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Pappy Yokum

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Posts posted by Pappy Yokum

  1. On 2/19/2023 at 5:28 AM, Deezl Smoke said:

     HDT owner here. Just signed on with Coach-net last month. I bought the whole shebang, which includes the tire hazard policy.

     In Oregon, $229 for roadside, and $510 for hazard protect if you buy both at the same time. $249 for roadside alone. Annual. In Oregon.

     I've been an Escapee forum member for several years, and just re-newed my club membership after a few years absence. So I have read several forum threads over the years talking about the various roadside programs. I've also talked to my insurance companies about towing coverage, but fewer and fewer are offering towing anymore. AAA is usually the company my insurance agents recommend from their personal experiences, but they are for cars, not HD trucks.

     I tried AAA, no go. They will not cover my truck, even though it is titled and registered as an RV and has no commercial aspects nor capacities.

     I tried Goodsham. No go. They refused coverage as well.

     I looked into a couple others based on online mentions elsewhere, but found no mention of HD truck assistance on their sites, so did not bother.

     Finally made the call to Coach-net last november, and Jennifer (the rep I ended up with) was very helpful and pleasant to talk with. It took some time and I did have to send pictures of the truck, but Jennifer's did ok the sale and I did not have to send a copy of the title. I told her I would review the fine print of the email she was sending, and would get back to her in January as I have that little quirk, I like my billing cycles to be at or near the first of the year.

     When I called to buy, Jennifer was still working there and I bought the policy. I truly hope the need never arises to find out how good or bad they handle things.

     So this is an open forum, and I am going to just state MY OPINION here. I am an upbeat, mostly positive sort as I do not watch the news, podcasts, movies, facebook etc., or any of the other media. But it is my OPINION that society today, especially here in America has accepted abuse of services as a normal practice today. This, coupled with the disconnect that most all administrations have today with their customer base, and accepted viewpoint that every action must turn a dollar now, is why we will see the general situation described in the opening description more often.



    Check with US Rider.  It's intended for equestrians - folks who have hay-burners.  However, there is *NO* requirement to own or to have a horse with you for service.  The only caveat is the service is not available to commercial horse transporters.  They will tow (render service) to/for whatever vehicle you are driving - with or without a horse. 

    They are the only ERS that will transport live animals.  When I had a question about the above I received both an e-mail and snail-mail from the director....as well as an option to call her directly (which I did).

    BTW - At least one SKP with an HDT (and on that forum) has US Rider as his ERS.




  2. On 2/16/2023 at 1:38 PM, DanZemke said:


    Still, the guy (I think his name was Larry) almost single handedly, jump-started enabling used HDTs as RV haulers.  Thanks Larry.

    Larry Ziegler (sp=?) - commonly referred to as "Larry Z".

    NO Thanks, Larry!

    "Thanks" evaporated after one (or more) of Larry's conversions were a bit "fly by night" - and discovered after the fact by the owner/s. (front brakes in-op!).  Some of the folks (Jack Mayer) on the HDT form can elaborate if desired - as it was all posted (which may have been lost when the forum was re-designed)...😕

    BTW:  Larry even had a "How To"  conversion guide available for sale.


  3. 14 hours ago, bruce t said:


    So I personally don't believe any of the 1mph speeding ticket stories. No LEO will take being knocked of in court on those sorts of variables.



    The recipient of the citation will never know if the LEO will go to court or not - until the recipient enters a plea.  Most will simply pay the fine. The LEO won't be "knocked of" (??) if he/she doesn't show up.

    "John" (won't use his full name) the LEO I referred to in my post was a "by the book" officer in a city of 100K residents. If the speed limit was 45 mph, it was 45 mph - not 46!  All the safety personnel knew who he was and how he enforced the law.  It was also probably why the PD never moved him to some other assignment.

    Most people who are/were cited did not want to take the time off from work to go to court - which would require two sessions (to enter a plea, then to go to trial).  Judges often "side" with the LEO - even if they think it's "heavy-handed" (driver's attitude?) However,  *some* judges will/would accept an "explanation" (ex:  the speedo thing), without entering a plea or the need to go to trial - and dismiss the citation.  Some may insist on a plea - they want the full story. (It is/was a coin toss then and now!)

    Note: Currently - To eliminate the above, a person pleading not guilty to a traffic citation will be charged for the court and/or jury costs of he/she loses his/her case.

    Another example of "John's" style of enforcement - direct from one of his fellow LEO's, I'll call "Bob". Bob was exiting the 405 fwy in Orange County CA on his way to work.  He was driving his personal car.  The freeway exit is actually in the adjoining city.  Bob saw the Motor Officer observing the off-ramp exit - sitting in the adjoining city's jurisdiction....presumably to see if motorists made a full stop at the stop sign.  Bob was surprised when the Motor Officer (John)  "lit him up"!!  Once at the passenger side of the Bob's car, John realized it was another officer from his  jurisdiction (rather than a "civilian").  Bob told John -in no uncertain terms- what he thought of him - AND - that he had made a complete stop - no matter who was providing enforcement!

    The above was related to me by Bob when he was completing some reports in the station where I worked.  I had asked him what he thought of John.  Needless to say is was *NOT* flattering - and I can only wonder what "blue" words were exchanged at the off-ramp location........as Bob added, "that S*B knew d**n well who I was, but had his hand on his holster". 

    BTW - When you were a "youngster" (under legal drinking age with new tyres on your "hot-rod" LOL) and were stopped for some infraction but had ...oops beer in the car - did the LEO order you to open the contents of the six-pack and pour it in the gutter - or did he "confiscate" it under the guise of "evidence"....and let you go "this one time"?

    My opinion:  Some folks sure lived sheltered lives!


  4. It (usually) all depends on:  The officer, the "offender's attitude", but most importantly how "grievous" the infraction.

    I have LEO friends and relatives employed (or retired from):  Los Angeles County Sheriff, Los Angeles City (LAPD), Orange County Sheriff (CA), and various cities in L.A. and O.C. (which have their own PDs). I don't personally know any CHP officers - but when the So.CA freeways are *not* congested (like rush hours) - speeds may be in the range of 75 to 80 mph (in a posted 65). *If* the CHP had enough units they could write "greetings" all day long.  However, if you're not the "point man" they usually have more important things to do.  If you're obeying the posted limit - better mover over!!

    Late 1990's -  in the San  Bernardino Mountains, on a two-lane twisting highway, the local CHP officer would cite if you "drifted" even one wheel over the double yellow!  He told a guy I know who was cited - he even purchased his own radar gun (as the CHP didn't issue them).

    My OC County Sheriff neighbor said during the pandemic, the CHP had stopped issuing "routine" citations - never knew if that was fact or rumor.

    In the jurisdiction where I was employed, there was an officer who was known (even by his fellow LEOs) who would write his own mother for that 5mph over.  (He actually wrote his supervisor's wife for a minor infraction!) Another would sit about 150 ft past an intersection in his cruiser (plainly visible from the road) - radar-ing the cars that passed.  At one time we asked him how much leeway he gave the speeders.  Ans:  "I only write them for 15mph over the limit as they never go to court.....and I can still write as many as I have time for!"

    Another motor officer who regularly came into our FS to use the computer, arrived one day about 15 minutes after his shift started.  One of the guys "pulled his chain", saying:  "aren't you supposed to be out writing citations?"  Ans:  I've been on duty for 15 minutes and I've already written ten!"  How'd you do that?  "I left the station, went to Main St & Pacific Coast Highway, pulled up next to a car with 5 guys in it.  No seat belts on.  Pulled them over for a warning.  The driver was a smart azz, so all five were cited.  While I was putting my ticket book away, I noticed they drove down PCH, about two blocks, pulled over on the inland side of the busy highway, and proceeded to J-walk across - for five more!"

    Could go on and on.... as lots of LEOs -especially motor officers - spend a lot of time in Fire Stations to "use the facilities" and/or a desk for paper work.

    **Dec. 29, 2022.  Rest in Peace, Riverside County CA Sheriff's Deputy, Motor Officer Isaiah Cordero.  (Killed in the line of duty during a traffic stop by a 3-strike offender who should have been in jail.)



  5. On 12/22/2022 at 12:02 PM, JimK said:

    I use a Mr Heater in my garage.  If it has been on for a while and I enter the garage, I can smell propane.  I also make sure my CO detector is working well.  Catalytic or not I would not put any burner in my RV.  I want outside exhaust of the combustion products, no smell, and definitely no possibility of a malfunction and CO emissions.

    Another issue is clearance in front of the heater.  You need quite a bit of space with no combustibles anywhere near the heater.  Another downside is Mr Heater does not circulate the heat.  

    There is another possibility.  There are diesel heaters designed for use in semi truck cabs.  They vent to the outside plus it is easier and cheaper to deal with diesel fuel rather than propane.  These units make lots of sense if you already have a RV that uses diesel.

    User Beware!!  Mr Heater  ("Portable Buddy"): 

    I rarely used my new 4K to 9K btu Mr Heater (single propane canister, but can hook up to 20# supply).  Early on I ran it a few times on the 1# propane bottles.  Worked fine.  I had ordered the recommended propane filter and the hose recommended (and supplied) by the mfgr for 20# tank. (Supposedly supply hoses from sources other than Mr. Heater are inferior.  OK - no big deal, what's one more!?)

    Fast forward to first use with a 20# tank.  Brand new, never been used filter - attached to inlet on Mr. Buddy.  My bad - didn't check it (the filter) with soap & water for leakage.  I should add, I *always* do that with the bottles on my RV.

    Long story short - the filter leaked *at the seam* around the middle.  Yikes!!  Looked like an F-15 on afterburner!!  Fortunately - after big eyes  - I quickly shut off the supply - and the Mr Heater only suffered some melted plastic.  Yes, I checked the filter later (without "ignition")  The seam was indeed the source of the leak.

    My error (for not testing for leakage) but adios Mr. Heater!

    Beside HDTs, some folks use the "Webasto" (and Chinese brands) of diesel heaters - with the unit *outside* a tent or garage.  Hot air duct to inside, combustion & exhaust takes place outside.  Many videos on You Tube.




  6. On 11/9/2022 at 7:29 PM, sandsys said:

    That's true but if you get into northern Arizona you get snow so you pretty much have to go that far south if you want to avoid it. If I was picking among the three places I mentioned. I would probably pick Havasu because at least there you can go play in the water when it gets hot.

    Havasu is the Easter Break (and many other times of the year) "party spot" like parts of Florida for the college crowd/s.  "Playing in the water" is like a day at the ZOO.  The folks I know who live in Havasu - usually go elsewhere mid-summer due to the heat, and NEVER play in the water during party times!

    Other than that - nice place.

  7. Special thanks to the park staff & residents!

    Get well wishes to your wife for a "special -and rapid- mend" - for a special person!

    Lastly - please post the brand of the 22" wide wheel chair - for RV use by others who may need one.

    Also - folks needing a wheelchair at their *sticks and bricks* home - be advised the "normal" width of a "standard" wheelchair is 27 inches wide.  Many tract homes will have  28" wide doors for the bathrooms.  Sounds like it should fit, right?  (Darn "bean counter" designers!).

    Unfortunately - *NOT*.  The width of the opening will be about 26 inches (or less) due to the framing AND the edge of the door when it's open.  Consequently (through actual experience) a 24" wide wheel chair is the minimum width which will fit.

    Soooo - Buyer beware! - measure doorway openings *before* placing an order. Don't forget to include the edge of the door in that measurement! Common "inexpensive" brands, (eg: Drive) do have 24" chairs available without going to "extra cost" versions.



  8. On 9/12/2022 at 5:53 AM, Star Dreamer said:

    I thought that I had read something awhile back that the RV groups had pushed back on the testing and that they had changed the requirements that they were not going to test out of state RVs. Oh well, guess we won't plan to go there anytime soon! We are going to be right next to the border in AZ, I should run the truck, titled as an RV, across to see what they do.

    "run the truck, titled as an RV, across to see what they do".

    Depends on who is handling "whatever" border chores!  Maybe just Ag - maybe not.

    It's like the truck scales in CA for pickups.  CA residents "may" be required to stop (depending on GVW rating,  or if the truck has a utility body or stake bed in place of a standard pickup bed - in spite of the sign/s "no pickups"!  It all depends on how busy "they" (CHP) are - as well as the person/s working at the time.

    However,  out of state license plates, no need to stop.


  9. A doctor just concluded a physical on an Italian gentleman, and commented,  "Mr Giluiano you're in remarkable health for a man of 72!  How old was your father when he passed away?"

    Mr G:  Who said my father was dead?  He's 87 years old, healthy as a horse.  We both start off our day with a glass of vino, play a round of golf - then stroll down to the topless beach to look at the girls!"

    Doc:  "Sorry for that mistake.  Well, so how old was your grandfather when he died?"

    Mr. G:  Who said my nonno is dead?? -  He's 102 years old, and still in wonderful health!"

    Smiling Doc:  "And I suppose he played a round of golf with you this morning?"

    Mr. G:  "He usually plays golf with us every morning.....but he couldn't today."

    Doc:  "Ahhh.......Why not?"

    Mr. G:  "He was getting married!"

    Exasperated Doc: "WHY would a 102 year old man want to get married !!??"

    Mr. G:  Who said he wanted to??"



  10. Maybe one of the CA 'resident' LEOs would/could consider visiting the question in General RV topics, titled "CALIFORNIA" - for comment and/or opinions.

    Apparently the new regs & testing apply to diesel HDTs & diesel Motor Homes whether registered in CA or not - (as in "traveling through" CA).


  11. 20 hours ago, chiefneon said:


    I assume by green people you mean environmentally correct/incorrect  mindset people. No vandalism but I have been verbally insulted on a number of occasions by them. Most of that occurred on the west coast especially in California.

    ” Happy Trails “


    I have to admit an error in my previous post.... I have been RVing since 1971 (I previously said 1975)

    First "self-contained" RV was an 18ft  Winnebago in 1971.

    Also, as I have resided on the "west coast of California" since 1941, I'll have to contradict the above statement by chiefneon!!  I have spent the majority of my camping *IN *CA, as well as Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and  Washington states, with extensive trips across the USA beginning in 1959  - (first DL at 15 1/2 in '58) 

    Sooo - as far as CA goes - Sorry to hear your trails (in CA) were *not* happy, Chief!  (I was never a "Chief", only a Capt - could that have something to do with "getting along"?)

    Never been verbally insulted by anyone in CA -or- any other states for that matter, even when I owned RVs registered in SD!  Could it be "attitude" - - Wow! do you have the proverbial "CA basher" chip on your shoulder??  (As you stated.....  "most" !!)

    Lastly must wonder who the poster knew that owned the island off the CA coast??  Wow!  "Well connected!" Other than the govt, that would limit that statement to the Wrigley family and *Catalina* Island!  Double your pleasure, double your fun....etc.   (BTW, a cousin owned a motel on Avalon, Santa Catalina Island for 20+ years - and other friends were born and raised there.....but none were chewing gum heirs, ROTFL) 😉



    Answer is a very easy .......NOPE  !

    Been RVing since 1975.  Owned one Slide-In, two TTs, two MHs, one 5th wheel over the years.  Tent camping before that.

    Stayed in all of the various campgrounds indicated by Vlad, as well as privately owned and operated RV parks.

    Never been vandalized by anyone (or experienced any theft) by "green people"....guess green people means "tree-huggers", nor by white, black, brown, or yellow people.

    Vlad:  Did you spend any of your 50 years at the the ranch in Utah which is reportedly visited by alien craft?  (Maybe slacker, the thread starter has !!)


  13. Check with US Rider.  No requirement to "have" a horse trailer (or a horse).  They will tow whatever you have - tow vehicle & trailer (whether it's a horse trailer,  a "normal" 5th wheel, or other vehicle).

    US Rider is the only ERS who will tow a trailer with live animals.

    Only caveat - they do *not* cover  "for profit" equestrian folks (ex:  Rodeo competitors, horse transporters).  The covered person must be present.  No problem with tandems.

    When you call - you can chat by phone (and have your questions answered) by the director (which I did).  She also responded by US mail. (Hint: Be sure to do that with CN or GS !!)

    Lastly - there is at least one HDT owner (in NV?) on the forums who has US Rider - with (at least) one hay-burner.

    As a "backup", The AMA - American Motorcyclist Association charges $50. per year - for a tow anything policy - no M/C ownership req'd.   You must have the fee auto-deducted.  Bonus(?):  You will also receive the monthly AMA mag.  Caveat:  Only will tow 35 miles.  When I chatted with the AMA, the nice lady wasn't sure about tandems - but was happy to give me the phone number for the "parent" company to ask.  (I never followed up on that).

    No matter who you choose - be "insistent" for answers to your Qs - and be sure to get it in writing (or the section of the policy which specifies same).


  14. 2 hours ago, ms60ocb said:

    We are considering down sizing a fit, moving from a 41 foot Fifth-wheel to a Class A. Presently we do extended stays at two location and cars available at each location but 6 other location the truck is the daily driver . As the extended family relocates,we're looking at more locations. As we grow older maybe be Handicap parking may be of benefit thus the car rather than the truck.

    Present vehicles can not be towed with 4 down but are FWD so could be Dolly towed. I don't like to trailer haul as using trailer causes a parking problem many place once the car is unloaded. But a box trailer does allow addition covered storage.

    A Dolly is often store-able by parking over the tongue, thus using less space than we presently use with truck and FW.

    Four down would require a difference vehicle and many vehicles are hard to crawl in and out of. But I can't say I wouldn't trade.

    Clay   Summer NW IL and Winter in Central TX


    IIRC - some of your "Toad" (4-down) situation questions were answered in another thread (yours?). Unfortunately, some replies indicated the last year/s for two wheel drive vehicles (towed 4 down) was 2011(?) vehicles or older.

    I should have posted:  Front wheel drive Chevy Equinox and GMC Terrain SUVs are OK (for sure) through the 2016 model years.   (I have a 6 cyl 2016 front-wheel-drive Terrain*).  I "think" the change over to a different trans began in 2018.  Check the 2017 owner's manual/s* !!  And,  keep your eyes open! Some of those SUVs are 'virgins' - like my 2016 with 40K miles!

    Advice per the (then) REMCO site:  *"Please see owner's Manual for conformation and procedures".

    Dolly towing consideration:  two-wheel dolly(s) are a real PITA (impossible) for backing while hitched with the "toad" on board.  Not so - for a "utility" trlr with two axles.

    Handicapped pickup truck registration:  Not sure of your state's regs, but in CA *ALL*  pickups require commercial plates, which means a "normal" registration fee *PLUS* an added fee based on the load capacity of the pickup!

    However, a handicapped pickup commercial fee is waived with proof of the owner's handicap - and the commercial designation is retained.  Note:  A standard/normal commercial (load rating) fee portion remains the *same* for the life of the truck, as opposed to the "normal" registration fee which *decreases* with the age of the pickup. Only one pickup can be registered with the handicapped waiver.  My 2005  p/up rates a savings of $225 per year (and has, every yr since new).   CA regs can be a PITA - but there are legit "work-arounds" for some, as above!  (*Legal* sales tax avoidance on RVs is another - w/o LLCs, etc.)

    Hope all your plans work out.




  15. On 8/10/2022 at 3:56 AM, packnrat said:

    as a commercial truck driver my life is on the line every time i get on the road. ANY person who uses any drug, legal or not.

    should go to jail if they are behind the wheel of any motor vehicle.

    you do not need to be on a cell phone to kill another person in there car. remember you are driving at 65 mph (more?) in a 2000+ pound kinetic missile.

    if i said a couple beers would make me a better driver would that make it ok for me to drink and drive? heck even a number of over the counter  pills/etc do impair one ability to drive safety. so a class one controlled substance will do far worse. and they say the pot these days is far stronger than 20-40 years back.


    and yes there is a real medical reason for using this drug. but no real Dr will proscribe it for you.

    i do know a lady who ripped up her leg and is fully disabled. she smokes to control the pain. sad she was only about 30 and was a registered nurse at the time. kinda hard to do that job when you need a cane just to walk around your home.

    Several years ago, we had a group ATV event at the  Glamis (CA) sand dunes.  A few of us "caravaned" on the way there from Orange County, CA.  We stayed in contact by CB radio - which worked OK - if we weren't too far apart.

    On the return trip, folks departed at separate times.  Sooo - I thought I would give the CB a try on the CB channel we had used on the trip *to* Glamis (think we had used ch 22).  No replies....but, just happened to be passing the truck scales - several tractor/trailers in line.

    As we passed opposite the scales on the freeway, a  TRUCKER (on "our" channel) was asking his buddy if he knew where he "could score some  dope in L.A." !!

    I picked up the mic, and said I was in the Pete a few trucks behind him, and I was going to come up and kick his Azz for making "us truckers look bad"!!  The guy riding with me about had a heart attack !!......and you should have heard the guy looking for "the score" do a LOT  of serious "back peddling".......he was "just joking", etc. etc.  You would have thought he had a (pick your favorite 18 speed  HDT tranny brand) -  - with 12 of those in reverse!! LOL

    I had several friends who were long-haul truckers, who said besides (no-doz)  "mini-bennies" as eye-openers - -  "users" were not all that uncommon when they had mandatory "down time".


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