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Posts posted by Carlos

  1. I treat women and men equally.  I've NEVER had a woman tell me to f-off when I offered to help, only men.

    Just recalled that last night I was talking with a neighbor and great friend about this very topic.  He made a life-long camp friend by offering to help fix his VERY screwed weight distribution setup.  He may have saved a life, and now always has great Mexican camp food when they go to the same campground a couple times a year.


  2. When I get devices from customers, I wipe them and donate them either to a domestic violence shelter, or a facility that helps the homeless get jobs.  Both groups of people need a cheap way to get phone calls.  Both of those organizations give people something like 300 minutes a month so they can get job interviews, talk to police about their situation, and stay in touch with family.


  3. We spent about 12 years with a boat in a marina, basically a floating RV in an RV park.  We got to see a lot of stupid.  I was always the first one to volunteer to help, or that the marina would call if needed.  But some people would either mildly or aggressively refuse help.  I can recall a few who said something like "mind your own f-ing business" a few seconds before the sound of crunching fiberglass and breaking dock wood.  Yup, I won't get in your way, but I will take video and put it on Youtube.

    Even if I disagree with someone, I'll take their opinion and mesh it with my own.

  4. Dress pants?  Who wears dress pants while RVing?  And why?

    But yeah, shorts and jeans simply don't need washing all the time.  My brother carries a "bunny suit" mechanic's onesie in his rig, I should do that.  If you have to work on something, put that on, and none of your real clothes get dirty.  The mechanic suit lives in the basement.


  5. Washing and showering depend on your own body chemistry, the weather and location, clothing, etc.  Wife and I don't get smelly easily, so skipping 1-2 days of showers doesn't feel like prison (which is odd, because I think they shower daily).  Particularly in cool weather.  Jeans should never be washed daily or even weekly anyway, so there's one item that you can bring only a couple of.  T-shirts are mostly a one day thing.  Neither of play dress-up on trips so it's not like we're bringing dress shirts and dresses or anything like that.  Underwear needs daily rotation, but it's small.  It's also easily washed in a sink and hung over a door to dry, same with t-shirts.

    Again, planning with variables based on your own expectations.

  6. Yeah, keep an open mind.  You have no idea what you'll like until you do it.  We were also cabin boaters for over a decade (floating RV).  We thought we'd hate marina life (campground), but then loved it.  We ended up paying nearly $500/mo to keep a boat there for a long time.  I have to say though that most marinas and most boaters are better FOR US than most campgrounds and most RVers.  But you never know.

    Worst mistakes I've made in my life are pre-judging how I will feel about something or how it will work out.


  7. 1 minute ago, Bigthinkers said:

    I'd ask the question, "how do neighbors feel about others running their generator when they're out in the wilderness seeking solitude") but I suspect that could get heated!

    I already answered it for the most part.

    13 minutes ago, Carlos said:

    If we're away from people, we don't worry about disturbing anyone. 

    The secondary answer is that if WE don't want to hear a generator, we make sure to park away from other people.  Everyone has a right to run a reasonably quiet generator.  It's a different story if you're running one of those junk contractor generators. 

  8. 36 minutes ago, Bigthinkers said:

    I guess I must be reading all the wrong blogs and forum topics then, because I got the very distinct impression one of the joys of boondocking is the quiet. It's the ability to hear the nature around you. It's not having to listen to other people's generators.

    Everyone has different standards and needs.  I think that's the point a lot of us are making.  If we're away from people, we don't worry about disturbing anyone.  And while I hate generator noise, we never just sit around camp all day, so we run it while we're away.

    If it comes down to it, an hour of generator isn't going to destroy my enjoyment.


  9. Yes, it's important to remember that this is still satellite, and still not as "portable" or as easy to use as cellular.  The current satellite systems such as BGAN use an antenna like this, which likely will still be used with the new stuff, at least at first:




    The big differences in the new system are the orbit level, and the throughput.  Current systems orbit higher, which means farther, which means high latency.  Latency makes some applications annoying and others unusable.  Web usage with high latency means an annoyingly slow response to clicks.  For things like voice and two-way video, it means a long delay between the person speaking and the person hearing.  I have had two satellite phones, and had to train everyone I talked to that they need to wait half a second between speaking and hearing a response.

    The throughput on this is huge, while old systems were super slow.  That means the old systems had to charge a lot.  These will have lots of capacity so it will be cheap.



  10. 19 minutes ago, FL-JOE said:

    My idea of costly filters in an RO system for an RV was way off then.  I was basing it on what I had to pay for my 3 filters on my sticknbrick system, which if I recall correctly was about $30 to $35 each and they had to be changed every 4 to 6 months. RV systems sound cheaper to maintain.  

    The home system I linked to above is about $40 per year, I actually over-estimated it.  The system I had prior (Watts Premier) is $55 per year.  That includes a full pack of filters, some replaced more often than others, but add up to one year.  I've never heard of an RV-specific system.


    We're not full time, so bottles are fine.  We never drink the onboard water.


  11. On the RO, I really recommend that you look at units which replenish the minerals and alkalinity, like the one I linked above.  There have been some studies that correlate pure RO water with mineral and bone loss.  We get some of those things just from water, and normal RO is 99.999% pure, which actually seems to be bad when we talk about minerals.

    I have a change dump that about once a year nets $150 and I just make myself spend it on something completely stupid.  Otherwise I look at cash as fungible, but like the "stupid fund."


  12. You use whatever "tricks" work for you for this.  Don't let people get you down on what YOU think YOU need.  This forum as a whoe is so judgy about doing unconventional things.

    On the water, I forgot to post this.  Someone else had talked about it on another thread, and I got one for home.  Great RO unit:



  13. This will be totally different from cellular networks, and they don't replace each other.  What I wonder is how the cell networks will collaborate with these new networks to provide transitional services between them.  A collaboration between Amazon/SpaceX and Verizon/AT&T could provide a great seamless experience for users no matter where they go.  The equipment will be very different however.  

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