts posted by Kirk W

  1. We won't be able to hide it - or at least won't want to do the covert things required to do so, especially since we're planning to set up camp for 3 months at a time.

    With longer stays it becomes much more important that you be upfront about this. If it were me, I would contact the park you want to stay in before you get there and discuss it with them. Better to know before arrival. Most of the long term parks that we have stayed in also have no pet sections and pet sections so that those who don't like pets can have their areas too.


    As Earl says, they do want business, but just want to avoid problems with people's pet and between pet owners and other visitors. Very few of the park managers just dislike dogs.

  2. On has to define "still in" to some degree. I don't think that many of us have yet withdrawn to the point of keeping the money in cash in a box somewhere, but most probably are somewhere between fully invested and completely out. I have never been one to buy into gold and precious metals, but about a year ago we did take out a pretty significant chunk and move it from investments into real property. To us it seemed a good time for the move with real estate markets off and investments of most any kind not showing much growth. In the months since, our remaining funds have shown growth over all. We are a lot more conservative in our investments today, but we are by no means ready to take the "shoebox" approach. :)

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