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Posts posted by missourijan

  1. My 2 cents is that if you are new to 5th wheels then you might slow down on what you "think" you must have. You are going to get lots of opinions from others, what they do may not be right for you. As another mentioned there's the weight of the fuel to consider, it costs you fuel mileage the more weight you carry. Just like other issues like membership campgrounds, you may want to travel for awhile before you invest in an auxiliary tank. We've been fulltime for 12 years and never had auxiliary tank, gas stations are everywhere, even on the 2 lane highways. Sometimes we carry 5 gallons of extra diesel, most times we don't fill it. In the 12 years we've needed it once.

  2. We purchased a 12" memory foam mattress from Sam's Club and really like it. After sleeping for 5 years on the original mattress with a 3" foam topper it's a world of difference, really comfy. It's slightly smaller than the stated size on the website so it fit fine. Highly recommend the Elite Night Therapy memory foam, several layers of different kinds of foam. We've had it almost a year, love it 

  3. We have been fulltime for 10 years. My DH is a retired grocery manager. His previous employer, Kroger, has stores all over the country. The first 8 years we volunteered as park hosts in state parks, I did most of the park hosting and he worked at a Kroger (Ralph's and Smith's) store for 4 to 6 months a year. Last year we "fell" into a job at a COE park in NW AR. It's a lot easier on his body and we earn about the same $$. We signed up for 7 months a year for 3 years. We work as fee booth attendants. In the winter months we go to Tucson and enjoy ourselves

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