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Posts posted by Carlos

  1. Motorcycle cable locks are a good option for this.  That's what I'm using, because I have one that I never use on the motorcycle.  Someone gave it to me, and I'm simply not at all in fear of my motorcycle being stolen.  So it became a lock for "stuff."  The advantage of this one (and many motorcycle locks) is a built-in motion alarm.  So in any camping area, it would draw attention to a thief.


  2. Running a pair has distinct advantages.  I decided that the disadvantages were too many for my needs and expectations, but it's worth looking at.

    Can carry just a single during winter (no AC).
    Have a backup if one fails.
    Weighs less in combination than one larger one.

    Double the maintenance and chance of failure.
    Slightly louder (measured it myself).
    No electric/remote start.
    A little more setup and parts (not a huge thing).
    More expensive.

  3. For that size you will need a minimum of 3,000 watts starting power, and more if you have multiple things running.  Note that your converter/charger is one of the loads you have to count on, and it's normally on all the time.  For a full timer you will want to be able to run the AC along with other things.  The microwave is another big power user (1500-ish watts input for a 1000 watt rated oven).

    I just got a new generator today, and really like it.  I bought one larger than the minimum so we wouldn't have to worry about it.  And I wanted dual fuel because propane is just so much cleaner and less smelly.  I just posted about it here:  




  4. 100% of beds are horrible in my experience, and most other furniture varies from not good to horrible.  We knew we'd be replacing the mattress on our new TT, so we didn't even unwrap the stock one.  Sold it in the plastic for $50, and it was an easy sale so maybe I could have asked more.  I don't haggle though, just list things at a good, firm price.

    This was a fantastic upgrade:  https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BW7H5ZW/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    We are also considering some memory foam upgrades for the dining/second bed area.  It has zip cushions so it wouldn't be hard to do.

    4 minutes ago, rm.w/aview said:

    it could be similar to comparing Tim Horton's Coffee to ground compost.

    The Canadian brigade should be along to politely explain how you are wrong.  (I don't know, don't think I've had it.)

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