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Posts posted by Randyretired

  1. I just had this conversation with my Granddaughter.   There are 1/2 tons that were rated to easily hall her trailer until you look at the details.  The truck would be over payload or GVW and the rear axle would be overloaded.   The GVWR is just one of the items to be concerned with.  Many 1/2 tons have GCVWR that would indicate these can tow large trailers but not without exceeding other important considerations. 

  2. Nice looking truck!  Will the single axle carry the load with the Jeep?  I carry a Subaru Crosstrek along with a 100 gallon water tank and a 100 gallon waste tank.  I was afraid the single axle would be overloaded.  

  3. Kind of sounds like a scam but anymore it is difficult to tell.  I received a call yesterday from my health insurance and they started the call with we need to confirm who you are and asked for my birthday and so on.  I told them first I need to confirm who you are.  That left the caller a little uneasy.  These scams are difficult to determine what is what.

  4. The inside unit on a typical mini split probably weighs about the same as a mini split so I would guess it would be sturdy enough.  The inside unit needs to be mounted on a secure mount that doesn't move.  The copper lines will not tolerate any movement. I have heard of people using special flex lines but I am not familiar with those.

  5. It seems like it would work as an AC for shore power or generator.  It isn't efficient enough that I would use it with solar. Also seems a bit pricey but if it fits the application and that is what you need it seems like it would work.

  6. 2 hours ago, LiveWorkDream said:

    The problem is more than interest rates though, it's about the widespread housing shortages around the country. If you sell your house and get a nice little return on it, that probably won't be enough to get you into another comparable place. My mom's neighbor's house just sold for nearly $900k (in Southern CA). This young couple wanted to be closer to work, so they sold their place, and the only comparable they could find was something they got for just over $1 million. It's a crazy real estate world out there. 

    There is a lot of things causing housing prices to be high.  I just recently received some bids to replace the roof on my house.  The bids came in higher than I paid for my first house.  Inflation is crazy high.  We are also building a new place and the budget we started with is just a dusty piece of paper that no longer applies with today's prices. The land we bought 5 years ago goes for double what we paid.  I don't believe it is anymore valuable it's inflation.

  7. Sometimes on things like this it is the on switch.  Hopefully it is something simple.  Likely the battery was made in China since they make nearly all of the lithium batteries. China battery production is second to none. It doesn't seem bad by your description.

  8. We purchased some property in AZ for our winter time spot.  For us it worked out well.  We fenced it so we could have a place for our dog and built a shed for some storage and bought a used washing machine and dryer.  It was really nice to know we always had a spot that fit our needs with an address for mail and shipping.  I also like to do my own maintenance.  We bought this lot 24 years ago and it worked great.  Now I am trying to decide if we should keep it as health issues are restricting our travel.  I think it is worth more, a lot more than we invested but with inflation I am not sure it is any more valuable and of course there are capital gains taxes.  Still we didn't buy it to make money.  It did what we hoped.  We had the convenience of a comfortable place to stay and when we sell it all things considered we were able to use it for those years for free.  Some say when you have a place you feel you have to use it and we always started our winter adventures there but we also moved around as we wanted.  Sort of a winter home base but we haven't been able to be there for 3 years so...? 

  9. As I posted UHC can provide decent insurance if they want to.  I can't comment on your situation other than UHC's dominate position has the potential  to be a problem.  Our MA plan says the same thing for no cost to us for all of our primary care including physicals.  One time I was billed $10.  I called and the doctors office insisted it was correct so I called UHC with contact information.  The doctors office called back and said there was a billing error and the $10 was removed.  I have heard a number of complaints about MA and I think there may need to be some government intervention but I am also skeptical about the government's ability to bring about good outcomes.

  10. United Health Care's dominate position is worrisome.   However, they can if they want to provide some excellent insurance.  We have an employer provided UHC Medicare Advantage Plan we have loved it.  My DW would not be an insurers delight yet they have never been a problem.  I asked for a change in my DW's treatment and the doctor said that would be a good plan but some insurances may not approve.  They sent it in and before we got home it was approved without limitations.  This has been typical of our plan.  Never have we been denied.  Optum is our drug plan and a couple of times they screwed up when we are traveling but they generally made it right.  No problems when home and the prices are good.  I hate to see them so dominate but the verticle integration does work.  As the government intervenes I hope all of good can be saved and the lack of competition can be controlled.

  11. Nearly all of health care is for profit.  I remember many years ago when my Grandmother owned a nursing home.  It was her business and like any small business owner she worked day and night to make it run to support her.  Without a profit motive that nursing home would not, could not exist.  Today it might be physician starting a practice. The profit I don't have a problem with as long as customers, patients have choices.  This competition will keep providers honest or they won't have a business.  Unfortunately it seems we are forced to deal with large institutions without other choices to many times.  Without choices or competition things can get skewed and profit can rule.

  12. With IRA's you can invest however you want.  If the current IRA doesn't allow that move it to another company.  I self direct my IRA and have at times changed my investments. I don't have problems with for profit healthcare so I do invest in a low cost healthcare index fund for some of my little IRA and have a couple of health related stocks.

  13. That is a typical response.  The jurisdiction wants someone to pay for upgrades before approving a new lot.  A new subdivision went in that adjoined our property.   These lots were selling for around $120,000.  We wanted to add 2 more lots from our property to the subdivision.  We were told the county had relaxed many of their requirements as they wanted growth in this area so we met with them.  The relaxed requirements they wanted were estimated to cost $500,000 to $750,000 to add these 2 lots.  Seems the roads and water lines to the area were not up to new codes and would require extensive upgrades and any addition no matter how small would need to remedy that.

  14. A 30amp inline fuse will not protect the controller.  The 40 amp rating is based on the output.  Part of what a MPPT controller does is change the panel voltage to the battery voltage and change that excess voltage to amps.  For instance the VOC on your panels is around 24.3v and 2 wired in series produces 48.6v.  The MPPT converts the amps at 12v by a factor of 4.  So 30amps at 48v becomes 120 amps at 12v.  The limiting factor here isn't the fuse.  It is the panels that are not capable of producing that much.  More importantly though is fuses should be sized to protect the wire.  This is basic engineering.  Each component should have internal protection and in this case the controller will not accept more power than the 40amp output.   In fact it is common and even suggested by many MPPT manufacturers to purposely over panel an a MPPT.  Since solar only rarely outputs full power only a small amount of the power will be clipped.  Allowing this clipping is a way to save money on controller's with very minimal loss.  Your panels will never put out more power than this 40 amp controller can use.  MPPT's typically produce heat while working.  If you are more comfortable with the 30amp fuses they won't hurt anything but they are not needed


  15. I know that sounds like a simple question but if I just answer it it may not make sense.  Let me try to explain.  Fuses are to protect the wire and are based on amps.  When solar panels are wired in series the voltage is multiplied by the number of panels but the amperage stays the same.  When panels are wired in parallel the amps multiply but the voltage stays the same. Your panels produce 5.2 amps and 24.3 volts.  So in series the voltage is high but the amps are still 5.2.  Wire size is based on amps and fuses control the amps.  In series the amps are low and the wire will easily carry the current.  So in series the wire will most easily handle the current.  So yes in series I would not recommend a fuse.  However, since fuses control only amps, fuses will not control voltage.  So adding a fuse will not protect the controller from high voltage which is why based on advertised spec's I can not recommend series wiring.  In any case a properly sized fuse of 30 amps should not cause any problems no matter how the 4 panels are wired.  If Renology endorses series wiring you can probably get away with it and a fuse will make no difference either way.

  16. Fuses are added to protect the wire.  In your situation the panels can not produce more power than the wire can handle.  A fuse won't hurt anything but is not needed.  Looking at the spec's the maximum controller voltage is listed as 100v.  All 4 of your panels in series would produce a VOC of 98.2v.  Solar panels are typically rated at 70F.  As the temperature falls the voltage produced increases.  Most controllers will fail when the voltage capacity of the controller is exceeded.  I would never suggest a VOC of 98.2 is an acceptable voltage for a controller rated for 100v.  From you comments it seems Renology endorses this but based on the advertised spec's I certainly can not. 

  17. That is a good question. The spec's that I found show a working amperage of 4.91.  With the way yours are wired that is 9.82 amps. Nearly 10amps and solar panels under certain conditions produce more than rated.   Typical design requires wire to be sized at 125% of load but solar panels produce more than spec's now and again do to reflection, including off of clouds.  10awg wire meets this and if a fuse is used it should be sized for the wire.  10awg is rated to carry 30 to 40 amps depending on conditions.  You could also safely use a larger fuse with this wire but it is also safe in this instance to not provide over current protection. 

  18. Yes.  That is what I would do but you should check the spec's on the panels.  Based on these numbers 10amp fuse is to small.  It is good to see your array actually providing full power.  It must be setup correctly.  I don't consider myself an expert but I do have experience in solar. If you are not comfortable with my suggestion please get another opinion.

  19. The spec's I found on the 400 watt Renology kit are

    VOC 24.3

    ISC 5.21

    Controller maximum voltage.  100

    The VOC and ISC are listed on the back of the panel and you should check those spec's to be sure.

    Based on those spec's if the panels are wired 2 in series and 2 of that combination, then 10awg meets the NEC requirement for unprotected (no fuse) service.  These panels should NOT be wired 4 panels in series as that could exceed the maximum voltage during cold temperatures. 

    If the spec's on the back of the panels match and the panels are wired this way, I would remove the fuse.  However, a means to disconnect the panels for service is required or should be considered.  I often use a DC breaker for this but size the breaker at least as high as the wire can carry.  In this case I would use 30 amps or more.

  20. Wiring the solar panels in series will increase the voltage and decrease the amps.  The voltage that the controller can handle is critical.  If the open circuit voltage is higher than the controller is designed for that is often catastrophic but if the voltage is within limits, series is often preferred. The fuse that is causing the problem is not needed IF the wire is sized to handle the current.  The NEC suggests fusing unless the wire is sized to carry approximately 156% of the maximum panel current.  

  21. Star washers can help in some instances but high amperage connections often need full contact to carry the load.  In these circumstances direct contact with the matting surface is important.  Depending on the surface I often like to make sure everything is flat, no ridges and maybe lightly sand or buff the contact areas.

  22. As others have suggested a local company can help with sizing.  Sizing will include anything you will want to run.  Many like to select just the most important appliances only as this will allow a smaller generator and save on cost.  As for justifying the cost it would seem that is up to you and your circumstances.  How often do you experience outages and how comfortable do you want to be during these outages.

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