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Posts posted by Daveh

  1. I guess we will just agree to disagree. An outdoor recreation company cannot be led by someone like this. I wrote him and asked him for the sake of his employees that he sell his company. He will probably not do this for the same reason "thinking of self only" reason that put him in this situation. I understand Chirakawa that there are legal penalties that apply to anyone that would do something like this. He is not anyone. He should be an ambassador for the parks and public properties as you see with companies like REI. Personally, I do not believe this was a one time thing and I am very struck by the accounts that there were other adults around that asked him to stop and he continued. This was not a momentary lapse like his lawyered up apology suggests. Leadership at a company starts at the top. Why should I believe this company does not cut corners with safety regulations. Why should I believe they in any way care about their customers. I own the Andersen products. I am not going to throw them away but I will never buy from them again as long as this owner remains involved and  I encourage others to boycott also. Plenty of options available. 

  2. Yes, just to remake the point already made "lithium iron" batteries are actually Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries or LiFePo batteries and we have had rather extended discussions about them previously (Not that we won't all over again).   If you want to know more than most humans alive read this thread--- http://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/f14/lifepo4-batteries-discussion-thread-for-those-using-them-as-house-banks-65069.html

  3. One panel would be the most cost-effective and easier to install if you are just dealing with a single open space. However, shading anywhere on that single panel will decrease the output of the entire panel.  The installation of one panel is generally easier since there are fewer mounting points and number of wires. 

    Multiple smaller panels may allow you to position them so that you can get more total wattage on the roof and shading of one panel will not reduce all of the panels (if they are wired in parallel) as you would experience with a single large panel. Smaller panels are generally more expensive on a per watt basis and require additional wiring and connections for install. 

    As to shading very generally think of a panel as a series of cells working together to collect the suns energy. Each cell collects the energy and passes it on to the next cell and together their output equals the total wattage output of the panel. However, the strength of this collective system of cells is limited to it's weakest link. Even if some cells are getting the full amount they can only pass on an amount equal to the weakest cell in the link so the cumulative total will be substantially lower even if a small amount of shading occurs.

    The best way to get into this is to read Jack Mayer's tutorial on solar systems for Rvs.  Reading through this a few times will get you in the position to ask the right questions AND actually understand the answers.    http://www.jackdanmayer.com/rv_electrical_and_solar.htm


    Dave H

  4. Kinda surprised to see fulltimers sticking up for KOA.  I think the campgrounds are more oriented toward vacationers and those with families. I have no use for a store,  gaming room, pool, playground or screaming kids. I mostly rely on RV Park Reviews and will only go to a KOA if it is clearly the best and at a good value.  Otherwise they are just not our bag.

  5. JM, putting on my nurse hat here I think you reading too much into the WebMD article. Most americans get plenty of protein. In fact most get twice the amount they need. Remember, that the recommendation is only for three ounces of meat per serving. Very few people only eat three ounces per serving. We also have other sources of protein such as eggs, nuts, beans, whole grains.


    Generally, protein is not going to give you more energy in the nature of a stimulant such as caffeine. Consumed proteins function to be broken down and for needed amino acids and muscle maintaenance and replacement. Excess protein is converted over to fat for storage or carbohydrate to be consumed for energy. Between protein, fat and carbohydrates, carbs provide the most direct energy. However the recommendation is that you eat balanced meals. The Recommended Daily Allowance of protein is .08 grams per Kilogram of weight. Translated this means that a 150lb person needs about 54 grams of protein per day. Protein adds up fast. For instance, 1 egg has 6 grams. 4 ounces of chicken has about 35 grams. One-half cup of navy, pinto, black or kidney beans offers between 7 and 8 grams of protein.


    Protein supplements really come into play with serious weight lifters who target 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight per day or more. Whey is an excellent source of protein although nutritionists stress that it is best to get your calories and nutrients from whole foods where possible.


    The other time when supplementation is important is when you are not getting you recommended nutrients from a regular diet or if you are recovering from illness or injury. Often older people can lose their appetite, ability to chew, swallow, etc and they begin to lose weight. Here liquid supplements are helpful as they can be nutrient dense in an easy to consume form. However, even here you will not typically find just whey protein recommended. While meal replacement drinks may contain significant protein they will also contain fat and carbohydrates.

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